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COUNTRY REPORT CZECH REPUBLIC Ivana Kolinska Forest Management Institute This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication.

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Presentation on theme: "COUNTRY REPORT CZECH REPUBLIC Ivana Kolinska Forest Management Institute This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication."— Presentation transcript:

1 COUNTRY REPORT CZECH REPUBLIC Ivana Kolinska Forest Management Institute This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

2 1. TEACHER´S COURSE Date: 13th and 14th October 2009 Location: Museum of Forestry, Hunting and Fishery Ohrada (south of the Czech Republic)

3 2. TEACHER´S COURSE Programme: 1st day: -Registration, introduction of participants -Sustainable forest management – basic information -Forest and Climate Change: A Convenient Truth – a educational movie published by FAO -Forest pedagogy – basic principles -Theoretical input of Case Forest methodology; introduction of teacher´s manual -Discussion; choice of research task

4 3. TEACHER´S COURSE Programme: 2nd day: -Museum of Forestry – work in teams; data collection -Selection and elaboration of collected information; making the presentations -Presentations -Final evaluation of workshop

5 1. EVALUATION OF TEACHER´S COURSE -The course was attended by 7 women and 1 man -Participants teach children at primary schools (5), secondary schools (0) and others (3) -Participants have been teaching for less than 5 years (3); 5 to 10 years (2) and more than 10 years (3) -All of participants learned something new during the course -All of participants will use something they learned during the course -7 participants don´t see any problems using the Case Forest methodology in school; 1 participant does – there might be a problem to adopt the methodology to disabled students

6 2. EVALUATION OF TEACHER´S COURSE -What is good with the Caseforest methodology? Spontaneous learning how to solve the problem, strong focus on chosen problem, complex way of thinking and usage of various sources of information, connection between various methods and environments, connection between theory and practice

7 3. EVALUATION OF TEACHER´S COURSE -Participants think that the course was well arranged (8) -Participants think that the course fulfilled the expactations (8) -Participants taught about forests before (7), never taught about forest before (1) -Participants taught about SFM before (7), never taught about SFM before (1)




11 CASE FOREST ARTICLE The article on Case Forest project was published in March 2009 in the wholecountry magazine Forest Work.

12 1. CASE FOREST METHODOLOGY Problems: Forest pedagogy isn´t certified by Ministry of Education as a educational topic and schools don´t want to spend their money on uncertified courses; Ministry of Agriculture doesn´t have enough money to provide such courses for free.

13 2. CASE FOREST METHODOLOGY Possibilities: The methodology can be implemented directly into so called School Educational Programmes (SEP). These are elaborated for each subject taught at school. The teacher can follow only very general scheme what to implement into SEP. The rest is up to him/her. The participants of the course confirm that all of them are going to implement Case Forest methodology into their SEP. These SEP will be used from the beginning of the next school year (September 2010).

14 3. CASE FOREST METHODOLOGY Dissemination of results: We are going to reach possible users through forest pedagogy events and through the teachers who attended the course already.

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