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Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1–2: General actions – Actions on structures exposed to fire Part of the One Stop Shop program Annex F (informative)

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Presentation on theme: "Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1–2: General actions – Actions on structures exposed to fire Part of the One Stop Shop program Annex F (informative)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1–2: General actions – Actions on structures exposed to fire Part of the One Stop Shop program Annex F (informative) → Equivalent time of fire exposure

2 Introduction Method to be used where design of members based on simple rules related to standard fire exposure –Not applicable to Composite steel and concrete constructions Timber constructions Only applicable to cellulosic type fire loads unless others specifically taken into consideration – see Annex E

3 Time equivalence The equivalent time of standard fire exposure is given by Design fire load density according to Annex E Conversion factor Ventilation factor Correction factor – a function of the material composing structural cross-sections. Unity for reinforced concrete and protected steel and equal to for unprotected steel. “Opening factor” defined in Annex A

4 Conversion factor If no detailed assessment of the enclosure’s thermal properties is available then If material properties are available the conversion factor may be related to as defined in Annex A

5 is the height of the compartment Ventilation factor The ventilation factor is defined as Area of vertical openings in façade related to floor area of compartment with the following limits - Area of horizontal openings in roof related to floor area of compartment For small fire compartments

6 Verification of time equivalence Having calculated the value of the equivalent time it should be verified that The design value of the fire resistance of the members, assessed according to prEN 1992, 1996, and 1999

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