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Theale’s Future making it happen together Village Questionnaire -Analysis.

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1 Theale’s Future making it happen together Village Questionnaire -Analysis

2 Delivered to 1,234 householdsDelivered to 1,234 households 618 returned (50.1%)618 returned (50.1%) High return rate for a questionnaire / surveyHigh return rate for a questionnaire / survey Represents the views of 1,228 peopleRepresents the views of 1,228 people Shows high level of interest by the villagersShows high level of interest by the villagers Thank you!Thank you!

3 Village Questionnaire Delivered late May / early JuneDelivered late May / early June Collected by the end of JulyCollected by the end of July Data input by the Greenham Common TrustData input by the Greenham Common Trust 96,145 data entries!96,145 data entries! Database received early SeptemberDatabase received early September Initial analysis completedInitial analysis completed Available tonight and at: thealevillage.comAvailable tonight and at:

4 Village Questionnaire Questionnaire has 4 sections HouseholdHousehold In and around ThealeIn and around Theale Our safe communityOur safe community Leisure and pleasureLeisure and pleasure

5 1. Household Q3: Where does your household live? Church Street to Wigmore Lane93 (15%)Church Street to Wigmore Lane93 (15%) Englefield Road39 (6%)Englefield Road39 (6%) Blossom Avenue78 (13%)Blossom Avenue78 (13%) Crown Lane to Blossom Lane78 (13%)Crown Lane to Blossom Lane78 (13%) Meadow Way estate 152 (25%)Meadow Way estate 152 (25%) Station Road10 (2%)Station Road10 (2%) High Street & James Butcher Drive63 (10%)High Street & James Butcher Drive63 (10%) Woodfield Way estate 105 (17%)Woodfield Way estate 105 (17%)

6 1. Household Q4: Is your dwelling within a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme? Yes110 (18%)Yes110 (18%) No218 (35%)No218 (35%) Don't know287 (46%)Don't know287 (46%) 81%

7 1. Household Q4: Is your dwelling within a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme? Yes110 (18%)Yes110 (18%) No218 (35%)No218 (35%) Don't know287 (46%)Don't know287 (46%) Q5: If you answered ‘No’ or ‘Don’t know’ to Q4, would you join a neighbourhood Watch if available? Yes307 (61%)Yes307 (61%) No 88 (17%)No 88 (17%) Don’t know105 (21%)Don’t know105 (21%) 81%

8 1. Household Q5: If you answered ‘No’ or ‘Don’t know’ to Q4, would you join a Neighbourhood Watch if available? Church Street to Wigmore Lane47 / 68 (69%)Church Street to Wigmore Lane47 / 68 (69%) Englefield Road16 / 20 (80%)Englefield Road16 / 20 (80%) Blossom Avenue37 / 74 (50%)Blossom Avenue37 / 74 (50%) Crown Lane to Blossom Lane41 / 72 (57%)Crown Lane to Blossom Lane41 / 72 (57%) Meadow Way estate 79 / 116 (68%)Meadow Way estate 79 / 116 (68%) Station Road 5 / 10 (50%)Station Road 5 / 10 (50%) High Street & James Butcher Drive28 / 55 (51%)High Street & James Butcher Drive28 / 55 (51%) Woodfield Way estate 54 / 90 (60%)Woodfield Way estate 54 / 90 (60%)

9 1. Household Q8: Do you have problems with surface water? Many problems 21 (3%)Many problems 21 (3%) Few problems143 (23%)Few problems143 (23%) Q9: Do you have problems with storm drainage? Many problems 19 (3%)Many problems 19 (3%) Some problems115 (19%)Some problems115 (19%) Q10: Do you have problems with the sewers? Many problems 31 (5%)Many problems 31 (5%) Some problems143 (23%)Some problems143 (23%)

10 1. Household Q10: Many or some problems with the sewers Church Street to Wigmore Lane32 / 93 (34%)Church Street to Wigmore Lane32 / 93 (34%) Englefield Road14 / 39 (36%)Englefield Road14 / 39 (36%) Blossom Avenue19 / 78 (24%)Blossom Avenue19 / 78 (24%) Crown Lane to Blossom Lane29 / 78 (37%)Crown Lane to Blossom Lane29 / 78 (37%) Meadow Way estate 64 / 152 (42%)Meadow Way estate 64 / 152 (42%) Station Road 2 / 10 (20%)Station Road 2 / 10 (20%) High Street & James Butcher Drive 7 / 63 (11%)High Street & James Butcher Drive 7 / 63 (11%) Woodfield Way estate 7 / 105 (7%)Woodfield Way estate 7 / 105 (7%)

11 1. Household Q12 & 13: Roadworthy vehicles OwnedUsed for work etc Cars 819 735Cars 819 735 Vans 71 67Vans 71 67 Motor bikes 35 17Motor bikes 35 17 Specially adapted veh 2 2Specially adapted veh 2 2 Lorries 2 2Lorries 2 2 Bicycles 329 63Bicycles 329 63

12 2. In & around Theale Q 16: What is most important to you about Theale? very important important unimportant very important important unimportant The community386 (33%)456 (39%)93 (8%)The community386 (33%)456 (39%)93 (8%) The environment474 (41%)363 (31%)62 (5%)The environment474 (41%)363 (31%)62 (5%) Theale’s location562 (48%)353 (30%)84 (7%)Theale’s location562 (48%)353 (30%)84 (7%) Facilities in the village601 (52%)338 (29%)47 (4%)Facilities in the village601 (52%)338 (29%)47 (4%) Other 27 (2%) 11 (1%)13 (1%)Other 27 (2%) 11 (1%)13 (1%) No opinion 19 (2%) 1 (0%)12 (1%)No opinion 19 (2%) 1 (0%)12 (1%)

13 2. In & around Theale Q 17: How do you view the quality of life in Theale compared to 10 years ago? Resident less than 10 years365 (31%)Resident less than 10 years365 (31%) Better 94 (8%)Better 94 (8%) Worse414 (35%)Worse414 (35%) The same183 (16%)The same183 (16%) No opinion115 (10%)No opinion115 (10%)

14 2. In & around Theale Q 18: Which of the following is your major means of transport to work or education? Not applicable 92 (8%)Not applicable 92 (8%) Car or van711 (61%)Car or van711 (61%) Bicycle 16 (1%)Bicycle 16 (1%) Motorcycle or scooter or moped 12 (1%)Motorcycle or scooter or moped 12 (1%) Public bus 47 (4%)Public bus 47 (4%) Private or school bus 4 (0%)Private or school bus 4 (0%) Taxi 2 (0%)Taxi 2 (0%) Train 74 (6%)Train 74 (6%) Walking197 (17%)Walking197 (17%) Lift with a friend/neighbour/etc 7 (1%)Lift with a friend/neighbour/etc 7 (1%) Other 5 (0%)Other 5 (0%) 10%

15 2. In & around Theale Q 20: What are your views on each of the following statements? Strongly Strongly Agree Agree Speeding traffic is a problemSpeeding traffic is a problem along The Green 382 (33%) 325 (28%) There should be a footpath alongThere should be a footpath along the A340 from Englefield Rd to Wickcroft Farm 420 (36%) 368 (32%) Access to the train station platformsAccess to the train station platforms should be made easier 409 (35%) 330 (29%)

16 2. In & around Theale Q 22: There should be safer pedestrian access to Arlington Business ParkQ 22: There should be safer pedestrian access to Arlington Business Park Yes912 (78%)Yes912 (78%) No 37 (3%)No 37 (3%) No opinion219 (19%)No opinion219 (19%)

17 2. In & around Theale Q 23: If Yes what method would be appropriate?Q 23: If Yes what method would be appropriate? Very Very appropriate Appropriate appropriate Appropriate Traffic light controlled pedestrianTraffic light controlled pedestrian crossing on the road 190 (20%) 107 (11%) Foot bridge 465 (49%) 191 (20%)Foot bridge 465 (49%) 191 (20%) Subway 147 (16%) 168 (18%)Subway 147 (16%) 168 (18%) Shuttle bus 74 (8%) 103 (11%)Shuttle bus 74 (8%) 103 (11%) Other 12 (1%) 15 (2%)Other 12 (1%) 15 (2%)

18 2. In & around Theale Q 24: Please indicate your view on each of the following statementsQ 24: Please indicate your view on each of the following statements YesNo There should be more cycleThere should be more cycle routes in Theale 613 (53%) 128 (11%) More information about bus routesMore information about bus routes and timetables needs to be displayed in the village 840 (72%) 61 (5%) There should be a tourist informationThere should be a tourist information map on the High Street 573 (49%) 186 (16%) The sides of the footbridge overThe sides of the footbridge over the M4 should be raised 539 (46%) 248 (21%)

19 3. Our safe community Q 25: What are your views on each of the following statements? AgreeDisagree AgreeDisagree Law enforcement in the village is good309 (26%)631 (54%)Law enforcement in the village is good309 (26%)631 (54%) Police response times to incidents in ThealePolice response times to incidents in Theale are satisfactory221 (19%)348 (38%) I am concerned about property safety906 (77%)112 (10%)I am concerned about property safety906 (77%)112 (10%) The police Dispersal Orders are effective299 (26%)492 (42%)The police Dispersal Orders are effective299 (26%)492 (42%) The police work well with the community460 (39%)288 (25%)The police work well with the community460 (39%)288 (25%) A manned police station is needed in Theale958 (82%) 85 (7%)A manned police station is needed in Theale958 (82%) 85 (7%) The Parish Council should prioritise fundingThe Parish Council should prioritise funding for a Neighbourhood Warden808 (69%)107 (9%)

20 3. Our safe community Q 26 : Please indicate your views on each of the following AgreeDisagree Speed restrictions in the villageSpeed restrictions in the village are adequate 681 (58%) 417 (36%) Pedestrian safety in the villagePedestrian safety in the village is acceptable 628 (54%) 467 (40%) Better lighting for paths & communal areasBetter lighting for paths & communal areas is required in parts of the village 806 (69%) 143 (12%) I would support a Good NeighbourI would support a Good Neighbour Scheme 746 (64%)73 (7%)

21 3. Our safe community Q 27 : What are your views on each of the following statements? Agree Disagree I do not encounter abusive, irresponsibleI do not encounter abusive, irresponsible or anti-social behaviour 493 (43%) 551 (47%) I see vandalism as being a problemI see vandalism as being a problem in the village 894 (78%) 155 (14%) I don’t think litter is a problem inI don’t think litter is a problem in the village 446 (38%) 626 (55%) I see dog fouling as a problem inI see dog fouling as a problem in the village 660 (57%) 341 (30%)

22 3. Our safe community Q 28: Please indicate your views on each of the following: Agree Disagree I welcome travellers to encampI welcome travellers to encamp in the village 55 (5%) 1079 (92%) Village life is disrupted whenVillage life is disrupted when travellers are present 1034 (88%) 90 (8%) Local authorities have not taken enough action to preventLocal authorities have not taken enough action to prevent travellers returning to Theale 957 (82%) 111 (10%) Permanent local sites would preventPermanent local sites would prevent unauthorised traveller settlements 387 (33%) 602 (52%)

23 4. Leisure and pleasure Q 29: Do you think local facilities and provision for young people are adequate? Yes209 (19%)Yes209 (19%) No915 (81%)No915 (81%)

24 4. Leisure and pleasure Q 29: Do you think local facilities and provision for young people are adequate? Yes209 (19%)Yes209 (19%) No915 (81%)No915 (81%) Q 30: If you answered No to Question 29, which of the following would you like to see provided? Drop in centre450 (50%)Drop in centre450 (50%) Youth centre750 (82%)Youth centre750 (82%) Skate park421 (46%)Skate park421 (46%) Internet café386 (42%)Internet café386 (42%) Bike or BMX track424 (47%)Bike or BMX track424 (47%) Ball wall372 (41%)Ball wall372 (41%)

25 4. Leisure and pleasure Theale’s Future Youth Consultation 362 comments have been gathered from young people aged between 5 and 18 through consultations at Theale Green Community School, Theale Primary School and at the Surgery and the Library. Most frequent responses concerned: Swimming pool80 (22%)Swimming pool80 (22%) Enhanced park facilities66 (18%)Enhanced park facilities66 (18%) Shops57 (16%)Shops57 (16%) Sports facilities52 (14%)Sports facilities52 (14%) Social activities50 (14%)Social activities50 (14%) Skateboard park33 (9%)Skateboard park33 (9%)

26 4. Leisure and pleasure Theale’s Future Youth Consultation Most frequent responses concerned: TGCSTPSS&L Swimming pool 42 (27%) 24 (16%) 14 (23%)Swimming pool 42 (27%) 24 (16%) 14 (23%) Enhanced park 12 (8%) 32 (22%) 15 (25%)Enhanced park 12 (8%) 32 (22%) 15 (25%) Shops 29 (19%) 25 (17%) 3 (5%)Shops 29 (19%) 25 (17%) 3 (5%) Sports facilities 20 (13%) 20 (14%) 12 (20%)Sports facilities 20 (13%) 20 (14%) 12 (20%) Social activities 24 (16%) 14 (10%) 12 (20%)Social activities 24 (16%) 14 (10%) 12 (20%) Skateboard park 21 (14%) 10 (7%) 2 (3%)Skateboard park 21 (14%) 10 (7%) 2 (3%)

27 4. Leisure and pleasure Q 34 & 35: Secondary school pupils only: What sort of organised activities would you wish to take part in if they were available in Theale? Sporting activities No Secondary School children392 (72%)No Secondary School children392 (72%) Swimming147 (27%)Swimming147 (27%) Football 93 (17%)Football 93 (17%) Cricket 58 (11%)Cricket 58 (11%) Rugby 56 (10%)Rugby 56 (10%) Hockey 39 (7%)Hockey 39 (7%) Tennis 89 (16%)Tennis 89 (16%) Badminton 83 (15%)Badminton 83 (15%) Squash 52 (10%)Squash 52 (10%) Table tennis 77 (14%)Table tennis 77 (14%) Non-sporting activities Guides & Scouts 51 (39%)Guides & Scouts 51 (39%) St Johns Ambulance 43 (33%)St Johns Ambulance 43 (33%) Music or Choir 54 (41%)Music or Choir 54 (41%) Art or Drama 90 (69%)Art or Drama 90 (69%) Other 45 (34%)Other 45 (34%)

28 4. Leisure and pleasure Q 42: If you do currently go swimming, how far do you travel to a pool? Up to Up to Up to More than Up to Up to Up to More than 3 miles 5 miles 10 miles 10 miles 3 miles 5 miles 10 miles 10 miles By bike 12 (2%) 4 (1%) 4 (1%) 0 (0%)By bike 12 (2%) 4 (1%) 4 (1%) 0 (0%) By car 124 (19%) 238 (36%) 185 (28%) 67 (10%)By car 124 (19%) 238 (36%) 185 (28%) 67 (10%) By publicBy public transport 15 (2%) 24 (4%) 11 (2%) 7 (1%)

29 4. Leisure and pleasure Q 43: Would you use a swimming pool in Theale? Yes No Indoor pool 884 (84%)159 (15%)Indoor pool 884 (84%)159 (15%) Outdoor pool 411 (39%)336 (32%)Outdoor pool 411 (39%)336 (32%)

30 4. Leisure and pleasure Q 38: Would you attend more local events if information about them was easily available?Q 38: Would you attend more local events if information about them was easily available? Yes873 (81%)Yes873 (81%) No209 (19%)No209 (19%)

31 4. Leisure and pleasure Q 39: What village information would you like to see and where would you like to see it? Village Notice website Newsletter board Newspaper website Newsletter board Newspaper Library opening times 375 (34%) 210 (19%) 190 (17%) 22 (2%)Library opening times 375 (34%) 210 (19%) 190 (17%) 22 (2%) Bus and train timetables 394 (36%) 228 (21%) 269 (25%) 21 (2%)Bus and train timetables 394 (36%) 228 (21%) 269 (25%) 21 (2%) Sports/leisure centreSports/leisure centre opening hours 402 (37%) 242 (22%) 122 (11%) 23 (2%) Local events 390 (36%) 382 (35%) 160 (15%) 44 (4%)Local events 390 (36%) 382 (35%) 160 (15%) 44 (4%) Sports events 290 (27%) 269 (25%) 113 (10%) 42 (4%)Sports events 290 (27%) 269 (25%) 113 (10%) 42 (4%) Youth clubs 255 (23%) 186 (17%) 121 (11%) 26 (2%)Youth clubs 255 (23%) 186 (17%) 121 (11%) 26 (2%) Entertainment 352 (32%) 337 (31%) 123 (11%) 42 (4%)Entertainment 352 (32%) 337 (31%) 123 (11%) 42 (4%) Local pub events 327 (30%) 312 (29%) 143 (13%) 39 (4%)Local pub events 327 (30%) 312 (29%) 143 (13%) 39 (4%) Fetes and jumble sales 315 (29%) 328 (30%) 159 (15%) 41 (4%)Fetes and jumble sales 315 (29%) 328 (30%) 159 (15%) 41 (4%) Other 75 (7%) 47 (4%) 16 (2%) 1 (0%)Other 75 (7%) 47 (4%) 16 (2%) 1 (0%)

32 4. Leisure and pleasure Theale Village Website:

33 Village Questionnaire Outcomes so far: Environmental Group establishedEnvironmental Group established Running Group established and has metRunning Group established and has met Directory set up - information neededDirectory set up - information needed Village website - www.thealevillage.comVillage website - Village events diary (on the website)Village events diary (on the website)

34 Village Questionnaire Brilliant response level – thank you!Brilliant response level – thank you! Lots of further analysis neededLots of further analysis needed Lots of projects / tasks / additional researchLots of projects / tasks / additional research Lots of Volunteers needed (please…!)Lots of Volunteers needed (please…!) Any questions?Any questions?

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