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Year 7 Maths Challenge 2004 Chariots of Fire 1.How many blue circles on the advertising hording? 2.How many steps does Jan Zelezny take in his world.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 7 Maths Challenge 2004 Chariots of Fire 1.How many blue circles on the advertising hording? 2.How many steps does Jan Zelezny take in his world."— Presentation transcript:


2 Year 7 Maths Challenge 2004

3 Chariots of Fire

4 1.How many blue circles on the advertising hording? 2.How many steps does Jan Zelezny take in his world record throw? 3.What colour were his tracksuit bottoms? 4.How many people were in white coats in the video clip? (4 marks)

5 Podium problem Whilst building the podium for the awards ceremony the designer (a Greek mathematician) designed the cuboids so that they would only fit together in one way. The label on each cuboid is formed by adding the expressions on the cuboids below it. Two of the labels on the cuboids have been rubbed off. What should they read? ? 2β - 3α -3α2β2β? 3α + 6β (4 marks)

6 Jolly acrostics Answer these questions using the acrostic 1. Find the mathematical words using the clues given. 2. The letters in the red column form the last part of four other words. Each word is an Olympic event. 3. Find the four Olympic events. 4. Find the product of the numbers linked to the events. (8 marks)

7 Triangle with all edges different lengths, all vertex angles different, no symmetry Name for an angle less than 90 0 Quadrilateral with all edges same length. Diagonals bisect at right angles, vertex angles usually not right angles When two straight lines cross or meet each other one (or more) of these is formed A three dimensional shape Five sided polygon

8 Triangle with all edges different lengths, all vertex angles different, no symmetry Name for an angle less than 90 0 Quadrilateral with all edges same length. Diagonals bisect at right angles, vertex angles usually not right angles When two straight lines cross or meet each other one (or more) of these is formed A three dimensional shape Five sided polygon

9 Tickets Tickets for one adult and one child cost a total of £11.55. The adult’s ticket costs one and a half times the price of a child’s ticket. How much does each ticket cost? (8 marks)

10 Synchronised Pythagoras

11 Your roamer is part of a synchronised swimming team. You will need to use directional instructions as well as estimation skills to get as close as possible to the centre of the target. You have 15 minutes to devise a short programme to key into the roamer and to practise. Note: The roamer gets a little dizzy when turning through large angles. When it gets dizzy it can wander off track. Bad news for any synchronised swimmer!

12 Start here on the target, facing the skittle SkittleBall Complete programme sheet (10 points) Knock over skittle (10 points) Pirouette (5 points) Kick the ball (10 points) Pirouette (5 points) Land on target (up to 10 points) You get more points for being on target!!! If your roamer strays out of its area it will be removed from the competition.

13 We’re breaking up! Three mobile phone masts have been erected around Athens. Using the scale on the map and a pair of compasses, show where the signal of each mast reaches (3 marks each), and then answer the questions. The Vodaphone mast is at Athens International airport and has a range of 15km. The Orange mast is at Piraeus with a range of 14km. The O2 mast is at the Olympic village with a range of 8km. 1.Jo Smith (The Sun) has an Orange phone. Can she phone her hotel from the airport? (3 marks) 2.Bernard Jones (The Guardian) has an O2 phone. Will he be able to send his report from the Peristeri Olympic Boxing hall? (3 marks) 3.The Greek government have just heard that massive interference is caused where the 3 signals overlap. Which centre will this affect? (5 marks)

14 We’re breaking up!

15 The 100m final This year there are only 5 finalists in the 100m. These are the finalists: (10 marks)

16 Using the clues on the cards, can you work out which athlete is in which lane? 12345

17 The clues The Spanish athlete is between the Swedish and the French athletes 3 runners have lower lane numbers than the Spanish athlete The athlete from the USA has only one runner next to them The French athlete is not next to the GB athlete

18 Fastest finger first….. Put the numbers involved in each of these statements in ascending order, and show the order to the audience using the laminated cards: A: The number of metres in a 4 x 100m relay race. B: The number of miles in a marathon. C: The length in metres of an Olympic swimming pool. D: The number of events in a heptathlon.

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