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CSC 212 Stacks & Queues. Announcement Many programs not compiled before submission  Several could not be compiled  Several others not tested with javadoc.

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Presentation on theme: "CSC 212 Stacks & Queues. Announcement Many programs not compiled before submission  Several could not be compiled  Several others not tested with javadoc."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC 212 Stacks & Queues

2 Announcement Many programs not compiled before submission  Several could not be compiled  Several others not tested with javadoc  Why? Many students struggling with Java  This is a programming class  Only way to get better: PRACTICE

3 Announcement Daily quizzes accepted electronically only  Submit via one or other Dropbox  Cannot force you to compile & test them  Can make it much less work  Please, please, please use this as an excuse to practice your Java Next homework will be assigned Thursday

4 Abstract Data Types (ADTs) We will discuss ADTs for remainder of class ADTs do NOT specify implementation ADTs do guarantee minimum functionality for data type  Only discuss publicly available functions  What part(s) of Java could be used to do this?

5 Abstract Data Types (ADTs) ADTs define more than functionality  What data is stored  How the data will be handled  What errors can occur and be handled How?

6 Stock Trading ADT Suppose we want to design a stock trading ADT What functionality should be defined? What errors could occur? How should they be handled?

7 Stacks Stack is like a PEZ® dispenser: Objects get “pushed” onto stack  Objects pushed on top of stack  Objects can be pushed at any time Objects get “popped” from stack  Popping object removes it from stack  Only top object on stack can be popped

8 Stacks So, Stack ADT defines two vital methods:  void push(Object obj)  Object pop() Also defines other useful functionality:  int size()  returns number of elements on stack  boolean isEmpty()  returns if stack is empty  Object top()  returns top entry from Stack w/o removing it

9 Stacks We can define our own stack interface like this: public interface Stack { public int size();// returns elements in the stack public boolean isEmpty(); // return if the stack is empty public Object top()// return the top element throws StackEmptyException; // if the stack is empty public void push(Object obj); // push obj onto the stack public Object pop() // return and remove top stack element throws StackEmptyException; // if the stack is empty } Why do push(), pop(), and top() return objects of type Object?

10 Stacks Java stores “call frames” using a stack  Records parameters References for object parameters, actual values for primitive  Maintains storage space for temporary results  Also location being executed

11 findMin 1. public static int findMin(int[] a, int n) { 2. if (n == (a.length - 1)) 3. return a[n]; 4. else { 5. int recurMin = findMin(a, n+1); 6. if (a[n] < recurMin) 7. return a[n]; 8. else 9. return recurMin; 10. } 11. }

12 Array-based Stack Could implement stacks using arrays  Requiring a maximum size N for our stack (e.g., N = 1000) Stack then includes  N-element array, s,  Array index of the top element, t

13 Array-based Stack Pseudo-code: int size(): return t +1 boolean isEmpty(): return t < 0 Object top(): if isEmpty() then throw StackEmptyException else return s [t ]

14 Array-based Stack Arrays start at 0, so initialize t to -1 Should we throw any new exceptions in addition to our stack interface?

15 Array-based Stack More pseudo-code: push(obj): if size() = N then throw StackFullException t  t + 1 s[t]  obj Object pop(): if isEmpty() then throw StackEmptyException e  s[t ] s[t ]  null t  t -1 return e

16 Array-based Stack What is input size for each of these methods? What is running time for each method?

17 Array-based Stack Arrays make simple and efficient implementation Note: N is upper bound on stack size  If N is too small, cannot hold all items Makes stack class unusable  If N is too large, will waste memory Can lead to significant performance penalty

18 More group work Write code to reverse elements in an array using a stack What is the complexity of this method?

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