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© 2008, Educational Institute Chapter 2 A History of Spa and Spa Cultures Spa: A Comprehensive Introduction (120T or 120)

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1 © 2008, Educational Institute Chapter 2 A History of Spa and Spa Cultures Spa: A Comprehensive Introduction (120T or 120)

2 © 2008, Educational Institute 1 1.Describe the importance of water and water rituals to the following ancient cultures: Egyptian, Hebrew, Minoan, Indian, Chinese, and Japanese. 2.Describe the similarities and differences between and ancient Greek and Roman styles of bathing and spa culture. Competencies for A History of Spa and Spa Cultures (continued)

3 © 2008, Educational Institute 2 3.Discuss how religious and political issues affected the development and popularity of spas in Europe. 4.Identify the people involved in the development of medical spas in the eighteenth, nineteenth, and early twentieth centuries. Competencies for A History of Spa and Spa Cultures (continued)

4 © 2008, Educational Institute 3 Wallace’s Ten Universal and Necessary Spa Features Proper use of mineral springs and climates Competent medical supervision Proper dietary regimen Systematic rest Regulated exercise Proper knowledge of the patient’s reserve and limits (continued)

5 © 2008, Educational Institute 4 Wallace’s Ten Universal and Necessary Spa Features Spa therapies including physical, electro-, helio-, and hydro-procedures administered by competent attendants Planning and regulation of the patient’s day Psychic elevation of the morale Development of a proper philosophy toward the disease from which the patient suffered (continued)

6 © 2008, Educational Institute 5 Timeline of Spa History 3100 BCE ‑ 100 BCE 3100 ‑ 300 BCEEgyptian civilization practices water therapy and herbal remedies, similar to those used in spas today. 1800 ‑ 1500 BCEBabylonian culture establishes bathing in rivers and the application of hot and cold ‘compresses.’ (continued)

7 © 2008, Educational Institute 6 Timeline of Spa History 3100 BCE ‑ 100 BCE 1000 BCEEarliest known writings on Chinese medicine, much of which is still practiced. 700 ‑ 200 BCEGreeks practice cold water bathing for Spartan warriors. 600 ‑ 300 BCEPersians introduce steam and mud baths. (continued)

8 © 2008, Educational Institute 7 Timeline of Spa History 3100 BCE ‑ 100 BCE 300 BCEGreeks introduce water treatments to the Roman Empire. 200 BCEHebrews practice purification ritual by water through immersion in the Dead Sea. 100 BCEThailand’s (then Siam) tradition of massage and healing dates from the time Buddhism first arrived in Thailand from India. (continued)

9 © 2008, Educational Institute 8 Timeline of Spa History 76 CE ‑ 1669 CE 76 CERomans build a principal spa in Bath (Aquae Sulis) in Britain. 211 CERomans discover the thermal spring in Baden-Baden (Aqua Aureliae) in Germany, which are still in commercial operation today. 800 CEOttoman Empire builds Turkish baths. (continued)

10 © 2008, Educational Institute 9 Timeline of Spa History 76 CE ‑ 1669 CE 1326 CEA curative, iron-bearing spring is discovered at Spa in Belgium that proves to be a spring used by the Romans before 100 AD named Sulsu Par Aqua. 1336 CEFirst “shower” developed in the baths of Bormio in Italy. (continued)

11 © 2008, Educational Institute 10 Timeline of Spa History 76 CE ‑ 1669 CE 1449 CEBishop of Bath proclaims that nude, mixed bathing profanes God’s “holy gift of water.” Bathers made to wear smocks while taking the waters in Bath. (continued)

12 © 2008, Educational Institute 11 Timeline of Spa History 76 CE ‑ 1669 CE 1536 ‑ 1540 CEHenry VIII of England closes hot baths and holy wells due to their implication in the “superstition and religion of Rome” (i.e., Catholicism). 1669 CENatural Bathes, by Thomas Guiddott, lists the minerals contained in water for the first time. (continued)

13 © 2008, Educational Institute 12 Timeline of Spa History 1750 CE ‑ 1829 CE 1750 CEDr. Richard Russell of Brighton publishes De Tabe Glanduri in which he claims “The sea washes away all the evils of mankind,” the first modern recognition of thalassotherapy. 1806 CEModern massage techniques known as Swedish massage are developed by Swedish physiologist Per Henrick Ling. (continued)

14 © 2008, Educational Institute 13 Timeline of Spa History 1750 CE ‑ 1829 CE 1826 CEJohn Arnold of Rhode Island opens the first US “pleasure resort” in Saratoga, New York. Saratoga is a Mohawk Indian word for “the place of the medicine waters of the great spirit.” 1829 CEVincent Priessnitz establishes the first modern hydrotherapy spa, with a health package of treatments involving fresh air, cold water, diet, and exercise, in Graefenberg, Germany. (continued)

15 © 2008, Educational Institute 14 Timeline of Spa History 1861 CE ‑ 1924 CE 1861 CEDr. William Winternitz, known as the father of scientific hydrotherapy, opens a clinic and Institute of Hydrotherapy in Vienna, Austria. 1870 CEA Dutch doctor, Johann Mezgner, uses massage in rehabilitation, which becomes accepted in many countries, especially Germany and the United States. (continued)

16 © 2008, Educational Institute 15 Timeline of Spa History 1861 CE ‑ 1924 CE 1880 CEFather Sebastian Kneipp starts practicing hydrotherapy for the benefit of the poor in Bad Worishofen, Germany. His treatment center still operates today. 1924 CEThe first facility for remedial exercise in water, the Hubbard Tank, developed by American orthopedic surgeon L. W. Hubbard, famous for treating Franklin D. Roosevelt, who suffered from polio. (continued)

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