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Reach Out and Touch Someone: Cultivating Information Literacy Competencies with E-Learning Technology Lisa Santucci / Rob Withers Miami University Libraries.

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Presentation on theme: "Reach Out and Touch Someone: Cultivating Information Literacy Competencies with E-Learning Technology Lisa Santucci / Rob Withers Miami University Libraries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reach Out and Touch Someone: Cultivating Information Literacy Competencies with E-Learning Technology Lisa Santucci / Rob Withers Miami University Libraries

2 Who We Are State assisted institution 15,000 undergraduates, 1,300 graduates 3,473 first year undergraduates Selective admissions Residential campus

3 Need for Undergraduate Instruction Anecdotal feedback NSSE Survey: students note little growth in library /research skills Similar efforts at other institutions: TILT, Penn State - Information Cycle

4 Challenges to Undergraduate Instruction No required introduction to use of research/information seeking strategies Limited time available in existing classes Not enough personnel/classroom space to reach every student in entering classes

5 Our Vision: Asynchronous Instruction Maximize availability of instructors Minimize need for instructional facilities Prevent schedule conflicts with other classes/activities Provide online support through call center software used for reference Enable students to begin prior to Fall Semester

6 Grant Opportunity Support for development of distributed education Submitted proposal for development of/usability testing on prototype of online instructional module Requested funding for software/hardware and release time for developers

7 Reaching the “GameBoy” Generation Today’s students expect: Brief, non-linear communication Multimedia used to deliver information Education and entertainment are not mutually exclusive Giving them what they want AND what they need

8 Development of Prototype

9 Hardware/Software Delivering Materials: Server to house E-learn Blackboard CourseInfo Creating Materials: Macromedia Flash, Fireworks Snagit

10 Personnel Systems Officer (initial stages) 5 librarians with expertise in public service, instruction, developing electronic resources Subject specialists to adapt to discipline- focused “sequels” (later stages)

11 Development Phase Content team develops script containing text information together with ideas for images Design team conveys information in script, with goal of minimizing text needed Invited all librarians to brainstorming session for input

12 Topics Covered in e - Learn Nine modules in these areas: Understanding Information/Evaluating Information Finding Books Finding Articles Finding News Searching the Web

13 Initial Delivery Contacted sample group of incoming students via campus email requesting to take survey Enrolled students in Blackboard course management software Checked students machines to ensure they had software needed

14 Requirements for Student Computers Shockwave Audio card/speakers JavaScript

15 Usability Testing of Prototype

16 Usability Testing Invite 25% of incoming Fall 2002 students to complete readings and answer survey Notify students BOTH through Blackboard AND through campus e-mail

17 Usability Testing What Internet experience do individuals have? What kind of Internet connection/access? Is information relevant? Is it readable? Do graphics/animation enhance/detract from information? Do users have needed hardware/software?

18 Feedback from Trials First round (50 students): " didn't like the timed element of the screens they want to control the pace" Second round (88 students): positive responses

19 Challenges: Usability Testing Not all students use University E-mail Ensuring compliance with Human Subjects Testing guidelines (no subjects under age 18) Encouraging feedback

20 Future Challenges and Initiatives

21 Upgrading Content Continuous redevelopment Focus more extensively on non-verbal communication More extensive assessment exercises Modules that are subject specific: –Biology –Education –English

22 Attracting Students Participation in Summer orientation for first year students University Admissions Welcome CD-ROM Personal invitation delivered to student room Students receiving credit

23 Challenges: Future Development Seeking course credit for completing work Creating more extensive assessment exercises & quizzes Allocating/scheduling staff to support

24 Model for Integrating E-learn into Credit Course 1 credit hour class - equivalent to 10 class meetings 45 minutes E-Learn readings equivalent to “lecture material” 30 minutes equivalent to in-class activities 2 quizzes blogging assignment: respond to news items related to course content final project: annotated webliography

25 Special Thanks to: Stan Brown Sylvia Hu Nancy Moeckel Lisa Santucci Rachel Vacek Ohio Board of Regents

26 More Information Lisa Santucci ( Rob Withers ( Jen-chien Yu ( E-learn:

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