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M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model.

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Presentation on theme: "M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model."— Presentation transcript:

1 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium US DOL SPONSORED TAACCCT GRANT: TC23767 RELEASE DATE6/29/2015 VERSIONv 001 PAGE1 of 15 PRIMARY DEVELOPER – Marv Crowe, Spartanburg Community College M-SAMC Implementation Facilitator US D EPARTMENT OF L ABOR M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM US D EPARTMENT OF L ABOR M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM M-SAMC I NNOVATION T EAM 1 MANUFACTURING E DUCATION C ONTINUOUS I MPROVEMENT & S USTAINABILITY M ODEL

2 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License NATIONAL MODEL: CURRICULUM CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Reactive, large scale curriculum improvements and changes Curriculum lags behind industry needs and technological advances Periodic curriculum review at often leading to long change process, with several approval checkpoints Curriculum changes based on perceived industry needs Proactive (continuous), targeted curriculum improvements Curriculum is aligned with industry need, covers industry- like technology Continuous review of curriculum for ongoing improvement & forward looking programs Changes based on actual local industry need (fact-based) PRESENT STATE:PREFERRED STATE: How can colleges pursue the PREFERRED STATE?

3 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License NATIONAL MODEL: CURRICULUM CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Time Change Time Change PRESENT STATE:PREFERRED STATE:

4 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Industry Review & ID needed changes - Students - Curriculum - Methods Extra “cogs” create a lag between the industry’s need for change, and colleges’ ability to respond Course Evaluation (using PBOs) Changes Made Course is aligned with industry need Internal Curriculu m Review External (Regional) Curriculu m Review CURRICULUM CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT: PRESENT VS. PREFERRED STATE External (State) Curriculu m Review Industry Review & ID needed changes - Students - Curriculum - Methods Course Evaluation Changes Made Course is aligned with industry need Change Turnaround Time PREFERRED STATE: PRESENT STATE: Through continuous, incremental improvement, industry input is directly answered, reducing colleges’ response times to meet industry need

5 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Use Performance Based Objectives (PBOs) As a communication tool to inform curriculum improvements Providing a common language between industry and colleges Facilitating targeted discussion about what industry needs Allowing for simple skills assessments, in the classroom and on the plant floor Possible methods: use PBOs to To carry out gap analyses As a communication tool with Advisory Board Validate student / employee skill attainment using check off sheets NATIONAL MODEL: CONTINUOUS CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT PREFERRED STATE: PBO-Driven Change

6 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Gap Analysis Process PREFERRED STATE: PBO-Driven Change NATIONAL MODEL: CONTINUOUS CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT Gap analyses can be used to identify gaps between what colleges cover with what industry partners need Colleges and companies evaluate the same PBOs to ensure clear and consistent communication about potential gaps Identify gaps in content, leading to “tweaks” in courses as needed

7 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Gap Analysis Process PREFERRED STATE: PBO-Driven Change Industry Partners review and identify PBOs that they need employees to master * Academic Partners review and identify PBOs covered in a course or program Compare Results are compared, and gaps in content coverage are identified * To find the MSAMC PBO Review templates, visit NATIONAL MODEL: CONTINUOUS CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT

8 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License PREFERRED STATE: Developing a New Program Leveraging MSAMC Content Develop a new program or course  3 options... Develop new content 3 Utilize all existing college course and program content that fits industry need Seek out external content resources to supplement existing internal content Generate content only when internal or external content is unavailable – very time and resource intensive! Adapt existing content from internal and external sources Adopt existing content from internal and external sources 12 NATIONAL MODEL: CONTINUOUS CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT

9 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License PREFERRED STATE: Developing a New Program Leveraging MSAMC Content Developing a new program  3 options... Develop new content 3 Utilize all existing college course and program content that fits industry need Seek out external content resources to supplement existing internal content Generate content only when internal or external content is unavailable – very time and resource intensive! Adapt existing content from internal and external sources Adopt existing content from internal and external sources 12 NATIONAL MODEL: CONTINUOUS CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT Most efficient to leverage existing content through ADOPTING and ADAPTING

10 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License “Here’s what I think you need” Meetings focused on gaining industry approval of developed course / equipment plans High-level, topical discussion about curriculum content e.g. “we need to offer a PLC class...” “What do you need?” Meetings include detailed & open content discussion (at the PBO Level) Highlighting targeted improvements in courses / programs to better align with customers’ needs e.g. “our students need to be able to have these five skills (PBOs) in PLCs...” PRESENT STATE:PREFERRED STATE: Advisory Boards NATIONAL MODEL: CONTINUOUS CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT

11 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License PRESENT STATE:PREFERRED STATE: Advisory Boards NATIONAL MODEL: CONTINUOUS CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT Advisory Board Review and discuss gap analysis results at meeting College shares relevant PBOs with the Advisory Board Industry members prior to meetings for pre- review 1 2 College can justify curriculum changes / improvements made at the recommendation of the board 4 College Carries out a Gap Analysis based on pre- review results, IDs gaps 2

12 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License In the classroom, students are graded on knowledge, not skill Skill attainment (learned in class) isn’t often assessed at work No universal way to assess skills in the classroom and on the floor Student skill attainment doesn’t affect curriculum Students are assessed primarily on their skill mastery On the floor, employers validate employees’ skills The same PBOs can be used in the classroom and on the floor to assess skill Skill attainment informs curriculum improvements PRESENT STATE:PREFERRED STATE: PBO Check Off Sheets NATIONAL MODEL: CONTINUOUS CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT

13 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License PREFERRED STATE PBO Check Off Sheets NATIONAL MODEL: CONTINUOUS CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT After Course Industry Partners use PBO check off sheets on the floor (same PBOs) to assess skill attainment College Faculty administers real- time remediation Yes No During Course College Faculty use PBO check off sheets in class to assess skill attainment IMPLEMENT CHANGES Skills attained? College & Industry Evaluates course, ID gaps, teaching method, etc. No Skills attained? No Action Yes College & Industry ID and propose required changes

14 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License PREFERRED STATE PBO Check Off Sheets NATIONAL MODEL: CONTINUOUS CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT After Course Industry Partners use PBO check off sheets on the floor (same PBOs) to assess skill attainment College Faculty administers real- time remediation Yes No During Course College Faculty use PBO check off sheets in class to assess skill attainment IMPLEMENT CHANGES Skills attained? No Skills attained? No Action Yes College & Industry ID and propose required changes Often, Industry Partners and Colleges can partner to fill gaps together, for example... Industry partner can loan equipment to the school Industry partner can provide subject matter expert to provide seminar for students and faculty Industry can provide a co-teacher for a course If Gap cannot be addressed at the college, the industry partner can address the issue using structured OJT (controlling customer expectations) College & Industry Evaluates course, ID gaps, teaching method, etc.

15 M ULTI -S TATE A DVANCED M ANUFACTURING C ONSORTIUM 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model 20150622_v001_m-samc_continuous_improvement_and_sustainability_model found in Resources byResources the M-SAMC Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License SAFETY DISCLAIMER: M-SAMC educational resources are in no way meant to be a substitute for occupational safety and health standards. No guarantee is made to resource thoroughness, statutory or regulatory compliance, and related media may depict situations that are not in compliance with OSHA and other safety requirements. It is the responsibility of educators/employers and their students/employees, or anybody using our resources, to comply fully with all pertinent OSHA, and any other, rules and regulations in any jurisdiction in which they learn/work. M-SAMC will not be liable for any damages or other claims and demands arising out of the use of these educational resources. By using these resources, the user releases the Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium and participating educational institutions and their respective Boards, individual trustees, employees, contractors, and sub-contractors from any liability for injuries resulting from the use of the educational resources. DOL DISCLAIMER: This product was funded by a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. The product was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor. The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership. RELEVANCY REMINDER: M-SAMC resources reflect a shared understanding of grant partners at the time of development. In keeping with our industry and college partner requirements, our products are continuously improved. Updated versions of our work can be found here: Multi-State Advanced Manufacturing Consortium US DOL SPONSORED TAACCCT GRANT: TC23767 RELEASE DATE06/29/2015 VERSIONv 001 PAGE15 of 15 PRIMARY DEVELOPER – Marv Crowe, Spartanburg Community College M-SAMC Implementation Facilitator

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