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 Many children’s body strength increases  Physical skills are easier  Proportions are more equal  Bones and teeth become stronger  They need good.

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Presentation on theme: " Many children’s body strength increases  Physical skills are easier  Proportions are more equal  Bones and teeth become stronger  They need good."— Presentation transcript:


2  Many children’s body strength increases  Physical skills are easier  Proportions are more equal  Bones and teeth become stronger  They need good nutrition

3  More complex movements › Hopping on one foot › Walk downstairs alternating feet › Skipping › Riding a bike with training wheels.

4  Can string beads and work with puzzle pieces  When using building blocks they are tall and straight  Also improve writing and drawing skills

5  Many children start to value friendships with others  Prefer friends of the same sex  Cooperation at age five  Still need help with settling disputes and getting materials  They ask for permission many times  Emotions are changing

6  Children become more involved  They know that friends are someone that “likes you”  Many emotions are changing

7  They enjoy playing with other children  Don’t always want adults to participate in play  Prefer children of the same sex  Enjoy Sharing

8  Many 4 and 5 may hug other children that are sad and show love by sharing or helping with a task  Develop sense of humor  They do not understand verbal jokes but laugh at funny faces and actions also unusual things.

9  Fears are still common in young children  Major Fears: › Getting Hurt › Ghosts › Dogs › Imagined creature

10  Many children have no causes for anger  Physical anger can be from not learning another way to express anger

11  Jealousy may be a problem of children in this age group  Jealousy may be from a new brother or sister  Many children need extra attention away from home to make them still feel loved

12  Children of this age learn that some situations are sad  They learn about death and learn it can not be reversed  They need adults to provide a full explanation

13  Children enjoy helping and feel important when needed  Children enjoy talking and playing with others

14  Children are more content with playing with each other  Conflicts over group rules are common  Simple organized games are favored  Imagined friends are common

15  Children of this age enjoy projects  Woodworking, clay sculpting and cooking are enjoyed at this age

16  Time spent on one project is usually only seven minutes

17  Very talkative  Still enjoy physical play but spend more time talking  Conversations may be part of story time

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