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CHAPTERCHAPTER 8 Evaluation. Topics Covered in Chapter 8 The Purpose of Evaluation Objectives: A Prerequisite for Evaluation Current Status of Measurement.

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2 Topics Covered in Chapter 8 The Purpose of Evaluation Objectives: A Prerequisite for Evaluation Current Status of Measurement and Evaluation Measurement of Productions Measurement of Message Measurement of Audience Awareness Measurement of Audience Attitudes Measurement of Audience Action Measurement of Supplemental Activities

3 The fourth step in the public relations process is evaluation. Measurement is the measurement of results against established objectives. Measurement is the systematic assessment of a program and its results. It is a means for practitioners to offer accountability to clients—and to themselves.” The Purpose of Evaluation Research Action Communication Evaluation

4 In order to begin evaluating, it is important to have a clearly established set of measurable objectives. Public relations personnel and management should agree on the criteria used to evaluate success. Don’t wait until the end of the public relations program to determine how it will be evaluated. Objectives: A Prerequisite for Evaluation

5 If an objective is informational, measurement techniques must show how successfully information was communicated to target audiences. These techniques are fall under “message dissemination” and “audience exposure.” Motivational objectives are more difficult to accomplish. It is best to show a cause and effect relationship that starts with a baseline measurement. Objectives: A Prerequisite cont.

6 Sophisticated software programs and techniques are being used to see if different aspects of a public relations campaign are successful. Today, a trend to a more systematic approach to evaluation is established. Yet, there are still people who say public relations is more art than science and can’t be evaluated. It is suggested that public relations professionals should use a mix of techniques to provide a more complete evaluation. Current Status of Measurement…

7 Current Status of Measurement…cont There are at least three levels of measurement and Evaluation.

8 There are five widely used methods to evaluate public relations efforts. (1) measurement of production (2) message exposure (3) audience awareness (4) audience attitudes (5) audience action Measurement of Production

9 Measurement of production involves counting the number of tactic created, published or produced. This type of evaluation is skewed, because it measures quantity not quality. Measurement of Production cont.

10 The most widely practiced form of evaluating public relations programs is the compilation of print and broadcast mentions. Large companies with regional, national, or even international outreach usually retain monitoring services to scan large numbers of publications. Electronic research provides a fairly accurate count of how many media stories are generated by a program or campaign. Measurement of Message Exposure

11 Measuring media placements is the first level of assessing the exposure of the message to potential audiences. Media impressions describe the potential audience reached by a periodical, broadcast program or Web site. Advertising Equivalency (AVE) is a standard approach used to calculate the value of message exposure by converting stories in print or on air into equivalent advertising costs. Measurement of Message Exposure cont.

12 Systematic tracking through computer software and database provide a more sophisticated way to analyze content of media placements. Media exposure can be measured by requests for more information either through calls to a toll-free 800 number or requests for written materials. Cost-effectiveness determines the cost of reaching each member of the audience and is used to place costs in perspective. Counting attendance at events is a way of evaluating pre-event publicity. Measurement of Message Exposure cont.

13 The second or a higher level of evaluation is to determine whether the audience actually became aware of the message and understood it. Survey research can be used to measure audience awareness. Day-after recall is also used to measure audience awareness by calling participants and interviewing them about what they remembered after exposure. Measurement of Audience Awareness

14 It is important to measure changes in an audience’s perceptions and attitudes. A baseline study is used to measure audience attitudes and opinions before, during, and after a public relations campaign. Baseline studies or benchmark studies graphically show the percentage difference in attitudes and opinions as a result of increased information and publicity. Measurement of Audience Attitudes

15 The ultimate objective of any public relations effort is to accomplish organizational objectives. The ultimate objective of a company is to sell its products and services. Raising awareness and interest is important, but ultimately, the goal is to motivate people to adopt an idea, vote, use a service or buy a product. Measurement of Audience Action

16 Other forms of measurement can be used in public relations activities, including: (1) Communication audits (2) Pilot tests and split messages (3) Meeting and event attendance (4) Newsletter readership Measurement of Supplemental Activities

17 Communication Audits The entire communication activity of an organization should be evaluated at least once a year publics are receiving appropriate messages. A communication audit is as an assessment of an organization’s entire communication program. The important point is that the communications of an organization should be analyzed from every possible angle, with the input of as many publics as possible. Measurement of Supplemental…cont.

18 Pilot Tests and Split Messages With pilot tests, companies often test the message and key copy points in selected cities to learn how the media accept the message and how the public reacts. The split-message approach is common in direct mail campaigns. When used, two or three different appeals may be prepared by an organization and sent to different audiences to learn which is most effective. Measurement of Supplemental…cont.

19 Meeting and Event Attendance The number of people to attend can be a indication of people exposed to the message. Audience attitudes can also be evaluated by analyzing behavior at the event. Evaluation forms provide a more systematic method of evaluating what participants think. Measurement of Supplemental…cont.

20 Newsletter Readership Editors of newsletters should evaluate readership annually. Such an evaluation can help ascertain (1) reader perceptions, (2) the degree to which stories are balanced, (3) the kinds of stories that have high reader interest, (4) additional topics that should be covered, (5) the credibility of the publication, (6) the extent to which the newsletter is meeting organizational objectives. Note that systematic evaluation is not based on whether all the copies of a newsletter have been distributed or picked up. This information doesn’t tell the editor what the audience actually read, retained, or acted upon. Measurement of Supplemental…cont.

21 A newsletter, newspaper, or even a brochure can be evaluated in a number of ways. The methods include (1) content analysis, (2) readership interest surveys, (3) readership recall of articles actually read, (4) application of readability formulas, and (5) the use of advisory boards.

22 Newsletter Readership Newsletter editors should evaluate readership annually. Evaluations can help editors learn: (1) Reader perceptions (2) The degree to which stories are balanced (3) The kinds of stories that have high reader interest (4) Additional topics that should be covered (5) The credibility of the publication (6) The extent to which the newsletter is meeting organizational objectives Measurement of Supplemental…cont.

23 Newsletter Readership A newsletter, newspaper or even a brochure can be evaluated in a number of ways, including: (1) Content analysis (2) Readership interest surveys (3) Readership recall of articles actually read (4) Application of readability formulas (5) The use of advisory boards Measurement of Supplemental…cont.

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