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Renhe Zhang Yunqi Ni State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences South China Heavy Rainfall Experiment —— SCHeREX.

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Presentation on theme: "Renhe Zhang Yunqi Ni State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences South China Heavy Rainfall Experiment —— SCHeREX."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renhe Zhang Yunqi Ni State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences South China Heavy Rainfall Experiment —— SCHeREX (2007-2009)

2 1.Motivation


4 复杂的梅雨锋与锋上 的中尺度对流云塔 TRMM retrieved structure of Meiyu Front (21:40; 20 July, 1998) ( left : 3 dimensional right : horizontal )

5 新 15Km 业务 30Km Germany forecaster ETS 评分 Japan

6 SCHeREX aims at: 1)understanding meso-scale convective systems and their relations to the large- scale circulation; 2)improving capability of heavy rainfall prediction.

7 2. Objectives, experimental regions and periods

8 1) Objectives 1. Establish meso-scale observation networks; 2. Obtain meteorological data describing 4 dimensional structure of meso-scale systems; 3. Develop meso-scale reanalysis systems and forming a high time-space resolution reanalysis meteorological fields; 4. Improve heavy rainfall prediction by using this database.

9 The experimental regions include the areas in southern China and middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River valley. It is related to more than ten provinces in South China. CHeREX Experiment Areas 2) Experimental Areas

10 3) Experimental period From May to July in 2008 and maybe extended to 2009.

11 3. Design of the meso-scale observation network

12 1) Design of meso scale observation network

13 CHeREX Four Experiment Areas Huihe Obs.region Middle reaches of YZ River obs. region Lower reaches of YZ River Obs. Region Southern China Region

14 Doppler radars 9 Surface stations 169 Sounding stations 10 Automatic Weather Stations 600 Meteo. Satellite FY-2C, 2D and others GPS data & wind profiles

15 2) Design of meso scale-β observation network in Southern China

16 Distribution of annual mean heavy rainfall days in Guandong

17 中尺度观测区 中 —ß 尺度观测区 香港 连平 汕头 斗门 阳江 清远 怀集 广宁 四会 恩平 上岛川 英德 龙门 广州 中山 东莞 惠阳 惠东 汕尾 陆丰 郁南 五华 韶关 电白 meso-β scale observation network in Southern China Surface Station Operational radio sounding GPS sounding Wind profiler Operational Radar Movable Radar

18 Guandong Province meso-βscale observation region EquipmentsNumber Doppler radar operational6 Movable2 Sounding station Operational6 GPS sounding/boundary layer 15 Wind profile3 Surface stationsoperational30 AWS 300 GPS/moisture

19 (3) Movable Observation Systems

20 Movable C-band Doppler Radar Wind Profiler Drop sounding

21 Cloud image every 15 minutes from FY-2C and FY-2D

22 A C B 0600 UTC 22 June 2002 Wind retrieved from clouds at 200-300hpa

23 Analysis using remote sensing retrieval data for three dimensional temperature & moisture structure of meso-scale systems

24 配对雷达的距离适中: 60 - 80KM 立体扫描时间短,层数要尽量多 Retrieval area of dual-Doppler radars 两个雷达径向速度 的夹角在( 30 - 150 0 ) 之间 广州 龙门


26 112 113114 115 22 23 24 业务雷达 广州 23º 00′113º 21′ 深圳 22º 33′114º 06′ 香港 22º 15′114º 08′ 澳门 22º 10′113º 33′ 车载雷达 龙门 23º 44′114º 14′ 惠阳 23º 05′114º 25′ 广州 香港 澳门 龙门 深圳 惠阳 Dual-Doppler Radar Network in Southern China meso—β Obs. Region in Southern China meso—β Obs. Region

27 5. Database and data share of CHeREX

28 Database Documents Raw DataProducts


30 6. Organizing of CHeREX

31 CHeREX Leaders group CHeREX Headquarters CHeREX Office Working group Of meso –scale Obs. Working group Of Data processing Working group of Analysis of satellite remote sensing Working group Of database Working group of Quick look & meso-scale analysis Working group of reanalysis & prediction Headquarters Organization Flow Chart

32 Financial Support National Key Project for Developing Basic Sciences (973) “Theories and Methods for Monitoring and predicting Heavy Rainfall in South China” (2004-2009; PI: Renhe Zhang) State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

33 7. Summary

34 1.Implement SCHeREX in May-July 2008/2009. 2.Characteristics of CHeREX are (1) establishing dual-Doppler observation network with four operational Doppler radars and two movable Doppler radars; (2) implementing dropsonde detecting from plane; (3) Using dual polarized Doppler radar to detect the parameters inside of cloud; (4) Increasing sounding density by using GPS/boundary layer sounding. 3. Use satellite data to increase meso-scale observation including FY-2C, FY-2D, COSMIC, et al.; 4. Develop meso-scale reanalysis system.

35 Thank you!

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