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 Change and Continuity Over Time APWH. CCOT Essay  This essay question deals specifically with analysis of continuities and changes over time covering.

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1  Change and Continuity Over Time APWH

2 CCOT Essay  This essay question deals specifically with analysis of continuities and changes over time covering at least one of the periods in the course outline.  It addresses, for example, technology, trade, culture, migrations, or environment.  The continuity and change over time questions require analysis of process and explanation of causation with specific examples.

3 What you need to be able to do: Change  - Recognize it as it occurs in history.  - Identify & Understand the causes of change Continuity  -Recognize factors which remain the same throughout an entire period  -Identify & Understand factors which allow this to continue

4 Step 1: Read and Analyze the Question Analyze changes and continuities in long-distance migrations in the period from 1700 to 1900. Be sure to include specific examples from at least TWO different world regions.  Underline the important words or phrases you need to address in your thesis statement.

5  Step 2: Create a Timeline Continuities Beginning Date End Date --I----------------I-------------------I-------------------I---------------I------------------I-----------------I-- Changes

6 Timeline with annotations

7 CCOT Exercise Imagine a simple timeline that represents your own life. If you were to note the 10-12 most important events on your timeline, what might that timeline look like, and how would you analyze the changes and continuities of your own life? Directions: 1. Create a timeline starting with your birthdate and ending with your current age. 2. Fill in the continuities on top and changes on the bottom with the 10-12 most important events in your life.

8 Tomorrow  Make sure your Stearns book is in class, we will be working out of it in class on Wednesday.

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