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ITFN 3601 Operating Systems Computer Hardware Review OS Concepts Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "ITFN 3601 Operating Systems Computer Hardware Review OS Concepts Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITFN 3601 Operating Systems Computer Hardware Review OS Concepts Overview

2 Agenda OS Introduction Flavors of OS Hardware Review OS Concepts Overview System Calls Various OS Approaches

3 So What is an OS? And Ya’ Can’t Say “Operating System”

4 OS Placement Applications (Word, IE, Games, etc.)‏ Low-level apps (compilers, interpreters, editors)‏ Operating System Machine Language (Binary)‏ Microarchitecture (processor-level)‏ Physical Devices (Hardware)‏ User Machine

5 OS Defined Abstract Interface Service provider for hardware Abstracts the details of the machine Provides an API (system calls) to user Resource Manager Multiple users, multiple resources Orderly, controlled allocation of resources Fairness, protection, space-time, etc.

6 History of Operating Systems Machine-centric  Human-centric Vacuum Tubes (1945-1955)‏ All programming done in machine language No OS, Usage done by the same people who built the machine

7 History of OS (cont)‏ Transistors & Batch (1955-1965)‏ University, government, & big-business Mainframes & operators in dedicated rooms Punch cards Deck readers Input/Output bins Batch processing onto tape

8 History of OS (cont)‏ Integrated Circuits (1965-1980)‏ Software-compatible product lines Birth of the modern notion of the OS Multi-purpose machine w/ software (OS) intermediary Multiprogramming (multiple programs/jobs sharing resources)‏ UNIX

9 History of OS (cont)‏ Personal Computing (1980-present)‏ LSI chips Cheap memory, disk space, processing, etc. DOS, Windows, Mac OS, X Distributed computing PDA/embedded-devices

10 Flavors of OS Mainframe Server Multiprocessor Personal Computer Real-Time Embedded Smart Card

11 Mainframe OS High-end I/O capacity 1000+ disks Gigabytes of data High-end web servers B2B (business to business) E-commerce High-speed VR/FMV Rendering Many small, simultaneous jobs

12 Server OS Large personal computers (kahuna, zidane, etc.)‏ Print, file servers for small businesses Web servers Can load balance these to increase performance UNIX, Linux, Win2000 Server OS

13 Multiprocessor OS Connect multiple computers together Share/distribute jobs among multiple machines/processors Specialized protocols for managing communication Win2000 Advanced Server

14 Personal Computer OS Focus on single user, multiple jobs What you’re running on your machine Windows XP/Vista, Win2003/2008 Pro, Linux

15 Real-Time OS Time dominates these machines’ specs Data collection from production lines, factory machinery Hard real-time: time critical in all instances Soft real-time: OK to drop occasionally

16 Embedded OS Personal Digital Assistants TVs, microwaves, mobile phones Very small OS, embedded on chip PalmOS, WinCE

17 Smart Card OS Credit card sized devices Specialized OS for specialized purposes E-payment cards (e-cash cards)‏ Some JVM coming into play

18 Hardware Review CPU Memory Display Controller Keyboard Controller Floppy Controller Hard Disk Controller Display Keyboard Floppy Hard Disk Bus

19 Hardware Review Processors Memory I/O Devices Bus

20 Processors Brain of the computer Fetch, decode, execute cycle Registers Program Counter (PC)‏ Stack Pointer (SP)‏ Pipelining improves performance, but complexities of “rolling back” appear Kernel vs. User Mode (enables establishing limitations of instruction set available)‏

21 Memory Trade off of speed vs. cost/size Registers (on processor)‏ Cache (processor)‏ Cache (mainboard)‏ Main Memory Disk Other Network Cache/Machines Tape Speed decreases Cost increases

22 Memory Allocation We need a protective and fair way of allocating and resizing memory blocks for processes/jobs Two sections of memory Code (typically static)‏ Data (volatile)‏ OS Program Code User 1 Data User 2 Data Limit Base Limit Base Limit Base

23 I/O Devices Typically consist of two parts: Controller Device Controller manages & presents the API of the device to the OS The software that “talks” to the controller is called a device driver

24 Invoking Device Actions Busy wait – execute a kernel-level system call and wait (ties up the processor  )‏ Ask the device to generate an interrupt (signal that it’s done or failed)‏ Doesn’t tie up the processor Adds complexity DMA – Direct Memory Access Bypasses the use of the processor Allows the device to write directly to memory once the “rules of the road” are established

25 Bus Communication “highway” for all data to travel upon Multiple buses exist in modern machines Cache (fastest)‏ Local (on mainboard –other busses connect to it)‏ Memory PCI (successor of ISA - high-speed I/O)‏ SCSI (high-speed scanners & disks)‏ USB (slow peripherals)‏ IDE (disks, etc.)‏ ISA (slowest – legacy)‏

26 OS Concepts Processes Deadlock Memory Management I/O Files Security

27 Processes Defined as a “program in execution” AKA a “job” Contain Instructions (code segment)‏ SP, PC, registers, file handles Data segment Processes can spawn subprocesses & threads The OS must ensure fairness & protection, timeslicing & managing multiple processes at a time

28 Deadlock Two or more processes “stalemated” because they can’t make progress Process A Has resource 1 Waiting on resource 2 Process B Has resource 2 Waiting on resource 1

29 Memory Management Providing protection of one process’ memory section from another process (security)‏ Providing a fair allocation of memory to multiple processes Swapping memory to disk as needed

30 Input/Output All OS must manage I/O devices Two categories: Device independent Device dependant (device drivers)‏

31 Files System calls Create, remove, read, write, etc. Directories & subdirectories Create, remove, rename, move, etc.

32 Security Allocate permissions Directories Files Example UNIX policies to consider: Read, Write, Execute User, Group, World

33 System Calls Services that the OS provides to the user Set of API that user-level programs may invoke Flavors of System Calls UNIX Win32

34 UNIX System Calls pid = fork()creates child process exit()terminates process fd = open(file, …)opens file s = mkdir(name, mode)creates directory s = chmod(name, mode)sets file/dir permissions s = kill(pid, signal)sends signal to process

35 Win32 System Calls CreateProcess(…)creates new process ExitProcess(…)terminates process CreateFile(…)opens file CreateDirectory(…)creates directory

36 Approaches to OS Monolithic Virtual Machines Client-Server (microkernel)‏

37 Monolithic OS Architecture OS written as a set of procedures Each procedure has well-defined interface (parameters)‏ Very little structure or information hiding

38 Virtual Machine OS Architecture Replicate the hardware within software Trap OS calls and translate/handle them Breaks down if you make direct I/O calls Slow Other approach: JVM (define an alternate instruction set and translate to various OS)‏

39 Client-Server OS Architecture Implement as much as possible in user-level modules The OS is as small as possible It only serves to translate and message pass OS-level calls to service processes

40 Summary Various levels of OS complexities/sizes exist (mainframe to smart cards)‏ Important to know your hardware Processors, memory, I/O, buses Important topics in OS forthcoming Processes, deadlock, mem mgmt, files, etc. System calls provide an API to user-level programs Varied OS architecture approaches Monolithic, VM, client-server

41 FIN

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