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20 octobre 2015 Sanitary Surveys ACFIN WASH Workshop 2009 October 26 th, 2009 Pierre-Yves Rochat, WASH Advisor, ACF-France.

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Presentation on theme: "20 octobre 2015 Sanitary Surveys ACFIN WASH Workshop 2009 October 26 th, 2009 Pierre-Yves Rochat, WASH Advisor, ACF-France."— Presentation transcript:

1 20 octobre 2015 Sanitary Surveys ACFIN WASH Workshop 2009 October 26 th, 2009 Pierre-Yves Rochat, WASH Advisor, ACF-France

2 20 octobre 2015 2 Reminder (1): What is a sanitary survey?  10-12 questions (Yes or No) addressing the sanitary-risk factors  Example: assessment of risk of contamination of a hand-dug well

3 20 octobre 2015 3 Reminder (2): How is the sanitary risk established?  Each risk receives equal weighting: Yes = 1 No = 0  Establish the “sanitary risk score”  Define risk categories  Example:

4 20 octobre 2015 4 Reminder (3): What it is used for?  To assess the likely quality of water  Example: —Open well, well/borehole with hand pump or motorised pump system —Protected spring —Piped supply pp 682-685

5 20 octobre 2015 5 When can it be used? (1)  Instead of bacteriological water analysis  But no or poor evidence of a correlation between E. coli content & Risk score !  Assessment  Target water points/beneficiaries in relation to the sanitary risk  Example: Cholera in Zimbabwe, a project in Sierra Leone 2 years later…

6 20 octobre 2015 6 When can it be used? (2)  Evaluation or impact indicator  Measure the impact of an activity/result/objective (write it in the LFA!)  Example: Water management at HH level in Nepal

7 20 octobre 2015 7 What else can be done? (1)  Use the sanitary survey format to make your own form!  Example 1: Risk of contamination in case of floods in Mongolia

8 20 octobre 2015 8 What else can be done? (2)  Use the sanitary survey format to make your own survey!  Example 2: PDM of ceramic filters in Haiti  3 months after distribution, 80.6% of the beneficiaries use their filters in a “safe manner” (8 or 9 or 10 x YES)

9 20 octobre 2015 9 A great tool! +- Quick & easy Needs to be tested & surveyors need training Impact indicator Correlation with E.Coli content needs to be established (  research?) From assessment to monitoring & evaluation Not used much within ACF WASH programs  Sanitary surveys need to be developed & experiences shared! Can be used by local authorities as well Can be used both in emergency and post-crisis contexts Is not “restricted” to water points but can be used more broadly (HH, latrines, PDM, etc.)

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