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Nicole Wulff Changing Roles Training Coordinator InterfaceSouth- U.S. Forest Service (352) 378-2451

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Presentation on theme: "Nicole Wulff Changing Roles Training Coordinator InterfaceSouth- U.S. Forest Service (352) 378-2451"— Presentation transcript:


2 Nicole Wulff Changing Roles Training Coordinator InterfaceSouth- U.S. Forest Service (352) 378-2451 Welcome! Tennessee Land-Use Planning Partnership


4 Raise your hand if you are interested in… Effective stormwater management Preserving biodiversity and wildlife habitat Additional recreation area Improved human health and quality of life Conserving farms and forests that contribute to the economy Increased land values

5 Workshop Objectives Why are we here? At the end of today, we will: –Understand issues and challenges faced in urbanizing areas. –Understand the necessity of professionals from an array of disciplines working together to create sustainable communities. –Be aware of resources that can be used to guide the consideration of natural resources in land-use decision making. –Understand the role that natural resource professionals can play in providing technical assistance. For the fabulous prizes, of course!

6 Workshop Deliverables A logic model to identify outcomes, outputs, and inputs to address challenge of incorporating natural resources into land-use planning. A list of strategies to address gaps in interaction between land-use planning and natural resource professionals

7 Outline Natural resources at different scales Benefits of considering natural resources Overview of the wildland-urban interface Changing Roles program as a potential strategy Why the CR program was developed

8 Natural Resources and Land-use Planning What’s going on at different scales? –site, metropolitan, state, region?

9 Consideration of natural resources @ the site scale

10 Consideration of natural resources @ the metropolitan scale NASHVILLE: NATURALLY Creating, Enhancing, and Preserving Places That Matter

11 Consideration of natural resources @ the state scale

12 Consideration of natural resources @ the regional scale

13 Natural Resources and Land-use Planning What are some of the benefits of including natural resources in land-use planning?

14 Including Natural Resources can have economic benefits Examples of the Value of Natural Systems and Other Open Spaces –Functioning Natural Systems –Working Lands –Nature – Based Tourism / Recreation –Real Estate –Human Health –Quality of Life

15 Including Natural Resources has ecologic benefits Natural ecosystem values and functions –Carbon sequestration, climate regulation –Energy conservation –Soil conservation and generation –Storing and cycling nutrients –Filtering and cooling water –Wildlife habitat –Maintaining biodiversity

16 Including Natural Resources can have social benefits Benefits to human populations –Recreation and scenery –Human health –Pollinating crops and other plants –Providing forest products, fish and game for human consumption –Hazard mitigation, flood control

17 With Economic, Ecologic, and Social Benefits…

18 Where can land-use planning and decision-making have positive impacts when natural resources are considered?

19 The Wildland-Urban Interface.. Where people who live in the city go to feel like they are in the country, and where people who live in the country go to feel like they are in the city. - Jim Hull

20 Terminology Urban Wildland Interface Wildland-Urban Interface Rural Urban Interface Rural Fringe Exurbia Peri-Urban Interface Urban Sprawl, Rural Sprawl, Rural Clusters, Clustered Sprawl Royal Cluster

21 Wildland-Urban Interface Continuum Isolated (2 nd homes) Classic (competing land-uses) Intermix (changing land-use) Islands (surrounded by urban) More Wilderness More Urban Which of these photos depicts the wildland-urban interface? spatial From a spatial perspective… “All of the above”

22 ..the WUI is an area where increased human influence and land conversion are changing natural resource goods, services, and management. The WUI from resource management a resource management perspective..


24 Where is the WUI?

25 When I say “wildland-urban interface” what comes to your mind?

26 WUI Issues


28 New tactics The Far Side Shhh… Zog, Here come one now.

29 Partners and Cooperators Virginia Tech, Auburn University, NC State, Southern Regional Extension Forestry

30 Training The Far Side

31 At InterfaceSouth… We support and conduct research, disseminate new and existing information, serve as a clearinghouse of WUI information, build partnerships and collaborative efforts and approaches, and facilitate and create links to and between other organizations. Changing Roles is one IS program

32 InterfaceSouth… …and Urban Forestry South make up the Centers for Urban and Interface Forestry Unit 4952 of the Southern Research Station of the Forest Service US Department of Agriculture

33 Outline Natural resources at different scales Benefits of considering natural resources Overview of the wildland-urban interface Changing Roles program as a potential strategy Why the CR program was developed

34 Workshop Objectives Why are we here? At the end of today, we will: –Understand issues and challenges faced in urbanizing areas. –Understand the necessity of professionals from an array of disciplines working together to create sustainable communities. –Be aware of resources that can be used to guide the consideration of natural resources in land-use decision making. –Understand the role that natural resource professionals can play in providing technical assistance.

35 To learn more: Nicole Wulff Changing Roles Training Coordinator U.S. Forest Service – InterfaceSouth (352) 378-2451

36 Outline What the program is and how it works What is up next

37 ..the WUI is an area where increased human influence and land conversion are changing natural resource goods, services, and management therefore.. We need: –new skills and approaches to better understand and effectively work in the interface. The WUI from resource management a resource management perspective..

38 New tactics The Far Side Shhh… Zog, Here come one now.

39 Partners and Cooperators Virginia Tech, Auburn University, NC State, Southern Regional Extension Forestry

40 Training The Far Side

41 Module Topics 1: WUI Issues and Connections 2: Managing Interface Forests 3: Land-Use Planning and PolicyLand-Use Planning and Policy 4: Communicating with Interface Residents and LeadersCommunicating with Interface Residents and Leaders

42 New Module 5: Emerging Issues Land-use planning at multiple scales An ecosystem goods and services approach Climate change Small-scale forestry Ecological restoration Social responsibility

43 Who me? Be a community resource? YES! YOU! Natural resource professionals have knowledge, experience, and skills that are valuable in land-use decision making. Using the best available science, they can help decision makers and landowners evaluate risks and benefits (for both the natural resource and the community) associated with land-use change in the WUI. Offer services, attend meetings, speak to local groups, write letters to editor, etc.

44 Module Contents Trainer’s Guide Fact Sheets Presentations Exercises

45 Additional Materials Listserve Case studies Resource list Evaluation resources Trainer’s CD

46 Additional Materials

47 Changing Roles Changing Roles section of InterfaceSouth webpage Changing Roles Listserve Changing Roles Notebook Changing Roles Update Information Handout Related Resources Trainer’s Corner


49 How have materials been used? 1-2 day in-service training Session in conjunction with an annual meeting Breakout session in an agency annual training Teleconference/webinar Texas Forest Expo Integrated with Firewise field days Integrated with Green Infrastructure training Integrated with leadership training Integrated in undergraduate forestry courses Emerging Communities Competitive Grant

50 Train-the-Trainer Workshop Lake Conroe, TX April 23-25, 2009 Over 50 participants, 10 states 2 tracks TFS, USFS, TPWD

51 Cooperation with UF 3 hour Communications focused lab Foundations summer course


53 Fall 2010 Webinar Series Green Infrastructure Forest Cooperatives Ecosystem Goods and Services Climate Change??

54 Workshop Objectives Why are we here? At the end of today, we will: –Understand issues and challenges faced in urbanizing areas. –Understand the necessity of professionals from an array of disciplines working together to create sustainable communities. –Be aware of resources that can be used to guide the consideration of natural resources in land-use decision making. –Understand the role that natural resource professionals can play in providing technical assistance.

55 To learn more: Nicole Wulff U.S. Forest Service – InterfaceSouth (352) 378-2451

56 Break

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