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Publicity campaigne for dignity of life in Hungary Katalin Muszbek MD Hungarian Hospice Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "Publicity campaigne for dignity of life in Hungary Katalin Muszbek MD Hungarian Hospice Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Publicity campaigne for dignity of life in Hungary Katalin Muszbek MD Hungarian Hospice Foundation

2 Campaigne for dignity of life 2007 - 2009 1.Fields of hope project 2.Internet campaigne

3 Campaigne for dignity of life 1. Fields of hope project Aims - to teach children on death and dying, and on solidarity - to drow public attention on dignity of life - to raise money for hospice activies

4 Method  In 2007 Hungarian Hospice Foundation and a group of volunteers started with a new project.  2 cities (Budapest, Debrecen)  5-5 schools  50 teachers  800 children

5 Elements of the Fields of Hope project 1.Daffodil planting 2.Teaching teachers 3.School programs 4.Media campaigne

6 1.Daffodil planting




10 Daffodil bulbs were planted on the main squares of the two cities, flowers created the word HOSPICE.

11 2. Teaching teachers AIM –TO MANAGE LOSSES AT SCHOOL MAIN TOPICS: illness and loss in the family; the impact of loss in different ages of the child METHODS Lectures Regular case discussions „Training days” – role plays Face to face consultations on optional issues brought by teachers

12 Training of Teachers

13 3. School programs discussions with children with their own teachers, reviving their creativity, and sharing personal experiences in themes like life circle, loss in the family, help someone, etc. individual school programs in connection with the topics: novel-writing, drawing and poetry recital competition, flower arrangement contest of daffodil, the symbol of the project, quiz for grandparents and grandchildren, making family tree together

14 3. School programs „ Daffodil running festival” Orgaized in one city, 8 schools, 1000 students, handicaped – and blined children also invited big media participation



17 4.Elements of successful campaigne Prominant patrons … First ladies of Hungary and Poland



20 Diplomat’s spouses…

21 Famous artists…


23 Decision makers … Like politicians, mayors, university rector, representatives of churches, etc



26 Donation as a success… Teachers and bishop of one city raised 3000 USD


28 RESULTS – extended program Participants in 2008: > 8 cities > 23 schools >100 teachers > 2000 students > 50 media presentations

29 Campaigne for dignity of life 2. 2. Internet campaigne

30 Background and aims Quality end of life care is available only at a few health care services in Hungary. Aims: via internet campaign to raise awereness on quality end of life care - to draw attention to the importance of quality of life during cancer. - to raise found for activities

31 Method Four home made video spots were prepared, based on the personal confessions of a student – participated in the Field of Hope project two well-known artists, PC doctor They testify their motivation to support cancer patients and hospice movement.

32 Method The films have been marketed with the help of the internet, social networking websites like iwiw, Facebook and free video sharing websites like Youtube, indavideo, videa









41 Results During the first month campaign almost 40 000 people watched the films  several websites,  national weekly papers (Best – 300 thousand issues),  the biggest Hungarian commercial TV channel's (RTLKlub) morning program reported about the campaign.


43 Conclusion -Home made video is free of charge, preparation has a very low cost -well-known people are a great help in dissolving the taboos around cancer and the acceptance of a complex treatment. -Through the participation of the artists, more attention is paid to the illness which may alleviate fears concerning death and suffering.

44 Thank you for your attention

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