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Visual Scene Understanding (CS 598) Derek Hoiem Course Number: 46411 Instructor: Derek Hoiem Room: Siebel Center 1109 Class Time: Tuesday and Thursday.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Scene Understanding (CS 598) Derek Hoiem Course Number: 46411 Instructor: Derek Hoiem Room: Siebel Center 1109 Class Time: Tuesday and Thursday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Scene Understanding (CS 598) Derek Hoiem Course Number: 46411 Instructor: Derek Hoiem Room: Siebel Center 1109 Class Time: Tuesday and Thursday 11:00am – 12:15pm Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 12:15-1pm; by appointment Contact:, Siebel 3312

2 Today Introductions Overview of logistics Overview of class material

3 Vision: What is it good for? Biological (Humans) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Technological (Computers) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Note: Unfortunately, these got erased when my computer crashed

4 Course Logistics

5 Class Content Overview Tutorials and Perspectives Paper reading I)Spatial Inference II)Objects III)Actions IV)Context and Integration

6 Visual Scene Understanding Visual scene understanding is the ability to infer general principles and current situations from imagery in a way that helps achieve goals.

7 Visual Scene Understanding Visual scene understanding is the ability to infer general principles and current situations from imagery in a way that helps achieve goals.

8 Visual Scene Understanding Visual scene understanding is the ability to infer general principles and current situations from imagery in a way that helps achieve goals.

9 Visual Scene Understanding Visual scene understanding is the ability to infer general principles and current situations from imagery in a way that helps achieve goals.

10 I. Spatial Inference

11 Getting Around



14 Spatial Inference: applications Household Robots Automated Vehicles Graphics Applications Predict object size/position

15 Spatial Inference: open questions How do we represent space? – Surface orientations, depth maps, voxels? How do we infer it from available sensory data (image, stereo, motion, laser range finder)?

16 II. Objects

17 Finding Things and Observing Them Image classification: Are there any dogs? Photo credit: iansand –

18 Finding Things and Observing Them Object Localization: Where are the dog(s)?

19 Finding Things and Observing Them Verification: Is this a dog?

20 Finding Things and Observing Them Description: Furry, small, nice, side view

21 Finding Things and Observing Them Identification: My friend Sally?

22 Recognizing Stuff SKY SAND WATER

23 Object Recognition: applications Photo Search Security Robots

24 Object Recognition: open questions How many examples does it take to learn one category well? How many examples does it take to learn 100 categories well? How do these answers depend on the level of supervision? Can recognition be solved with simple methods and massive amounts of data? How can we quickly recognize an object? How can we scale up to deal with thousands of categories?

25 III. Actions

26 Taking Action [Saxena et al. 2008]

27 Recognizing Actions KTH Dataset Figure from Laptev et al. 2008

28 Recognizing Actions Figure from Laptev et al. 2008

29 Reading Emotions Photo credit: Comstok

30 Actions: applications SecurityVideo Search

31 Actions: open questions How are actions defined? Does it make sense to categorize them? – If not, how do we recognize them? What are good visual representations for inferring actions? How can we recognize activities?

32 IV. Context and Integration [Hoiem et al. 2008]

33 Context and Integration [Hoiem et al. 2008] Objects + scene categories  better detection Movement + objects  action/activity recognition Space + objects  navigation

34 Context and Integration: applications Everything that vision is good for

35 Context and Integration: open questions Should context be explicit (e.g., “cars drive on the road”) or implicit (feature-based)? How do we model and learn the interactions between different processes and scene characteristics? How do we deal with the growing complexity as more and more pieces are put together?

36 General Problems in Computer Vision Better understanding of limitations and their sources – Need new experimental paradigms Improve generalization – Aim to generalize across datasets, categories, and tasks – Work on knowledge sharing and transfer Vision as a way of learning about the world – Integration into AI – Systems that acquire knowledge over time

37 Successes of Computer Vision Point matching (e.g. 2d3)2d3 – Tracking – Structure from motion – Stitching Product inspection Multiview 3d reconstruction Face recognition and modeling Object recognition on pre-2000 datasets Interactive segmentation (ongoing)

38 To Do Register on bulletin board Post comments on Thursdays reading (due tomorrow) Look over schedule and decide which days to present (due next Tues) Start thinking about projects – Let me know if you want a specific pairing (due Tues)

39 Questions?


41 Goals Make you a better researcher (esp. in vision) – More knowledge – Better critical thinking skills – Improved communication skills – Improved research skills

42 Grades Participation: 25% – Posting – Class discussion Presentation: 25% Projects: 50% – Proposal, progress report, final paper, and oral

43 Policies Attendance required (see syllabus) Give credit where due No formal prerequisites Everything needs to be on time

44 Reading Read well Post comments to bulletin board at least 24 hours before class

45 Presentations Presenter – Everyone does two – Good quality coverage of topic (40 min) – See syllabus for guidelines – Sign up by next Tuesday (at latest) – TBAs are your choice (decide at least 4 weeks in advance) Demonstrator – If all days are taken, pair up – One person’s job will be to demonstrate some aspect of the algorithm (e.g., where it succeeds and fails) by running it on many examples – May require implementation Note taker

46 Projects Timeline – Proposal: Feb 12 (3 ½ weeks!) – Progress report: Mar 19 – Presentation: paper May 5, oral later Progress report Presentation – Paper – Oral In pairs – Can choose partner or be randomly paired Suggestions on web Potentially will lead to publication (e.g. NIPS)

47 To Do Register on bulletin board Post comments on Thursdays reading (due tomorrow) Look over schedule and decide which days to present (due next Tues) Start thinking about projects – Let me know if you want a specific pairing (due Tues)

48 Questions?

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