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CIMI REVIEW OF ACTION ITEMS June 2013 Meeting. June 2013 Action Items  Assess tooling requirements and options to generate example instances -- Harold.

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2 June 2013 Action Items  Assess tooling requirements and options to generate example instances -- Harold  Tool to generate full examples from the archetype  Tool to generate green instance  Tool to import green models into the CIMI model with the capability to add values that are not included in the green representation.  Check with Michael on what he has at this time  CIMI needs to determine what license to use and incorporate SNOMED licensing terms. The next version of the license text will be sent out for review and reviewed with IHTSDO – Nicholas can define licensing requirements. May have license variatons due to requirements of different countries. -- Nicholas will lead and Stan will support  Review the style of the units of measure binding – MTF  Have a CIMI member vote once there is a definitive proposal  Have a vote on CIMI using post coordinated models as the preferred model. -- IEC

3 June 2013 Action Items  Visit with Patrick, Joey, Henk, and Thomas Beale to determine how to develop the Mindmap, HTML, style guide. -- Stan  Schedule a time on the MTF call for Rahil to demonstrate how they used 13119 – MTF Tuesday Call  Invite metadata TF to this call  Define use cases for the CIMI website –  Sarah will send an email to request that people contribute their use cases  Steve Harris will provide a demo to of his metadata repository to the MTF on a Tuesday call

4 June 2013 Action Items  Define meta data for use in the catalogue – Group to support this: Harold Solbrig, Tom Beale, Sarah Ryan, Steve Harris, Rahil Qamar Siddiqui, Laura Sato, Michael van der Zel. Henk-Jan Meijer as an active observer. – Convener = Sarah Ryan  Web Hosting Task Force – Portavita, Sarah Ryan, Nicholas. Linked to metadata task force and Harold’s work on CTS2 – Converner = Sarah Ryan  Gather a list of terminologies that should be included in the library –  Stan will send out an email with his starter list and ask for additions

5 June 2013 Action Items  Define process that gets to a CIMI approved model, including the quality characteristics of the CIMI approved model. -- Stan with a lower priority  Look at openEHR process and knowledge artifact document that Thomas sent around  Create new pages on the Wiki for each of the Work Groups/Task Groups that were created – Harold  Take a vote on the use of URIs in examples – IEC  Create a formal proposal for use of URIs in the coded text data type of the reference model – Harold  Develop an overall CIMI roadmap – Virginia  Start with the roadmap milestones in Stan’s slides

6 Plans for Next Meeting  Pre-IHTSDO is the first choice if IHTSDO would provide support to the meeting  Would like to draw in more IHTSDO participation in CIMI  Pre- HL7 Cambridge would be the second choice  ACTION ITEM: IEC will reach out to IHTSDO  2014 January or April meeting will be in the Pacific RIM  ISO meeting will be in Japan in April 2014

7 Suggestions for Future Meetings  As a rule to participate actively in CIMI attend in person. We will do our best to provide a listening environment.  If you cannot make it to a meeting you should identify a contact at the meeting who will relay questions or comments  Provide international dialing numbers  Consider using Go To Meeting  Construct agenda so that detail work is done by the appropriate participants  May consider breakout group for MTF during the meeting and one for governance or other business aspects

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