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AGU/EGU/GSA activities Earth and Space Science Informatics.

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1 AGU/EGU/GSA activities Earth and Space Science Informatics

2 ESSI history Fall 07 featured 24 sessions with hundreds of abstracts; two of these sessions were inspired by eGY Spring 08 features 8 Sessions ESSI has almost 700 ‘FTE’ affiliations (remind your colleagues to consider adding it as a secondary affiliation) - fastest growing entity in AGU Fall 08??

3 ESSI officers (rotation in June) Robin Pfister (chair) Peter Fox (co-chair) Ben Domenico (secretary) Bernard Minster (past-chair) Executive: –Officers + Thomas Narock, Venkat Lakshmi, Ilkay Altinas, Lee Allison, Glenn Rutledge, Richard Ullman, Jean Virieux, Tamas Gombosi, Dave Yuen, Henry Shaw, Stefano Nativi (EGU)

4 ESSI is active Website, newsletter, email list, publication presence: e-journal, special issue/ monograph, EOS articles, discussion forum, etc. Liason efforts to all AGU sections, true joint sessions Plans to identify a Prize lecture, support students eGY will propose sessions to ESSI through 2008

5 EGU ‘ESSI’ history April 07 - 4 sessions (4 oral, 2 poster, 1 special) 70 abstracts - one Union and two GI, one NH - room overflow, strong participation New EGU ESSI division formed in 2007 after townhall meeting based on geoinformatics organization and proposal prepared by interested parties - which was a sub-division within GI/Data April 08 - 9 sessions (7 oral, 4 poster), and over 100 abstracts Town Hall - for Grid session Planning for 2009

6 GSA Geoinformatics Geological Society of America, division of Geoinformatics, confirmed mid-2006 President of division: Prof. Krishna Sinha (VT), incoming Randy Keller (OU) Annual meeting in October Primary sponsor for Geoinformatics 2007 (and 2008) - you will hear more Has almost 240 ‘members’ - > 90 of these are students!

7 National Geoinformatics System NSF-sponsored initiative for solid earth (NSF/EAR), invitation only (w/ strong USGS and state survey participation) Awarded NSF grant for 6 workshops in 2008

8 Coordination i-chairs ( –Conceived to coordinate activities among societies, chairs/ co-chairs only –Share what works, what does not –Not duplicate efforts –Meeting schedule optimization –Perhaps joint events

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