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Computer Viruses By Aidan Leitch and Eli Miloff. Background Info The first virus on the PC was created in Pakistan in 1986 by the Farooq Alvi brothers.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Viruses By Aidan Leitch and Eli Miloff. Background Info The first virus on the PC was created in Pakistan in 1986 by the Farooq Alvi brothers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Viruses By Aidan Leitch and Eli Miloff

2 Background Info The first virus on the PC was created in Pakistan in 1986 by the Farooq Alvi brothers. It was spread on a floppy disk entitled Brain which was named after their company. It was meant to only explore the security loop holes in software. They left their names on the disk, because it had nothing harmful on it.

3 What Are viruses? Viruses are computer programs that can replicate them selfs, much like the human virus. The term “virus is commonly used to describe the word “Malware” Malware includes, computer viruses, computer worms, trojan horses, most root-kits, spyware, dishonest adware and other malicious unwanted programs.

4 How do Virus’s Spread? Virus’s usually get spread by either emails or files downloaded off of a website. Virus’s are usually “installed when the user opens or downloads a file. Now a days virus’s can copy them selfs and email them to other computers and continue the spread.


6 Catching A Virus Although Macintosh and Unix and Linux can catch virus’s hackers are always trying to find weaknesses and loopholes in the security software in anything Microsoft. Hackers choose to distribute their virus’s on Microsoft because there are more users on Microsoft so they get more bang for their buck.

7 Modern Usage of Virus’s Hackers mostly use viruses these days for gathering information in companies, or consumers databases. This information could be credit card information and emails accounts.

8 MyDoom Virus MyDoom was a virus that made its first appearance in 2004 and was intended to affect Microsoft Windows. When this virus was discovered it had no name. The discoverer of this virus (Craig Schmugar) named it MyDoom because it had the text “mydom” within it. After examination, it was found to be a variant of the Mimail worm (spread via email).

9 The “Hoax” Virus Olympic torch is computer virus hoax sent out by email. The virus referred to as email did not actually exist. These emails were sent to peoples addresses titled “invitation”. It would erase the computers hard disc when opened. This virus has been reported by Microsoft as one of the most destructive viruses ever. The virus was also sent on facebook through the message “Facebook invitation” Don’t open it if you see it. Just delete it.

10 Flame Flame or otherwise know as Flamer or sKyWIper is a computer Virus discovered in 2012. It attacks Windows Computers The program is being used for targeted cyber espionage in Middle Eastern Countries. It was found out by the Centre of Iranian Nation Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT). Flame is one of the most sophisticated computer virus ever found, because of its complexity.

11 Flame

12 Flame Cont. The United States and Israel jointly developed the computer malware to collect intel to prepare for a cyber-sabotage aimed at Iran’s ability to develop nuclear weapons. The Program uses everything from bluetooth to screenshots to vacuum data in the Mid East without leaving a trace.

13 Bibliography Wikipedia Wikipedia The Electric Web Matrix Photo Sean McDonald Wikipedia Greg Miller, G. (2012, June 19). U.s., israel developed flame computer virus to slow iranian nuclear efforts, officials say. The Washington Post. Retrieved from computer-virus-to-slow-iranian-nuclear-efforts-officials- say/2012/06/19/gJQA6xBPoV_story.html

14 The end

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