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Lucile de Comarmond Chief Pharmacist Workshop on Impact of TRIPS/IP on Access to Medicine 17-18 September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Lucile de Comarmond Chief Pharmacist Workshop on Impact of TRIPS/IP on Access to Medicine 17-18 September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lucile de Comarmond Chief Pharmacist Workshop on Impact of TRIPS/IP on Access to Medicine 17-18 September 2014

2 Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles 1994 Article 29 The state recognizes the right of every citizen to protect ion of health and to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standards of physical and mental health and with a view to ensure the effective exercise of this right, the state undertakes: To take steps to provide free primary healthcare in state institutions for all its citizens. Takes appropriate measures to prevent, treat and control epidemic, endemic and other diseases. To takes steps to reduce infant mortality and promote the health development of the child

3 Health Policy Declaration of the Government of Seychelles The government of Seychelles hereby commits itself and all the people to an intensive action to attain the goal of health for and health by all the citizens by year 2010 and beyond Primary health care which is the key to attaining the goal of health for all shall form an integral part of both the national health system of which it is the central function and the main focus and the overall social and economic development of the country. The Ministry of Health recognizes that access to medicine is of particular importance because medicines save lives and improve health, and they promote trust and participation in health services

4 The National Health Strategic Framework 2006-2016 Vision : All people in Seychelles to attain the highest possible level of physical, social, mental and spiritual well- being, free from disease or infirmity Mission: Our purpose is health for all in Seychelles, by all people in Seychelles. Corporate Moto: Health for all, health by all The strategic framework has 11 goals of which 6 goals access to medicines is among key strategies to obtaining its objectives.

5 Goals Goals Goal One Improve the health status of all individuals, families and communities living in Seychelles Objectives: Reduce morbidity, mortality and disability at all stages of life cycle. Increase functional level and life expectancy Goal Two Provide mental health services to the individual, family and community through out the lifespan Objectives: Improve the community mental health services and effectively manage the hospitalized mentally ill patients.

6 Goal Three Improve the prevention and management of priority Non Communicable Disease (NCD) Objectives: Reduce rates of complications and case fatality of NCD. Improve prevention and management of High Blood Pressure, diabetes, substance abuse and cancer Goal Four Improve the detection, prevention and treatment of priority communicable diseases and outbreaks of new diseases Objectives: Reduce incidence and prevalence of priority communicable diseases and associated morbidity, mortality and disability.

7 Goal six Improve the prevention and control of HIV?AIDS and STIs Objectives: Reduce the prevalence of the risks factors associated with HIV?AIDS & STIs Goal nine Improve management practices in health services delivery Objectives: Develop a culture of evidence-based management and ensure minimum stock level at all times and for all strategic supplies.

8 Health Care Agency (HCA) is committed to ensure that essential medicines are available and accessible to the citizens of Seychelles. Every year the Health Care Agency receives a committed annual budget for the procurement of medicines. HCA has an essential medicine list (470 items) which caters for the priority burden of diseases in Seychelles The Essential Medicines list caters for paediatric formulations All hospitals (4) and primary health care (16) centers have pharmacies which stocks all the essential medicines. 100 % vaccination coverage All HIV patients who are eligible for treatment are provided with ART

9 National Drug Quality Control Laboratory established to ensure that patients get access to medicines that is standard quality, safety and efficacy. Promotes rational use of medicines Despite the ever increasing cost of health care, the government must ensure that no one is denied access to medicines especially for emerging diseases that are of public health concern.

10 Thank you for your attention

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