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Targeted Stakeholder Communications Management Portal.

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1 Targeted Stakeholder Communications Management Portal

2 Client profile: Global financial sector company Operating in multiple countries in multiple geographical regions of the world. Stakeholder organizations and/or contacts geogaphically dispersed Decentralized corporate communications workgroups with sometimes conflicting interests or emphasis – Comm / PR / Ad / Research. Regionally controlled CRM architecture and systems that are not integrated Regionally managed message development and delivery. Different centers, different priorities No metrics on message development, fulfilment, or impact assessment.

3 Client challenge: Lack of central stakeholder communications management mechanism. Lack of cohesive and consistent positioning relay Missed opportunities, some one-on-one, for re-emphasizing relevant messages for particular stakeholder audience. Disarreyed message development and delivery at county or region levels that, at times, counteract with the corporate position, and priorities. Conflicting communications fullfilment process sometimes targeting the same stakeholder or group. Defensive communications posture to put out fires and crises, along with short run problem driven reactive message development and delivery. Lack of coordinated leveraging of within and between stakeholder relationships to brand advantage.

4 Solution Set: Design and develop global stakeholder relationship management portal as a hosted secure web solution that is globally accessable. Service all users consistently, uniformly on demand: Corporate, Regional, Partners, Alliances. Recording and real-time dissemination of all notable stakeholder communications, actions, and events. Capable of targetted message development, maintenance and fulfilment. Identify and populate the system with all stakeholders worldwide -regional gathering, global dissemination. Automated mapping and exploration of between stakeholder relationships, explicit and formal or implicit and informal. Extensive, multidimantional search capability using organizational or contact profiles. Both qualitative and quantitative assessment and metrics.

5 System elements: Organizations: All stakeholder organizations that may have explicit or implicit impact on Visa organization (political, or financial, or legislative…) Contacts: All stakeholders / influencials who may have direct or indirect impact potential on Visa corporation because of their positions (political, or financial, or legislative…) Events: System keeps track of who is attending what event to create additional contact opportunities. Actions: System keeps track of notable actions in the form of “to-do” lists as well as for historical knowledge base which can be searched. Communications library: Targeted message pieces, position statements, significant white papers, and multimedia are checked-in by issue area, by leverage points, by target audience profile and availabe to all Visa associates.

6 System elements… continued: Fulfilment capability: Visa associates, and other communications workgroup members can email various communication pieces to target stakeholders on demand and system keeps track of stakeholder communications exposure. Reports: Individual organization or stakeholder profile report that articulates not only associated major stakeholder players but also accounts for the nature of the relationship between them. Relationship hierarchy: Graphical display of relationship hierachy between and within organizations and stakeholders (as well as parent child relationship between organizations). List management / Export: Multidimentional profile filters driven mailing list development for off-line direct-mail campaigns. User management: New users can be added on demand. Security audit logs: Transaction security logs for audit trail.

7 Globally accessable secure portal User Access levels Custom look/feel

8 User friendly menu structure System greeting Help documents Quick search for locating individual stakeholders, or organizations or upcoming events. To do, for displaying action assignments specific to the user. Event Log: Upcoming events that list all events that are relevant to each Visa user who are particular stakeholder relationship owners. Regional or Global Announcements that are customized for each user’s profile. RSS, XML capable.

9 Organization record elements: Organization: … Profile: Industry, relevan issue areas, geographic jurisdiction… Visa Relationships: listing various Visa contact ownerships… Affiliations: organizational affiliations, memberships… Contacts: Stakeholder associations with this organization.

10 Contact record elements: Contact: Stakeholder contact definition… Profile: Industry, relevan issue areas, geographic jurisdiction… Visa Relationships: listing various Visa contact ownerships… Affiliations: Stakeholder’s organizational affiliations.. Ie. Board memberships.. Relationships: Stakeholder’s formal or informal relationships with other stakeholders that can be leveraged. Events: Listing events and gatherings that this stakeholder is attending … ie. G8 Summit, World economic forum… so on Action Log: Listing all notable communications with this particular stakeholder… Picture: Recent picture of the stakeholder so Visa associates who are attending an event can recognize this individual…

11 Events Events: Description and venue of events Sponsoring organiztions Profile of event. Attendees: Stakeholders attending the event. Ratings: individual attendee or collective even ratings assigned by the Visa associate with respect to Visa favorable outcomes…

12 Event Ratings: individual attendee or collective even ratings assigned by the Visa associate with respect to Visa favorable outcome potential of this stakeholder contact occasion…

13 Hierachy report: Listing organizational affilitiations, relationships and more…

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