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2 Anti-Terrorism / Force Protection (AT/FP)



5 OVERCOME ROUTINES Vary your route to and from work, Vary your route to and from work, Vary your time you arrive and depart Vary your time you arrive and depart Exercise on a varying schedule Exercise on a varying schedule (It is best not to exercise alone )(It is best not to exercise alone )

6 OVERCOME ROUTINES Avoid routines (time & location) for shopping, lunch, etc. Avoid routines (time & location) for shopping, lunch, etc. Do not divulge family or personal information to strangers Do not divulge family or personal information to strangers Enter and exit building through different doors, if possible Enter and exit building through different doors, if possible

7 MAINTAIN A LOW PROFILE Dress and behave in public in a manner consistent with local customs Dress and behave in public in a manner consistent with local customs

8 MAINTAIN A LOW PROFILE Items that are distinctively American should not be worn or displayed outside American compounds unless necessary to accomplish official business Items that are distinctively American should not be worn or displayed outside American compounds unless necessary to accomplish official business cowboy hats,cowboy hats, clothing adorned with American flags orclothing adorned with American flags or other national symbols, city or commercial logos, etc).other national symbols, city or commercial logos, etc).

9 MAINTAIN A LOW PROFILE Show respect of local customs Show respect of local customs Shun publicity Shun publicity Do not flash large sums of money, expensive jewelry, or luxury items Do not flash large sums of money, expensive jewelry, or luxury items

10 BE SENSITIVE To the CHANGES IN THE SECURITY ATMOSPHERE  Be alert for surveillance attempts, or suspicious persons/activities  Be alert for surveillance attempts, or suspicious persons/activities Use the "buddy system"; travel in groups Use the "buddy system"; travel in groups

11 BE SENSITIVE To the CHANGES IN THE SECURITY ATMOSPHERE Watch for unexplained absences of local citizens as an early warning of possible attack Watch for unexplained absences of local citizens as an early warning of possible attack Avoid public disputes or confrontations Avoid public disputes or confrontations Do not unnecessarily divulge your home address, phone number, or family information Do not unnecessarily divulge your home address, phone number, or family information

12 BE PREPARED FOR UNEXPECTED EVENTS  Have a plan, "If this then …"  Have a plan, "If this then …" If something happens MOVE, get out of the affected area If something happens MOVE, get out of the affected area Get into the habit of "checking in" to let friends and family know where you are or when to expect you Get into the habit of "checking in" to let friends and family know where you are or when to expect you

13 BE PREPARED FOR UNEXPECTED EVENTS Get into the habit of "checking in" to let friends and family know where you are or when to expect you Get into the habit of "checking in" to let friends and family know where you are or when to expect you Know how to use the local phone system and key phone numbers, always carry "telephone change" Know how to use the local phone system and key phone numbers, always carry "telephone change"

14 BE PREPARED FOR UNEXPECTED EVENTS Know the locations of civilian police, military police, government agencies, US Embassy, and other safe locations where you can find refuge or assistance Know the locations of civilian police, military police, government agencies, US Embassy, and other safe locations where you can find refuge or assistance Know some key phrases in the local language Know some key phrases in the local language

15 BE PREPARED FOR UNEXPECTED EVENTS Set up simple signal systems that can alert family members or associates that there is a danger Set up simple signal systems that can alert family members or associates that there is a danger Carry identification showing your blood type and any special medical conditions. Carry identification showing your blood type and any special medical conditions.

16 BE PREPARED FOR UNEXPECTED EVENTS Keep your personal affairs in good order. Keep your personal affairs in good order. Do not carry sensitive or potentially embarrassing items Do not carry sensitive or potentially embarrassing items

17 FAMILY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Although spouses and children are rarely targeted by terrorist, it is advisable that they also follow personal security precautions. Although spouses and children are rarely targeted by terrorist, it is advisable that they also follow personal security precautions. Family awareness of personal security is the cornerstone of any protective effort Family awareness of personal security is the cornerstone of any protective effort

18 FAMILY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Stress the importance of security and the seriousness of the threat to the whole family Stress the importance of security and the seriousness of the threat to the whole family Cultivate mutual concern for security Cultivate mutual concern for security

19 FAMILY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Know the family emergency plan and what to do and who to contact in an emergency Know the family emergency plan and what to do and who to contact in an emergency Vary routes and times when taking children to school or when shopping Vary routes and times when taking children to school or when shopping

20 FAMILY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Avoid establishing a pattern when frequenting entertainment or recreational facilities Avoid establishing a pattern when frequenting entertainment or recreational facilities Know where you family members are at all times and encourage them to check in by telephone Know where you family members are at all times and encourage them to check in by telephone

21 FAMILY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Do not allow strangers into your home; Do not allow strangers into your home; schedule deliveries, repairs, etc.schedule deliveries, repairs, etc. Verify identity through credentials or other documents. Verify identity through credentials or other documents. Contact the agency/company they claim to represent Contact the agency/company they claim to represent

22 FAMILY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Know your neighborhood; Know your neighborhood; get to know your neighborsget to know your neighbors Be alert to strangers or vendors in your neighborhood Be alert to strangers or vendors in your neighborhood

23 FAMILY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Establish a duress code so that family members can warn each other in case of an emergency Establish a duress code so that family members can warn each other in case of an emergency Report frequent wrong numbers or nuisance telephone calls Report frequent wrong numbers or nuisance telephone calls Limit publicity concerning yourself and your family Limit publicity concerning yourself and your family

24 FAMILY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Keep all outside doors and windows locked Keep all outside doors and windows locked Keep car, work and house keys separate and maintain accountability Keep car, work and house keys separate and maintain accountability Change locks if keys are compromised Change locks if keys are compromised

25 FAMILY PROTECTIVE MEASURES Do not accept unsolicited or suspicious packages Do not accept unsolicited or suspicious packages Never consent to requests from telephone repair persons that you not answer you telephone Never consent to requests from telephone repair persons that you not answer you telephone

26 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR CHILDREN Avoid isolated streets and play areas Avoid isolated streets and play areas Travel and play in groups Travel and play in groups Never talk to strangers Never talk to strangers Never go anywhere with a stranger Never go anywhere with a stranger Keep family informed about unusual incidents Keep family informed about unusual incidents

27 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR CHILDREN Never accept deliveries Never accept deliveries Do not permit children to ride taxis/public transportation unescorted Do not permit children to ride taxis/public transportation unescorted Immediately report all attempt to question, annoy, or molest them Immediately report all attempt to question, annoy, or molest them

28 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR CHILDREN Ensure school officials will only release children to a known member of the family or specifically authorized person Ensure school officials will only release children to a known member of the family or specifically authorized person

29 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR CHILDREN Have children escorted to and from school Have children escorted to and from school Keep family informed about whereabouts Keep family informed about whereabouts Develop a family safety plan and practice it Develop a family safety plan and practice it Do not allow children to hitchhike Do not allow children to hitchhike

30 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR CHILDREN Never leave children at home unattended Never leave children at home unattended Note all information about unusual incidents Note all information about unusual incidents Warn children not to leave school with strangers Warn children not to leave school with strangers

31 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR CHILDREN Familiarize children with police and fire stations; Familiarize children with police and fire stations; teach them emergency procedures.teach them emergency procedures. Teach children the proper use of the telephone. Teach children the proper use of the telephone. They should know who and when to call for assistance.They should know who and when to call for assistance.

32 TRAVEL SECURITY TIPS Statistics indicate that acts of violence are most often perpetrated against victims during periods of movement. Statistics indicate that acts of violence are most often perpetrated against victims during periods of movement. The following tips are provide to decrease your vulnerability during travel. The following tips are provide to decrease your vulnerability during travel.

33 TRAVEL SECURITY TIPS The use of these security measures should be tempered by the nature or purpose of travel, The use of these security measures should be tempered by the nature or purpose of travel, the time and fiscal resources available, as well as the means and circumstances under which travel is made.the time and fiscal resources available, as well as the means and circumstances under which travel is made.

34 TRAVEL SECURITY TIPS Do not assume that acts of violence "can't happen to me." Do not assume that acts of violence "can't happen to me." Obtain and use tourist passport/visa whenever possible Obtain and use tourist passport/visa whenever possible

35 TRAVEL SECURITY TIPS Control distribution of itinerary and restrict detailed itinerary information Control distribution of itinerary and restrict detailed itinerary information Remove all decals and insignia from your luggage, jackets, vehicles, etc. Remove all decals and insignia from your luggage, jackets, vehicles, etc.

36 TRAVEL SECURITY TIPS Avoid carrying potentially controversial materials Avoid carrying potentially controversial materials religious books, pornography, etc.)religious books, pornography, etc.) Curbside check-in if possible at the airport Curbside check-in if possible at the airport

37 TRAVEL SECURITY TIPS Make copies of key documents and carry them separately Make copies of key documents and carry them separately passport identification page, drivers license, credit cards, etc.)passport identification page, drivers license, credit cards, etc.) Travel in groups when possible where appropriate Travel in groups when possible where appropriate

38 TRAVEL SECURITY TIPS Identify any "hot spots" on itinerary Identify any "hot spots" on itinerary Avoid wearing military clothing Avoid wearing military clothing Do not use rank/position to make reservations Do not use rank/position to make reservations

39 TRAVEL SECURITY TIPS Carry extra medication, eyeglasses, and other medical necessities Carry extra medication, eyeglasses, and other medical necessities Obtain/update will and power of attorney Obtain/update will and power of attorney

40 TRAVEL SECURITY TIPS Avoid routine schedules Avoid routine schedules Carry identification Carry identification

41 Summary Always let some one know your plans Always let some one know your plans Always check in and out Always check in and out Take different routes to and from Take different routes to and from Maintain a low profile Maintain a low profile Carry Identification Carry Identification Avoid taking to strangers Avoid taking to strangers

42 Questions ?

43 Thank you for your participation

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