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Presentation on theme: " : Heuristics Presentation Dave Maruszewski & Shirley Carvalhedo."— Presentation transcript:

1 : Heuristics Presentation Dave Maruszewski & Shirley Carvalhedo

2 What is important?  Want people to register  Want people to use the Coaching Plan  Want people to understand how to use the site  Informing and Education (Secondary?)

3 Navigation Concerns  Video skipping  If you don’t watch these, you may lose the big picture  Don’t get to coaching plan and all of its functions (fast enough)  This is the site’s big strength  Bombarded by registration requests  Unnecessary and overly-repeated links  Layered tabs  Timing out quickly

4 Redesign  Simplify Menu Bar  Allow for both drop downs and left margin of links  Left Margins for physically impaired  Drop Downs for people who don’t want to be slowed down  Creation of tabs for drop downs  Renaming tabs for to emphasize what is most important for stakeholders  “Using This Site” will draw more people in than “About This Site”  Remove bottom links and use them in other parts of the site so that they relate to the matter on the page

5 Old Home Page

6 Home Layout  New Site  Old Site  Old Home Page  New Home Page

7 Home Layout 1)Moved tabs to the subject matter 2)Register or log in on Home page 3)Contextual Animation 11 22 33

8 Home Layout 4)Removed animations (within slide show) 5)Removed scrolling rollout bar 6)Removed bottom links 66 55 44

9 Home Layout 7)Removed site map and flags 8)Removed register and take site tour on slide show 9)“Using this Site” may be more informative and alluring 77 88 99

10 Old Standard Page Layout

11 Standard Page Layout 1)Uniform with Home page 2)Removed violet bar 3)Drop down lists that mirror left hand margin 11 33 22

12 Standard Page Layout 4)Contextual animation requests 5)Search like Google™ 44 55

13 Registration Layout




17 Not Covered - Next Step  PDF’s  Subtabs – How do we assimilate them?  Diary issues  Graphs – somewhat confusing

18 Bibliography  eBay. eBay | Electronics, Cars, Clothing, Collectibles and More Online Shopping. 6 June 2011.  Google. Google. 10 June 2011.  GSK. A Virtual Health Coaching Site. 25-31 May 2011.  Hansen, W. J. "User Engineering Principles for Interactive Systems." Proceedings of the Joint Computer Conference. New York: ACM Press, 1971. 523-532.  Hix, D. and Hartson, H.R. Developing User Interfaces: Ensuring usability through product and process. New York: Wiley, 1993.  Laurel, B. (Ed.). The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design. Menlo Park: Addison-Wesley, 1991.  Lund, A. M. "Expert Ratings of Usability Maxims." Ergonomics in Design May 1997: 15-20.  Nielsen, Jakob. Usability Inspection Methods. New York: Wiley and Sones, 1994.  Shneiderman, Ben and Plaisant, Catherine. Designing the User Interface. Boston: Addison Wesley, 2010.  Shneiderman, Ben. Designing the User Interface. Boston: Addison Wesley, 1997.  Smith, Sid and Mosier, Jane. Guidelines for Designing User Interface Software. ESD-TR-86-278. Springfield: National Technical Information Service, 1986.  Snyder, Carolyn. Paper Prototyping. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 2003.  U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. Your Source for Reliable Health Information. 1 June 2011.  WebMD. Better Information. Better Health. 1 June 2011. 

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