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NIH eRA Internet Assisted Review August 19, 2005.

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1 NIH eRA Internet Assisted Review August 19, 2005

2 April 6, 20052 IAR (Internet Assisted Review)  Ability to view application image on-line  Ability to submit critiques for applications in a meeting  Assign preliminary scores to applications to which you are assigned  Ability to read critiques submitted by other reviewers

3 April 6, 20053 IAR  Released in August 2003  Over 21,000 Commons Accounts with an IAR role  Over 1500 Meetings Conducted in FY 2005  Over 220,000 Critiques Submitted  Currently, IAR usage is approximately 75% of its projected future utilization.

4 April 6, 20054 IAR  Setting up a meeting  NIH Scientific Review Administrator (SRA) creates a roster of reviewers for a meeting and assigns applications to each reviewer  Meeting is set up in IAR and each reviewer is sent an email invitation to participate.

5 April 6, 20055 IAR  Invitation to join the meeting  Email is different depending on whether or not the reviewer is currently registered in COMMONS. If Reviewer doesn’t have a Commons account, a web site for creating an account will be provided.  Reviewer’s email address is from the Reviewer Address in Personal Profile

6 April 6, 20056 IAR  Meeting Phases  Submit Phase (mandatory)  Reviewers log in and submit critiques and preliminary scores for their assigned applications.  Reviewers can only see critiques and scores that they have submitted during this phase.  This phase usually ends a few days before the actual meeting.

7 April 6, 20057 IAR  Meeting Phases  Read Phase (mandatory)  Read phase begins after Submit phase (critique due date).  Reviewers are permitted to read other Reviewer’s critiques (if not in conflict).

8 April 6, 20058 IAR  If a reviewer has not submitted an assigned critique, the SRA may block the Reviewer from reading other critiques on that application until he/she submits

9 April 6, 20059 IAR  Meeting Phases – Read Phase continued  Reviewers may view the Score Matrix that indicates streamlined or lower-half applications as designated by the SRA. These lower-half applications may not be discussed at the actual meeting.  The Read phase usually begins a few days before the meeting and is open until the actual meeting is held.

10 April 6, 200510 IAR  Meeting Phases  Edit Phase (optional at SRA’s discretion)  Reviewers may submit updated critiques or critiques for unassigned applications.  Score submission is not permitted.  This phase is usually open for a few days to a week after the actual meeting.

11 April 6, 200511 IAR  Submitting Critiques and Preliminary Scores  Word or Text document types supported.  Preliminary Scores can be numeric (1.0-5.0) or alphanumeric (see Submit screen for guidance)  Reviewers should NOT include their Name as part of the critique file they upload.  To modify a previously submitted critique, simply resubmit a new file. Only the most recent critique is retained.

12 April 6, 200512 IAR  Conflicts  If Reviewer has an institutional conflict, he/she cannot submit or view critiques or scores on applications where conflicts exist.  In addition, if Reviewer is in competitive conflict, he/she also cannot view the online application image.

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