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Tal Weingart 301456778 English Advanced Mechina. A. The Principles B. The Apparatus C. Mat Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Tal Weingart 301456778 English Advanced Mechina. A. The Principles B. The Apparatus C. Mat Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tal Weingart 301456778 English Advanced Mechina

2 A. The Principles B. The Apparatus C. Mat Work

3 Pilates is an anaerobic method of exercise, popular all around the world. It includes a series of controlled movements, some performed on the floor and some on exercise apparatus. It combines the modern knowledge about the human body with well known ancient activity, such as yoga and tai chi. Pilates is all about what happens inside the body, so the practice must be done in a very exact way. Therefore, instructor can train only 1-4 people Simultaneously.

4 Unlike some of it’s inspiration sources, the Pilates method is rather new. It was invented in the 1920s, by the physical trainer Joseph Pilates (1880-1967). Pilates was actually trying to develop a rehabilitative activity to help injured athletes recover. At first, his method was used only for that purpose. Later on, many discovered that Pilates can benefit everyone. Pilates studios are very common in many countries (including Israel). It has become one of the most popular sport activity.

5 The method focuses on building the core strength – tightening the deep muscle. External oblique: these muscles are on the side and front of the abdomen, around your waist. Internal oblique: these muscles lie under the external oblique, running in the opposite direction. Rectus abdominis : a long muscle that extends along the front of the abdomen. The erector spine: a collection of three muscles along your neck to your lower back.

6 These muscles support the spine and keep the whole body stable and balanced.

7 Concentration As well as physical work, Pilates also demands mental effort. When practicing, it is important to work with specific parts of the body, while relaxing others. The ability to do so requires intense focus. Control Nothing about the Pilates Method is haphazard. When working correctly, the body should be very stable. The practice must follow some principles so the work will be effective.

8 Centering It is important to keep the natural balance of the body: the work must be symmetrical. Breathing The simple action of taking the air in and out must be done in the way that fits the exercise, and to be coordinated with the movements. The practice must follow some principles so the work will be effective.

9 Mat work is preformed on the floor. It is usually a warm up before the practice on the apparatus, but it is not a strict rule. There are many exercises very different one from each other.

10 Some of the exercises require accessory.

11 The apparatus used during the practice were invented by Joseph Pilates himself, in order to enlarge the variety of exercises, and to make the work more intensive by provide additional resistance. Each apparatus can be used in many different ways, and they are all adjustable, to fit different people and different exercises. There are many apparatus, we will discuss mainly the reformer and the Wunda Chair.

12 Reformer The reformer is the most known Pilates device. Joseph Pilates creates more then 300 exercises performed on it – more then any other device.

13 Reformer - footwork

14 Reformer – arm circle

15 Reformer – side split

16 Wunda Chair The Wunda chair is a box with one side that can be pressed down against the resistance of springs, like a large pedal.

17 Wunda Chair - knees

18 Wunda Chair – shoulders




22 Weil, R., & Shiler, W. C. (2008). MedicineNet. Retrieved Des. 23, 2010, from MedicineNet, Inc, San Clemente, Calif. Web site: Harmon, C. (2009). What Is Core Strength? Retrieved Dec. 20, 2010, from Body Acumen, LLC, New Jersey. Web site: Wikipedia:

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