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Can Corporate America Help? How Xerox Does It With the Science Consultant Program Ewart Leblanc.

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Presentation on theme: "Can Corporate America Help? How Xerox Does It With the Science Consultant Program Ewart Leblanc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can Corporate America Help? How Xerox Does It With the Science Consultant Program Ewart Leblanc

2 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 2  Introduction  History  Program Goals  Organization  SCP Kits  Performance - Survey Results  Summary  Q&A Agenda

3 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 3 XSCP – What is it?  A partnership with Rochester N.Y. City School District  Xerox engineers visit elementary schools 2x/ month  Students engaged in hands-on Science projects

4 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 4 SCP History  Started in 1968. Objective: Supplement School Science Programs  Original sponsors  American Chemical Society  Rochester Council for Scientific Societies  Xerox assumed full sponsorship in 1971

5 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 5 The SCP Program Goals  Early engagement with students (4th – 6th grade)  Reinforce natural curiosity and interest in science  Make learning fun through hands-on activities  Assist students to develop problem solving skills  Assist students in preparation for the 4th grade ESPET  Provide positive role models to students

6 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 6 Organization Classroom Teacher SCP Consultant SCP Coordinator School Principal Manager, Community Outreach Program Manager

7 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 7 Science Consultant Kits Section I. Biology  Protozoa  Respiration  Seeds and Plants  Flower Dissection  Nutrition I  Nutrition II  Ecology I: pollution  Ecology II: Endangered Species  Frog/Earthworm dissection Section II. Physics  Introduction to Electricity  Static Electricity  Color Mixing  Magnetism  Light, Optics, Pin Hole Camera  Sound I  Sound II  Xerography  Kitchen Physics  Flight

8 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 8 Science Consultant Kits Section III. Chemistry  Introduction to chemical reactions  Crystal growth  Mystery powders  Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide  Heat  Crystal microscopy  States of matter Section IV. Earth Science  Geology: 3 kinds of rocks  Minerals - Streak/Color  Minerals - Hardness  Minerals – Cleavage and fracture  Fossils  Introduction to Solar System  Solar system II  Mapping

9 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 9 Science Consultant Kits Section V. Miscellaneous  Probability & Chance  Optical Illusions  Tangrams I  Tangrams II  Engineering & Structures  Barge Building

10 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 10 Procedures  Lesson preparations  School visitations  Materials u Lesson plans & Supplies u Supplies retrieval

11 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 11 Other Program Elements  Classroom visits  Invention Convention  Challenge (Engineering Structures Competition)  Evening of Recognition

12 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 12 2002-2003 Survey n A total of 57 classroom surveys were distributed n 49 surveys (85%) returned n 50% of all classrooms surveyed were at the 4th grade level Survey Overview

13 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 13 Survey - Preparation/Delivery of Lesson Plans  81% of the teachers play active role in lesson plan development  95% of the teachers reported that consultants are adequately prepared  90% of the teachers responded that they speak or meet with their Consultants ahead of time to plan the curriculum.  When asked if their Consultants teach at the level of the students, 84% of the teachers agreed.

14 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 14 The Science Consultant Program has helped my students develop a greater interest in Science & Technology Survey - SCP As Motivator

15 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 15 The Science Consultants have been positive role models for our students Survey – Role model consultants

16 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 16 The Science Consultant Program has been useful in preparing my 4th grade students for ESPET assessment Survey - State test preparation

17 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 17 The science kits cover the majority of the subjects of the classroom science curriculum Survey - Linkage to curriculum

18 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 18 The Science Consultant Program has enhanced my comfort level to teach hands-on science Survey - Instructional benefits

19 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 19 Survey - Write in “Our Science Consultant is a fabulous teacher. He is energetic and positive. The students love it when he comes and we greatly appreciate the much-needed science kits. What a great program! Thank you so much” School #23

20 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 20

21 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 21 Summary  Eighty-eight volunteers  Seventeen thousand student contacts/year  Success factors: Solid Corporate sponsorship Consultants Supportive School Districts Committed Volunteers Hands-on approach to teaching Thirty six years of of program innovation

22 AAPT-APS Symposium, 16-17 April, SUNY Buffalo State College 22 Q&A

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