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April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois1 UPGRADE NEWS Scope of upgrade presented by Andrei in upgrade meeting April 16th Role of trigger presented by Hans in.

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Presentation on theme: "April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois1 UPGRADE NEWS Scope of upgrade presented by Andrei in upgrade meeting April 16th Role of trigger presented by Hans in."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois1 UPGRADE NEWS Scope of upgrade presented by Andrei in upgrade meeting April 16th Role of trigger presented by Hans in upgrade electronics meeting April 15th Progress on other detectors (my selection): OT electronics for 40 MHz readout presented April 15th Muon and Rich upgrade solution presented on April 16th Eventual Role of PS/SPD in upgrade Hugo's presentation at last meeting => rediscussed last Friday => comments => suggestion for decision Role for photon offline ID => presentation by Frederic next Role for off line electron id => Victor and Dimitri at a future meeting.

2 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois2 Scope of upgrade (Andrei's presentation)

3 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois3 Andrei's presentation/ continuation

4 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois4 Conclusion Limitation to 10**33 well accepted Limitation in cost and scope more controversial but on average positive reaction => request for cost evaluation Scope defined => need to write calo part of LOI =>target date for first draft June!!!

5 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois5 Role of trigger (Hans 15/04/2010) In the 40 MHz readout the main trigger is software => HLT1 and HLT2 However an efficient HLT1 requires seeds for tracks in various alleys => HLT1 HLT2 philosophy so hard to implement, we should change as little as possible in 2016 => need muon, HCAL, electron, gamma seeds and alleys In case the farm cannot accept 40 MHz in 2016 one should preserve if possible L0 information => using this information events can be rejected in TELL40 or early in the farm keeping the best candidates but with a limit at 5,10 or 20 MHz

6 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois6 Hans1

7 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois7 Hans2

8 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois8 Hans3

9 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois9 Hans4

10 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois10 Conclusion for Calo group on Trigger Should put more effort in transmission of L0 information => seeds transmitted at 40 MHz => needs to redo the selection boards which transmit seeds at 1 MHz in present system Cyril has accepted to take over this problem => next meeting "his presentation"!

11 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois11 Other detectors at 40 MHz OT tracker Muon RICH (mainly work on MAPMT analog readout) VELO ongoing: VELO upgrade electronics discussion April 21st IT : difficult problem

12 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois12 LHCb OT upgrade, intro 1. 1. GOL/AUX board= FE interface board NEW: GBT, Opto, reg 2. 2.Otis board = TDC board NEW: FPGA’s, adc and dac -high speed output -Zero suppress 3. 3.Optical comunication system Same: ASDBLR board= Amp /discriminator board Inside: HV signal separation board= incl Detector interface to 128 straws HV cable Control cable Fiber So what must be NEW ? Front End Boards

13 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois13 October 20, 2015Outer Tracker Upgrade13 OT FE Upgrate proposal (40 MHz) Replaces Gol/Aux Board Replaces OtisBoard 2 x ASDBLR LVDS Drivers FPGAT DC 16ch 2 x GBTX 10 Gb/s 2 x GBTX 10 Gb/s 2 x GBTX 10 Gb/s 2 x GBTX 10 Gb/s 8 Fibers 40 Gb/s FPGAT DC 16ch Replaces OtisBoard 2 x ASDBLR LVDS Drivers FPGAT DC 16ch Replaces OtisBoard 2 x ASDBLR LVDS Drivers FPGAT DC 16ch Replaces OtisBoard 2 x ASDBLR LVDS Drivers FPGAT DC 16ch

14 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois14 Test Assembly October 20, 2015Outer Tracker Upgrade14

15 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois15 Two slides for muon 40 MHz Pier Luigi presentation April 16th.

16 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois16

17 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois17 FROM DETECTOR 42k LOG Channels  100 new ODE  200 new ODE no X&Y, 3D pads

18 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois18 Calo upgrade: role of PS/SPD at 40 MHz Hugo's presentation X_Y_2010 For trigger: Define the electron and photon alleys Photon alley the most costly per event since there is no track candidate for IP => all VELO track have to be tested For photon alley start by rejecting merged Pizero in photon candidate gain about factor 3 at high Pt Then confirm absence of track by tracking in T station For electron alley => find electron candidate track => continue to VELO => find IP

19 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois19 Current HLT1 alleys (HUGO-1) 19 L0-e (~50%) e-line  -line from e If e and  threshold are similar: My interpretation from yesterday’s Mariusz talk at confirm anti- confirm confirm, cut IP (not for J/  ) look for 1(2) kaon cands with IP Name L0 T stationsVELOT stations HLT L0-e (~50%)  -line from  confirm kaons, cut on their pT   -removal  No straight-forward to estimate effect of SPD/PS on timing

20 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois20 Efficiency vs rate, electrons (Hugo-2) 20 170 kHz B +  e + e - K - B  e + e - K * 170 kHz > 2 GeV >5 GeV

21 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois21 Efficiency vs rate, photons (Hugo-3) 21 Using only ECAL clusters matched to MC  (< 60 cm) No dfifference between both plots  only the true  is able to trigger L0-em 65 kHz Cut at 3 GeV Cut at 4.25 GeV Do better withot SPD/PS??? B s 

22 April 21st 2010Jacques Lefrancois22 Conclusion on PS/SPD Discussion on telephone conference April 16th (Hugo, Miriam, Marie-Noelle, Pascal, Frederic, J.L.) PS/SPD role minor for photon trigger PS/SPD changes candidates by about 1.6 for electron trigger Conclusion It would be nice to redo main plots with higher luminosity Monte Carlo selecting events with multiple interaction (Hugo's but not immediatly) One should check with Hans (i.e. trigger group) the fraction of time spent in tract finding in T stations ONCE THE TRACK LOCATION IS DEFINED BY THE ECAL CLUSTER (Hans intuition => smaller cluster => smaller road => faster than for Hadron trigger with HCAL seed ) Frederic checks role of PS/SPD in off line photon ID In // study of offline role of PS/SPD for electron ID (Victor+Dimitri) The decision based for trigger on cost of PS/SPD 40MHz vs bigger farm

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