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A Fruitful Garden Tom Baumann and Garion Loehndorf,U niversity of the Fraser Valley September 20, 2010 Squamish Gardeners Club.

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Presentation on theme: "A Fruitful Garden Tom Baumann and Garion Loehndorf,U niversity of the Fraser Valley September 20, 2010 Squamish Gardeners Club."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Fruitful Garden Tom Baumann and Garion Loehndorf,U niversity of the Fraser Valley September 20, 2010 Squamish Gardeners Club


3 Berries Blueberries Cranberries/Lingonberries Blackberries Raspberries Hybrid Berries Strawberries Currants Gooseberries Grapes

4 Strawberry


6 Varieties Junebearing Varieties Puget Reliance Rainier Stolo Nisga‘a Clancy L‘Amour

7 Varieties Dayneutral Varieties Diamante Selva Tribute Tristar Albion Monterey San Andreas Portola

8 Pests Aphids Leafrollers Leatherjackets Lygus bugs Weevils Spittlebugs Slugs People

9 Diseases Botrytis Fruit Rot Common Leaf Spot Powdery Mildew Red Stele Root Rot Verticillium Wilt Viruses

10 Physiological Problems etc. Nutrient Deficiencies Cold (Winter Problems) Soil Problems (water-logging) Misshapen Berries

11 Blueberry


13 Varieties Early Earliblue, Duke, Reka Midseason Draper, Northland, Toro, Hardyblue, Bluecrop, Chandler Late Elliott, Liberty, Aurora

14 Pests Birds Calyx contaminations Aphids Leafrollers Caterpillars, spanworms Tent caterpillars Snails People

15 Diseases Fruit Rot Bacterial Blight Mummy Berry Viruses (Blueberry Shock, Mosaic and Scorch)

16 Physiological Problems etc. Nutrient Deficiencies Cold (Winter Problems) Soil Problems (water-logging)



19 Raspberry




23 Varieties Summer Fruiting Tulameen Qualicum Chemainus Saanich Cascade Bounty Cascade Delight Ukii

24 Varieties Fall Fruiting Ann (yellow) Autumn Bliss Heritage Caroline Joan J

25 Pests Aphids Leafrollers, caterpillars Crown borers Fruit worms 2-spotted spider mite

26 Diseases Botrytis Fruit Rot Root Rot Yellow Rust Viruses (RBDV, TRV)

27 Physiological Problems etc. Nutrient Deficiencies Cold (Winter Problems) Soil Problems (water-logging) Crumbly Fruit

28 Cranberry


30 Varieties Stevens Bergman Pilgrim McFarlin BenLear Lingonberry anyone??

31 Misc. Berry Production

32 Crops Black, red and white currants Gooseberries Jostaberry Saskatoons Elderberries Blackberries

33 Black Currant Fruit in a typical fresh market basket

34 Black currant flowers on the raceme. You can see the fruit already beginning to develop

35 Black currant fruit on a raceme: the usual fruiting structure

36 Red currant fruit in fresh market container

37 Red currant fruit on the bush, notice again the raceme fruiting structure. You also will notice a wire running in the background.

38 Gooseberry: Developing fruit

39 Gooseberries: ready for picking, but beware of the thorns!


41 Saskatoon flowers and typical oval leaves

42 Elderberry flower cluster. There are purple, black and white types as well.

43 Developing Blackberry Fruit

44 . Excellent blackberry fruit from a commercial field in Langley.




48 Tree Fruits Apples Pears Quince Cherries Peaches/Nectarine Plum Nuts








56 Where to get stock? Local Nursery Do it yourself: Grafts Cuttings Seeds

57 Culture Soil preparation Raised beds Drainage Irrigation Fertilizer Training (posts, wires) Pruning

58 Pests, diseases and weeds IPM/ICM Physical Biological Chemical

59 Thank You Tom Baumann,University of the Fraser Valley

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