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RTD software for identification of spatially localised models and data standardisation R.Žitný, J.Thýn Czech Technical University in Prague.

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Presentation on theme: "RTD software for identification of spatially localised models and data standardisation R.Žitný, J.Thýn Czech Technical University in Prague."— Presentation transcript:

1 RTD software for identification of spatially localised models and data standardisation R.Žitný, J.Thýn Czech Technical University in Prague

2 . History of RTD software development at CTU Radiotracers group UVVVR since 1965. First generation of RTD (mainframe), 1973-1980 Second generation (HP Basic), 1978-1989 Third generation (IBM PC), 1989-1999 Fourth generation ?

3 First generation of RTD Portability (Fortran 4, file oriented I/O) Transparency (easy modifications) Simple (user friendly) definition of batch

4 Example of batch (identification) –INPUT(1) –INPUT(2) –NORM2(1,2) –ECOEF2(1,2,3) –TPOINT(3) –STOP –data (t i,c i ) for time curve 1 – inlet stream –data (t i,c i ) for time curve 2 – outlet stream.

5 Third generation of RTD  Interactive Fortran77, (Matrix Editor, PF)  Regularisation in time, Fouriere, Laguerre domain  Identification of mixed type parameters (integer/real)  Definition of models using MDF

6 Black - Gray box analysis

7 Model definition file (MDF) C______1 series & backmixing [P1] Backmixing ratio f=@1F8.2 [P2] Mean residence time Te=@2F8.2 [P3] Number of units @3F6.0 \\INIT real tm,f,aux integer i f=p(1) neq=p(3) tm=p(2)/neq c(1)=1/tm \\MODEL dc(1)=(x+f*c(2)-(1+f)*c(1))/tm i=1 while i<neq-1 do begin i=i+1 aux=(1+f)*c(i-1)+f*c(i+1)-(1+2*f)*c(i) dc(i)=aux/tm end dc(neq)=((1+f)*(c(neq-1)-c(neq)))/tm y=c(neq) \\PARAM

8 Models defined by users  variable flow/volume,  axial dispersion  collimation characteristics,  heat transfer  multiple inlets/outlets,  heterogeneous system  batch systems

9 RTD0 application Steam velocity. Venturimeter calibration;(NZ) Effective volume, holdup. Waste stabilization pond (Ph; Ml), Holding tanks (Alumina industry) (Au), Rotary kiln (Cz) Parallel flows, bypass,channeling. Tank with settler - pilot plant (K), Ethylalcohol reactor (Cz), Precipitation tanks (Au), Holding tanks (Au) Mixing characteristic, axial dispersion Recirculation flowrate ratio Separation effect,tracer balance. Cement industry -Cyclone (K)

10 RTD1 application Flow rate measurement. Steam velocity measur.(NZ), flowrate measurement (K), incinerator (NZ), temperature disturbances (extremely slow flowrate) (Cz) RTD functions: E(t), F(t), 8 (t). Fluidized catalytic cracking (Au, Fi), Settling tank; waste water treatment (Cz), Heat exchanger (In,K), Evaporator (In), Aniline reactor (In), Indirect rotary dryer (In), Mercury removal unit (Th), Electron beam gas chamber (K), Direct ohmic heating (Cz) Smoothing, disturbance attenuation. Waste water treatment (Cz) Transfer functions, Frequency characteristics, Waste water treatment (Cz), furnace for glass (Cz)

11 RTD2 application Pilot plants. Mixed Tank (K); Extractor (Tl), Hygienization irradiator for waste water (batch system) Waste water treatment. Tank of activated sludge (TAS), air tubes (Ge), aeration turbines (Cz) Gold system of activation (Cz), Sedimentation tanks (Cz), Equalization unit (Cz) Facultative oxidation Pond (Ph,Ml) Heat exchangers. Tubular heat exchanger (In),(K) Evaporation, dehydratation. Semi-Kestner (sugar industry) (In), Rotary dryer (In), Dehydratation rotational furnace (pigment production) (Cz) Reactors. Production of aldehydes (Cz), Production of aniline (In), FCC crackinkg (1)Au, (2) Fi), Alumina production (Au). Precipitators; digestors; agglomeration, holding tanks Electron beams gas chamber (K). Chamber with baffles, chamber without baffles Disintegration effect Hammer mill (Cz), drum furnace (Cz)

12 Process modelling, LPM and CFD Lumped Parameter (LPM) Computer fluid dynamics (CFD) Combined Models (CM) ? tracer EXPeriments

13 Why spatially localised models? Improved description and design of processes Improved diagnostics Residence time and temperature time T(t) Thermal or irradiation treatment

14 Spatially localised LPM Series Parallel Constant concentration in the view field Distance= ? Non-uniform concentration in the view field

15 LPM & collimation algorithm FCC -Fluidised Cracking Core - Anulus model (c core, c wall =?)

16 EXP & collimation algorithm Collimated Detector Direct Ohmic Heating

17 CFD & collimation algorithm Collimated Detector Direct Ohmic Heating FEM -COSMOS/M CV -FLUENT (600000 nodes, 600 MB results)

18 CFD/EXP collimation algorithm

19 Focused collimation algorithm

20 4th generation RTD software Project file Script Programs

21 Conceptual scheme CORE Project file Script Programs

22 FRONT END Windows Visual studio? Linux GTK library for W indows and U nix

23 UNIX or Windows ? B.G.makes stars from secretaries and idiots from experts

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