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Curriculum Night Pre-First and Kindergarten. Staff Paige Stober - ½ time Kindergarten Dianna Whitley – Pre-1st Carole Alexander – Pre 1 st Cindy Dale.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night Pre-First and Kindergarten. Staff Paige Stober - ½ time Kindergarten Dianna Whitley – Pre-1st Carole Alexander – Pre 1 st Cindy Dale."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night Pre-First and Kindergarten

2 Staff Paige Stober - ½ time Kindergarten Dianna Whitley – Pre-1st Carole Alexander – Pre 1 st Cindy Dale – Pre 1 st Roseanne Malkowicz –Pre 1 st & Inclusion Kathryn Mason – full time Kindergarten Vicki Taylor – full time Kindergarten

3 Specialists-Pre 1 st and Kindergarten Library – Alycen Creigh Music – Angie Davenport Physical Education - Kelly Sipes Bring a pair of clean tennis shoes to leave at school and wear appropriate clothing on days your child has PE.

4 Business Drop off and pick-up is in the front lobby. Children wait for the bell (8:25 am) to walk to their class. If student is tardy, sign them in at office first If picking up student early, please go to the office Call the office if student will be absent Please have your child dress appropriately for the weather. Lunch is $2.50 Milk is.50 –Can be prepaid by check (large amounts are okay) made out to Dieringer School District. Check is given to your child’s teacher in an envelope with child’s name and what money is for. Connie will stamp their hand if there is no money in their account. –You can also pay on-line by going to the Dieringer Website Notes for pick-up not by e-mail Names on EVERYTHING - coat, sweater, lunch box, mitts, etc.


6 It takes 1000 hours of “lap-time” for young children to have the readiness skills in place to learn to read. --National Institute for Children’s Health and Development “Lap time” means one-on-one interaction between a parent or caregiver and a child where meaningful language interactions take place. Types of "lap-time” activities include: talking, singing, rhyming, chanting and, of course reading. If we begin at birth, children who receive 1/2 hour a day of lap-time will have the developmental skills they need to read when they come to kindergarten. If we wait until they are two to three years old, it will take an hour a day of lap-time to prepare children with the readiness skills they need to read. If we wait until they are four years old, it will take two hours a day of lap- time to prepare children with the readiness skills they need to read. If we wait until they are five years old and entering kindergarten, it will take three hours a day of lap-time to catch these children up with their peers in order to be ready to read.

7 Assessments Texas Inventory Book and Print Awareness Phonemic Awareness Graphophonemic Awareness Dynamic Indicators of Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Initial Sound Fluency Letter Naming Fluency Phoneme Segmentation Nonsense Word Fluency

8 Reading Reading Street -Adopted 2008 Oral Language Amazing Words/Curriculum Connectors Question of the Week Shared Reading Word Work Phonological Awareness Alphabet Knowledge Sight Words Language Arts

9 “The chief culprit behind the reading achievement gap is a language gap. A state of WORD POVERTY exists in our nation.” “Children who are identified as struggling readers in first grade have about 15,000 fewer words in their vocabulary.” -Connie Juel and Isabelle Beck


11 Handwriting Zaner-Bloser adopted 2006



14 14 Common Core Math Standards We have aligned our math to the newly adopted Washington State Common Core Math Standards.

15 Computer Lab Correctly use : Mouse Keyboard Microphone Headphones Name parts of computer components: Monitor Keyboard Mouse CD-Rom drive Printer Use curriculum related educational software

16 Science Unit Five Senses Seasons Embryology (optional) Plant and Animal Parts Wood and Paper (optional) Observing The Sun and Moon Habitats

17 If I Could….. I would teach each child to be positive, to smile to love and be loved. I would teach each child to take time to observe some miracle of nature-the song of a bird, the beauty of a snowflake, the orange glow of the winter sunset I would teach each child to feel warmly about the peers for whom the task of learning does not come easily. I would teach child that it is o.k. to show their feelings by laughing, crying or talking with someone they care about. Every day I would have each child feel special, and through my actions, each one would know how much I really care. Unknown

18 Childhood Should be a Journey Not a race………..

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