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Ch 13 Scientific Revolution. People developed new ways to look at nature. People have always watched the way plants and animals grow, this was the beginning.

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1 Ch 13 Scientific Revolution

2 People developed new ways to look at nature. People have always watched the way plants and animals grow, this was the beginning of Science. Science is the organized study of the World.

3 Early people studied the stars. This became Astronomy. The ancient Greeks used reason to study nature and developed theories. Aristotle gathered facts about plants and animals. He classified them based on similarities and differences. Ptolemy, Egyptian astronomer stated that the sun and Planets move around the Earth. Geocentric Theory.


5 Religious ideas were the focus of the Middle Ages. Arabs and Jews developed the Indian-Arabic number system. Also advanced Medicine, Math & Astronomy. Thomas Aquinas showed Christianity & reason could work together. Exploration added to scientific knowledge. Better maps & charts. Learned about Oceans and Continents.

6 After the Reformation people realized scientists needed to use math and experiments to advance. This led to the Scientific Revolution. First affected Astronomy. (Planets and the Stars.) New discoveries challenged the idea that the Earth was the center of the Universe.

7 1543 – Copernicus wrote, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. His theory was Heliocentric, the sun was the center of the Universe.. He believed the Earth and other planets traveled in a circular path around the sun. His theory disagreed with church teachings.

8 German Astronomer. Used math to support Copernicus. He believed the planets traveled in ellipses. Kepler believed the planets traveled faster as they approached the Sun.

9 Galileo believed that conducting experiments was the way to achieve scientific knowledge. His experiments proved that objects of different weights fall at the same speed. He designed a telescope and found evidence supporting Copernicus. He created a clock with a swinging pendulum. In 1593 he developed a water thermometer.

10 Some European rulers supported the Protestants. They hoped to increase their power against the Church. 1519 – Charles V – Holy Roman Emperor. Many German Rulers became Lutheran to oppose him. Charles went to war with the Lutherans. Could not defeat Them. Peace of Augsburg allowed a Protestant North.

11 Ch 13 Scientific Revolution

12 1600’s &1700’s, Scientists began building on the works of Copernicus, Kepler & Galileo. Advances were made in medicine, astronomy & physics.

13 Newton was and English Mathematician. He developed the idea of Gravity, the pull of the Earth. 1687 published Principia. Newton gave his laws on Motion. His most important idea was the Law of Gravitiation. Gravity holds the sun and planets in orbit.

14 Greek Physician Galen studied the body, but could not dissect humans. 1500’s Andreas Vesalius began dissection. 154 published On the Structure of the Human Body. Robert Hooke began using the microscope. He discovered cells. Antoine van Leeuwenhoek, discovered bacteria. Robert Boyle worked with the elements. 1700’s Lavoisier discovered gasses.

15 Thinkers believed science revealed the laws of the Universe. They believed you could use reason to solve human problems.

16 1637 Rene Descartes wrote the Discourse of Method. He studied knowing what was true. “I think, therefore I am” He claimed Math was the source of scientific truth. He was the founder of Rationalism. (Reason) Pascal believed that science and reason could solve problems, but moral solutions came from religion.

17 1600’s Francis Bacon believed unproven, old ideas should be set aside and examine the facts. He developed the Scientific Method, a way to collect and analyze evidence. 1 st Observe the Facts. Find a Hypothesis. Test your prediction. Modify after results.

18 Bell Work 2/11/15 Who were two famous thinkers of the Enlightenment and for what ideas were they known? Who were two famous scientists of the Scientific Revolution and for what ideas were they known?

19 Ch 13 The Enlightenment

20 Natural law, or the law of nature (Latin: lex naturalis; ius naturale),Latin is a system of law that is determined by nature, and so is universal.[1] Classically, natural law refers to the use of[1] reason to analyze human nature — both social and personal — andhuman nature deduce binding rules of moral behavior from it. Natural law is often contrasted with the positive law of a given political community, society, or state.positive lawsocietystate

21 1700’s, European thinkers began to think you could use reason to shape behavior. Thinkers believed Laws could improve society. 1700’s became the Age of Enlightenment. Thinkers used reason to improve the gov’t. Idea of Natural Law, a law that applied to everyone and could be understood by reason. Key to good gov’t.

22 Thomas Hobbes was an English Writer. King Charles I & parliament were in conflict over power. Charles I had signed the Petition of Right that limited his power on taxes, imprisonment and war. Charles I ignored the petition and civil war broke out. Parliament’s supporters executed Charles I.

23 1651 Hobbes wrote Leviathan. Hobbes felt a strong Absolute Monarch was the best Gov’t. Hobbes felt people were violent and selfish and could not be trusted to make wise decisions. He felt people would obey a gov’t with the power of a Leviathan. (Sea Monster) Hobbes theory was Absolutism. Total Power.

24 John Locke was an English thinker that supported Natural Law and citizens rights. Locke felt the Gov’t should answer to the people. King James II was a strong ruler who eventually fled England. Glorious Revolution, Willam and Mary seize the throne. England becomes Constitutional Monarchy. Bill of Rights. 1690 Locke, Two Treatises of Gov’t. Natural Law & Natural Rights – Life, Liberty & Property.

25 French thinkers wanted a change from an Absolute Monarchs. 1748 he wrote, The Spirit of Laws. He felt a separation of powers was the best gov’t. 1.Legislative, Makes Law. 2. Executive Enforces Laws. 3. Judicial Interprets the Law. His writings influenced the US Constitution.

26 Bell Work 2/12 What was the difference between Locke’s and Hobbes’ views of government?

27 Ch 13 The Enlightenment

28 1700’s France became know for Philosophe. Most philosophers were writers, teachers & journalists. They supported scientific discovery, Freedom of Speech and the right to liberty.

29 Voltaire was a great thinker of the enlightenment. He opposed the gov’t favoring 1 religion. He criticized the Catholic Church for keeping knowledge from the people. Voltaire believed in Deism. God created the universe and allowed it to run on Natural Law.

30 1700’s Denis Diderot produced a 28 volume Encyclopedia. Topics included religion, gov’t, science, history & art. Diderot questioned traditional ways and supported Religious freedom.

31 1700’s, Women began to call for equal rights. 1792 Mary Wollstonecraft wrote, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. She stated that women should have the same rights as men.

32 Swiss thinker that questioned some of the ideas of The Enlightenment. 1762 he published, The Social Contract Everyone in society accepts being governed by the general will. What society as a whole wants, should be law.

33 Many thinkers called for controls on the Gov’t. Most countries had monarchs that claimed power by “the Will of God.” (Divine Right) They tried to improve society, but refused to give up any power.

34 1643 – Louis XIV, The Sun King came to power. Built the Grand Versailles for ceremonies. He held all power, “I am the State” Wars cost money and many soldiers leaving France weakened.

35 Prussia and Austria were the 2 powerful German states. Fredrick the Great, 1740 – 1786 Strengthened & Expanded Prussia. “First servant of the State” Austria was ruled by the Hapsburg family. 1740, Ruler Maria Theresa brought reforms to improve daily life. 1780 her son Joseph II freed the serfs and make taxes equal. Opposed by nobles and backed down.

36 Peter the Great wanted Russia to be a European Power. Peter fought with Sweden for land to the Baltic Sea. Built St. Petersburg which became capital in 1712. 1762 Catherine the Great took power and expanded Russia. Catherine supported the Enlightenment, but a serf Revolt changed some of her thinking.

37 Bell Work 2/13/2015 Name three of the absolute monarchs of the Enlightenment period and describe their greatest accomplishments. Use three or more complete sentences to answer.

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