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Published byDennis Wheeler Modified over 9 years ago
GOAL 3:Provide Quality Education and Lifelong Learning
Target A: Increase by % the proportion of children able to access and complete pre-primary education Indicators / Unit Baseline Source of data: (e.g. Census of Populat ion, FIES, FHSIS, etc) Frequen cy of data collectio n Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Latest Availabl e Data (Year) Who are the agencies responsible for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountable agencies / others for the achievement of this indicator? National Regi onal disag greg ation Provincial Disaggre gation by Sex Net enrolment rate in kindergarten (5yrs old) for boys, girls and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped Gross enrolment rate in day care service (3- 4 yrs old) for boys, girls and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped
Target A: Increase by % the proportion of children able to access and complete pre-primary education Indicators / Unit Baseline Source of data: (e.g. Census of Populat ion, FIES, FHSIS, etc) Frequen cy of data collectio n Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Latest Availabl e Data (Year) Who are the agencies responsible for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountable agencies / others for the achievement of this indicator? National Regi onal disag greg ation Provincial Disaggre gation by Sex Gross enrolment rate in kindergarten (5 yrs old) for boys, girls and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped
Target B:Ensure every child, regardless of circumstances, completes primary education able to read, write and count well enough to meet minimum learning standards Indicators / Unit Source of data: data collecti on Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Latest Availa ble Data Who are the agencies responsibl e for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountable agencies / others for the achievement of this indicator? National Regio nal disag grega tion Provincial Disaggreg ation by Sex Net enrolment ratio in primary education for boys, girls and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary for boys, girls and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped
Target B:Ensure every child, regardless of circumstances, completes primary education able to read, write and count well enough to meet minimum learning standards Indicators / Unit Baseline Source of data: data collecti on Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Latest Availa ble Data Who are the agencies responsibl e for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountable agencies / others for the achievement of this indicator? National Regio nal disag grega tion Provincial Disaggreg ation by Sex Primary completion rate for boys, girls, and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped Achievement rate for boys, girls and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped
Target C:Ensure every child, regardless of circumstance, has access to lower secondary education and increase the proportion of adolescents who achieve recognized and measurable learning outcomes to x% Indicators / Unit Baseline Source of data: Frequen cy of data collectio n Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Latest Availab le Data Who are the agencies responsibl e for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountable agencies / others for the achievement of this indicator? National Region al disagg regati on Provincial Disaggrega tion by Sex NER in secondary education for boys, girls and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped Proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach secondary for boys, girls and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped Secondary completion rate for boys, girls, and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped
Target C:Ensure every child, regardless of circumstance, has access to lower secondary education and increase the proportion of adolescents who achieve recognized and measurable learning outcomes to x% Indicators / Unit Baseline Source of data: Frequen cy of data collectio n Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Latest Availab le Data Who are the agencies responsibl e for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountable agencies / others for the achievement of this indicator? National Region al disagg regati on Provincial Disaggrega tion by Sex Average number of years of schooling for boys, girls and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped Achievement rate boys, girls and both sexes yes 2013Deped end of the school yearDeped
Target D. Increase the number of young and adult women and men with the skills, including technical and vocational, needed for work by % Indicators / Unit Baseline Source of data: Freque ncy of data collecti on Implementing Agencies / Oversight Agencies / Other Actors Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Lates t Avail able Data Who are the agencies responsible for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountable agencies / others for the achievement of this indicator? Nation al Region al disagg regatio n Provincial Disaggregat ion by Sex TVET enrolment by men, women, both sexes yes 2013TESDA Monthl y and TVET Stats every yearTESDA DepEd (TVET Track after grade 12) TVET graduates by men, women, both sexes yes 2013TESDA Monthl y and TVET Stats every yearTESDA DepEd (TVET Track after grade 12) Number of persons assessed and certified for men, women, both sexes yes 2013TESDA Monthl y and TVET Stats every yearTESDA
Target E. Increase the number of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Faculty with Masters and Doctorate degrees in the field in which they teach through Faculty Development Program Indicators / Unit Baseline Sour ce of data: Freq uenc y of data collec tion Implementing Agencies / Oversight Agencies / Other Actors Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Late st Avail able Data Who are the agencies responsib le for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountabl e agencies / others for the achieveme nt of this indicator? Nat’lReg’l Provinci al by Sex Total number of HEIs Faculty yes Yes 201 3 CHE D Sem estralCHEDHEIs Number of HEIs Faculty with MA and Doctorate degrees yes Yes 201 3 CHE D Sem estralCHEDHEIs,GFIs Number of HEIs Faculty enrolled and availed CHED FDP for MA and doctorate programs yes Yes 201 3 CHE D Sem estralCHEDHEIs, GFIs
Target E. Increase the number of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Faculty with Masters and Doctorate degrees in the field in which they teach through Faculty Development Program Indicators / Unit Baseline Sour ce of data: Freq uenc y of data collec tion Implementing Agencies / Oversight Agencies / Other Actors Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Late st Avail able Data Who are the agencies responsib le for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountabl e agencies / others for the achieveme nt of this indicator? Nat’lReg’l Provinci al by Sex Number of HEIs Faculty enrolled and availed graduated for MA and doctorate degrees under CHED FDP yes Yes 201 3 CHE D Sem estralCHEDHEIs
GOAL 8:Create jobs, Sustainable Livelihoods and Equitable Growth
Target A: Increase the number of good and decent jobs and livelihood by x 2 Indicators / Unit BaselineSource of data: (e.g. Census of Populat ion, FIES, FHSIS, etc) Frequen cy of data collectio n Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Latest Availab le Data (Year) Who are the agencies responsible for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountable agencies / others for the achievement of this indicator? National Regional disaggreg ation Provinc ial Disagg regatio n by Sex employment-to- population ratioyes 2013DOLE quarte rlyDOLE Proportion to self- employment and unpaid family workersyes 2013DOLE quarte rlyDOLE Share of wage employment in non- agricultural employmentyes 2013DOLE quarte rlyDOLE
Target B:Decrease the number of young people not in education, employment or training by x% 2 Indicators / Unit Baseline Source of data: Frequency of data collection Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Latest Availa ble Data Who are the agencies responsi ble for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountable agencies / others for the achievement of this indicator? National Regional disaggre gation Provincia l Disaggre gation by Sex Youth not in education and not in employment, 15-24 yearsyes 2013DOLEquarterlyDOLE
Target C:Strengthen productive capacity by providing universal access to financial services and infrastructure such as transportation and ICT Proposed Indicators / Unit Telephone iline subscribers per 100 population Celular Phone subscribers per 100 population Internet users by 100 population Road Density in terms of KM of roads per hectare
Target D. Increase new start-ups by x and value added from new products by y through creating an enabling business environment and boosting entrepreneurship Indicators / Unit Baseline Sourc e of data: Frequ ency of data collec tion Availability Yes / No / Not Applicable Late st Avail able Data Who are the agencies responsibl e for data collection / data sources? Who are the accountab le agencies / others for the achievem ent of this indicator? National Regi onal disag greg ation Provi ncial Disag greg ation by Sex Gross value added of SMSE contribution yesno NSO No of LGUs that adopted streamlined BPLS yes DTI and DILG Philippine Business Registry
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