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The review of HELCOM Rec. 15/5. Reasons for reviewing the Rec.15/5 The Recommendation was adopted in 1994, almost 20 years ago All the legislation and.

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Presentation on theme: "The review of HELCOM Rec. 15/5. Reasons for reviewing the Rec.15/5 The Recommendation was adopted in 1994, almost 20 years ago All the legislation and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The review of HELCOM Rec. 15/5

2 Reasons for reviewing the Rec.15/5 The Recommendation was adopted in 1994, almost 20 years ago All the legislation and international agreements that have emerged in the past two decades is not acknowledged in the present Rec.15/5 Although the main goal is still adequate there are several objectives that are ignored in the present Recommendation 15/5.

3 Reasons for reviewing: legislation and international agreements The CBD COP meetings 1994-2013, in particular the COP-10 in Nagoya (Aichi province), in Japan in 2010 which set up important goals for MPAs and the last COP-11 (Hyderabad, 2012) which pushed forward the concept of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSA) UNCLOS (Came into force on 16 Nov. 1994) IMO (Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas) IUCN New classification system for MPAs EU’s Habitats Directive process & reporting EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (reference to MPAs in the Preamble and Article 13) EU’s Biodiversity Strategy EU’s Integrated Maritime Policy (reference to MPAs) The Climate Change as a global driver of change that also affects MPAs The HELCOM-OSPAR Joint Ministerial meeting in 2003 The HELCOM Ministerial meeting in 2007 & BSAP The HELCOM Ministerial meeting in Moscow in 2010

4 The COP-10 targets not acknowledged in the present Rec. 15/5 Target 5: Loss of habitats Target 6: Overfishing Target 8: Pollution and nutrients Target 9: Invasive species Target 10: Anthropogenic pressures, climate change, acidification Target 11: 10% MPAs Target 12: Threatened species Target 13: Genetic diversity Target 14: Ecosystem services Target 15: (15% restoration goals) Target 17: Biodiversity strategy Target 19: Knowledge sharing

5 The COP-10 (Aichi) target 11 Target 11: By 2020, at least 17 per cent of terrestrial and inland water areas and 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, are conserved through effectively and equitably managed, ecologically representative and well- connected systems of protected areas and other effective area- based conservation measures, and integrated into the wider landscape and seascape.

6 The COP-11 Decision’s topics not acknowledged in the present Rec. 15/5 Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSA) Climate change & Ocean acidification (impact on coastal and marine biodiversity) Unsustainable/Destructive fisheries Marine Debris Marine Spatial Planning (including knowledge sharing) Underwater noise

7 Other issues that need to be addressed when reviewing the present Rec. 15/5 The effect of the legal protection of HELCOM MPAs is unclear The 10% MPA target is reached for the Baltic Sea but not for sub-regions The HELCOM MPA Guidelines should be fully compatible with the IUCN classification of MPAs and the selection criteria for EBSAs MPAs should be transboundary when ecosystems give reason for this The MSFD Monitoring obligations should make the most of HELCOM’s MPA network (scientific use of MPAs should be promoted) Maritime Spatial Plans and ICM-strategies should strengthen the MPA’s Data and knowledge sharing and joint analysis must be improved Cooperation with other Regional Sea Conventions, EEA, the CBD secretariat and others working on MPAs should be strengthened The name BSPA should be changed to HELCOM MPAs because the acronym BSPA have in the 19 years not been branded well enough and it cause confusion when communicating with parties outside the Baltic Sea

8 The upcoming HELCOM Ministerial meeting in should adopt a reviewed rec. 15/5 because... The HELCOM Ministerial meeting define the new goals (direction) and objectives (actions) for HELCOM’s work for the next 3-6 years The biodiversity component of these goals and objectives should have a purpose and provide added value and include new ideas & practices The goals and objectives should acknowledge other relevant activities that support or are entwined into HELCOM’s MPA related work in order to avoid double work and enhance the operative efficiency Agreeing on a set of new goals and objectives at the end of 2013 would provide a perfect timing for applying for funding because several EU funding programmes are about to begin or have just begun (Life funding programme, Interreg, EMFF).

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