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Module 9 Cartoon stories Unit 1 We need someone like Superman who can save Tony.

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2 Module 9 Cartoon stories Unit 1 We need someone like Superman who can save Tony.

3 Shrek Let’s call their names loudly!

4 1. Answer the questions. Use the words in the box to help you. 1 Do you like cartoon stories? 2 What kind of cartoons do you like? 3 Does it always have a happy ending? 4 Is it always funny? cartoon character ending flash funny hero joke laugh news drawing save serious smart story I like the cartoons which…

5 1. What kind of cartoons does Betty like? 2. What kind of cartoons does Tony like? Betty likes cartoon stories with a hero who saves the world. Tony likes funny cartoons.

6 Listen and answer Who finds out Tony’s camera? 1. Betty is a cartoon character. ( ) 2. Daming likes heroes that like Superman or Batman. ( ) 3. Tony’s father gave the camera to him. ( ) 4. Betty will be a real superman. ( ) F T F F It’s Tony’s father. So it’s a cartoon story which has a happy ending. Say True or False

7 定语从句 (that/ which/ who/ whom/ whose) 1.The cartoons I like have lots of jokes. 2.This isn’t one of those cartoons make you laugh. 3.The characters I like are heroes like Superman or Barman. 4.We need someone like Superman can save Tony. 5.I’ve got a camera has got his name on it. = I’ve got a camera with his name on it. 6…he’s lost the camera he borrowed. 7…but perhaps it’ll be a cartoon has a happy ending. ( that /which) that/which ( that /who/whom) that/who that/which ( that /which) that/which

8 Complete the sentences. 1.Daming likes cartoons that _______________________ and characters that ______________________________. 2.Mr Jackson wants to have a word with Tony because __________________________________________. 3.Tony will be in deep trouble if___________________ __________________________________________. 4.The flash will show Tony that __________________________________________. 5.The cartoon will have a happy ending because___________________________________. are heroes like Superman or Batman have lots of fun He has got a camera which has got his name on it. he told his dad that he has lost the camera he borrowed. they have got his dad’s camera. Tony will see the flash and know the camera

9 1.It’s no laughing matter. 不是闹着玩的. 2.make you laugh 使你发笑 3.over there 那边 4.have a word with sb. =speak to sb. 和某人说几句话. 5.That’s good news. 那是个好消息. in deep trouble 有大麻烦 7.That’s a smart idea. 那是个聪明的主意。 8.give sth. to sb. 把某物给某人 =give sb. sth. 9.a happy ending 一个开心的结局 a part of… 在 … 里扮演角色

10 Retell the text. Tony’s camera has. He is afraid that his father him. So he’ll be. His classmates think that they need someone like Superman can save Tony. Luckily, Tony’s father has got a camera has got his name on it. it’ll be a which has a happy ending. which who gone is angry with in deeptrouble. Perhaps cartoon

11 1 In your life, is there a story which has a happy ending? 2 In your life, is there someone who can help you? Let’s discuss (讨论) it.

12 1. What does Betty think the ending will be? 2.Why is the situation no laughing matter? 3. How do you think Superman can save Tony? Homework Do Part4 and Part6 She thinks it will be an unhappy ending. Because Tony has lost his father’s camera and his father will be angry when he talks to his father. He can find the camera and give it to him before he talks to his father.

13 4. Who does Mr Jackson give the camera? 5. When will Tony possibly find out that his friends have got the camera? 6. Why does Betty say she’ll be Superman? Mr Jackson gives the camera to Daming. When they take a flash photo of him. Because she’s the one who will save Tony from the bad situation.

14 6. Complete the sentences. 1. A _________ is a person who plays a part in a story, and the______ is the person who plays the main part. 2. A ________cartoon is one which doesn’t make you_______, such as a ___________of a news story. character hero serious laugh drawing 3. A cartoon in which the hero saves someone is a story with a happy ________. 4.A ________ is a story you tell to make people laugh. ending joke

15 Thank you for listening!

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