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Annual Report of the State of the Cedar Rapids Community School District Cedar Rapids Museum of Art November 4, 2005 – 8:00 a.m.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Report of the State of the Cedar Rapids Community School District Cedar Rapids Museum of Art November 4, 2005 – 8:00 a.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Report of the State of the Cedar Rapids Community School District Cedar Rapids Museum of Art November 4, 2005 – 8:00 a.m.

2 Quick Facts 121 square miles 2,700 employees 17,500 students 33 attendance sites $170 million budget 56 formal school/business partnerships Iowa’s second largest school district

3 Did you know?? IASBO and GFOA Certificates of Excellence in Financial Reporting (10 consecutive years) Only school district in Iowa initiating E-procurement processes Moving to geo-mapping of transportation One of two school districts in the nation involved in the “Switch” Health/Nutrition Study

4 The Other NCLB No calorie left behind


6 A quick look at other measures in the annual report








14 The biggest challenge and the heart of the problem… The opportunity/ excellence/ achievement gap

15 Grade 4 Reading - ITBS

16 Grade 11 Reading - ITBS

17 ITBS/ITED SINA Schools Watch List Schools Sanctions Opportunities for all students

18 The World is Flat- Thomas Friedman Numbers Gap Education Gap Ambition Gap

19 The “Boomerang” Generation (% of offspring returning home between the ages of 18-29) 1990 – 32% 2000 – 60% 2005 – 65%

20 “Change or Die”- Fast Company Outsourcing Off shoring Uploading Supply Chain

21 Squirm Factors… Computer programmer…$70,000 U.S.; $8,250 India; $3,000 China Irish Americans going ‘home’ China – 350,000 student online university Options outside of the public school

22 Squirm Factors… Among adults aged 25-34, the U.S. ranks 9 th among industrialized nations in the share of its population with at least a high school diploma; 7 th in its share with a college degree

23 Squirm Factors… Although high school graduates are enrolling in college in higher numbers than in the past (70% nationally, compared to 50% or lower in past generations), the percentage who actually earn degrees in about the same as it was in 1950

24 Squirm Factors… In Asia, 60% of the college degrees conferred are in mathematics, science, and engineering, compared to just 5% in the U.S. China alone produces 360,000 engineers annually, compared to 60,000 in the U.S.

25 How do we make meaningful progress in a large/complex system reacting to abundant and varied pressure to improve?

26 A helpful framework… Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence

27 The 7 Baldrige Categories Leadership Strategic Planning Student/Stakeholder Focus Information and Analysis Human Resource Focus Process Management Performance Results

28 2004-05Develop awareness for World-Class Operation of the District; Complete an Iowa Recognition for Performance Excellence Self-Assessment 2005-06(June 06) Apply for IRPE Tier 3 Bronze Award 2006-07Implementation of IRPE feedback recommendations; Increase deployment of continuous improvement principles and processes Timeline: 2007-08 Apply for IRPE Tier 3 Silver Award 2008-09Implementation of IRPE feedback recommendations; Increase deployment of continuous improvement principles and processes 2009-10Apply for IRPE Tier 3 Gold Award 2010-11Apply for Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

29 It’s About Alignment… Can we get everyone rowing in the same direction?


31 Dave’s Goals: 2005 - 06 Goal 1- Diverse Workforce Goal 2- Continuous Improvement Goal 3- Compensation Goal 4- Enrollment/Facility Study

32 Drilling down: Goal 1 Action Plan Description of ActivityResearch & RationaleResultsFundingTimelinePersons Impacted

33 Drilling Down: Dave’s Goal 2 – 05 - 06 During the 2005-06 school year, a plan to continue the deployment of continuous improvement efforts in the CRCSD will be formalized. One-year targets:

34 Dave’s Goal 2 – 05-06 Continuous Improvement Outcomes One-year targets: District & Cabinet School & DepartmentsClassroomStudent

35 Dave’s Goal 2 – 05-06 (265/49) Action Research Deployment Team Workshops Elementary: – 129 individuals representing 24 teams -Middle School: – 42 individuals representing 7 teams -High School: – 42 individuals representing 4 teams -Support Services: – 52 individuals representing 14 teams One-year targets:

36 Monitoring Progress… – Keeping track of ourselves (District balanced scorecard)


38 Monitoring Progress… – What are our stakeholders telling us?

39 Do you enjoy reading to learn?

40 Question #1 To provide the highest quality education to all CRCSD students, what challenges will the district have to address as it plans for the future?


42 Administrators Feedback I support the District’s continuous improvement efforts… – YES (99%) – NEED CLARIFICATION (1%) – NO (0%) The pace of our continuous improvement effort is… – Just Right (94%) – Too Fast (5%) – Too Slow (1%)

43 Staff Feedback District Focus: Strongly Agree DisagreeStrongly Disagree Regarding District direction… I believe the District is heading in the right direction. 41%57%2%0% Regarding District direction… I believe the District has identified the right vision, mission, goals, core values and guiding behavior which I support. 43%55%2%0% 98% 98%


45 “We can, whenever and wherever we choose, successfully teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us. We already know more than we need to know to do that. Whether or not we do it must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we haven’t so far.” “We can, whenever and wherever we choose, successfully teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us. We already know more than we need to know to do that. Whether or not we do it must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we haven’t so far.” -Ron Edmunds

46 The only thing more exciting than our past is our future! Visit us online


48 Annual Report of the State of the Cedar Rapids Community School District Cedar Rapids Museum of Art November 4, 2005 – 8:00 a.m.

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