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Realizing that it’s Realism Celestine Pham, Danely Roman, Joseph Galm, and Jennifer Lam P.3.

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Presentation on theme: "Realizing that it’s Realism Celestine Pham, Danely Roman, Joseph Galm, and Jennifer Lam P.3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Realizing that it’s Realism Celestine Pham, Danely Roman, Joseph Galm, and Jennifer Lam P.3

2 KEY ELEMENTS & DISTINGUISHED CHARACTERISTICS OF REALISM ♣ characteristics include the attention to detail, and an effort to replicate the true nature of reality - unknowable, uncertain, and ever- shifting. ♣ was influenced by human psychology and internal monologues. ♣ Realist authors believed novel should be a report of situations without any judgment or comment. opted for banal, everyday depictions as opposed to romanticized presentation. ♣ popular device/literary technique for many novelists was the frame narrative (story inside a story). --It highlights the use of an unreliable narrator by placing the reader at a further remove from the events of the novel.

3 ♣ Realist novels are marked by journalistic techniques such as objectivity and fidelity to facts. attempts to reveal internal struggles: most of the action happens in the mind character and personality are the highlights of realist fiction--novelists tried to create intricate, layered characters plot structure in a realist novel does not contain grand happenings, tragedies, or epic turn of events narrative style uses unreliable narrators (opposed to omniscient); narrator's perceptions are colored by their own biases

4 · Realism started in the early 1860s and went into the late 1890s, but extended into the early 1920s. Historical Context

5 · The American Civil War (1861) · Austro-Prussian War (1866) · The 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, gave the right to vote to black males (1870) · Yellowstone National Park established (1872) · Blue jeans and barbed wire are invented (1873) What Was Happening in the World

6 · First successful telephone call (1876) · The American Red Cross was incorporated (1881) · Brooklyn Bridge opened (1883) · Statue of Liberty finished (1886) · Slavery Banned in Brazil (1888)

7 · Fingerprinting is adopted (1892) · Volleyball invented (1895) · Boxer Rebellion (1900) · First Nobel Prize awarded (1901) · Teddy Bear introduced (1902)

8 · First silent movie (1903) · Einstein proposed Theory of Relativity (1905) · Plastic invented (1909) · World War I (1914) · Daylight savings introduced (1918) What Was Happening in the World

9 Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) -French novelist & playwright -one of the firsts with realist narrative style - characters were of great importance -spoke with associates to learn more about specific subjects - in his work, the locale would become a character of its own -most famous work: The Human Comedy -tales/novels of French life in early 19 th century -didn’t rely on spectacular events, focused on small things that expressed the typical French life experience

10 Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821- 1881) -Russian writer -psychologically complicated characters - Crime and Punishment :Raskolnikov -conflicting impulses -most of the action happened in characters’ head -unreliable narrators

11 Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) (1835-1910) -early pioneer of Realism - known for speech patterns & vocabulary -focused on lower & middle class characters -seen as unusual compared to those “elite” characters -most frequently banned: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn -offensive language, honest speech

12 Henry James (1843-1916) most famous work Daisy Miller most successful novel The Portrait of a Lady in his stories, readers see events through characters’ eyes themes: greed, power, and exploitation

13 Events that Spurred the Movement of Realism & How the Movement was a Reaction to the Time Period · Began from 19th century French writers such as Honoré de Balzac that depicted contemporary life and society as they were rather than how the writers wanted it to be. · The growth of Realism is considered to be linked to developments in science, commerce and industrialization, the rise in philosophy and a reaction against romanticism.

14 · Concept that people were neither completely good or completely bad. · Labor unrest and reform. · Tenement life and immigration issues. · Birth control and sexuality. · A time of middle class life and photography. · A time of breakthroughs and a time of new inventions as well as discovery.

15 · A time of war as well as prosperity where people tried to depict the realities of life. · Many emigrants from Europe and other countries were coming to America and it caused a sense of pride to develop among citizens for their country. · Realism developed as a new style due to pride national pride or nationalism.






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