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Bell Work Questions Did history have a beginning? If yes, when and how? If no, why not? Will history have an end? If yes, when and how? If no, why not?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Questions Did history have a beginning? If yes, when and how? If no, why not? Will history have an end? If yes, when and how? If no, why not?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Questions Did history have a beginning? If yes, when and how? If no, why not? Will history have an end? If yes, when and how? If no, why not?


3 Philosophy of History These kids don’t have any Class!

4 Let’s take a look at the different philosophies of History… Linear Views -Views history as a line. -Such as mapping out historical events on a timeline.

5 I. Linear Views A.Teleological Views -States that history is pushed toward some ultimate goal or ending. -This calls us to question: “Who or What is pushing history to that end?”

6 A. Teleological Views 1. Providential Views (Based on providence) -States that God controls history… -Religions that hold this belief: A. Judaism B. Christianity C. Islam *If God is pushing history, towards what end might He be pushing history?

7 A. Teleological Views 1.Providential Views 2.Dialectical Process (G. Hegel) Hegel’s Process: Thesis>Antithesis>Synthesis -The conflict of “opposing forces” leads to growth, change, and development. -History is a “struggle of the opposites”.

8 2. Dialectical Process & Dialectical Materialism -Karl Marx described the “struggle of the opposites” as… People with stuff People without stuff (Bourgeoisie) (Proletariat) “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” CLASH

9 2. Dialectical Process & Dialectical Materialism Marx’s 5 Stages of History… 1- Primitive Communism 2- Slave Society 3- Feudalism 4- Capitalism 5- Socialism

10 2. Dialectical Process & Dialectical Materialism So, in short, this view states that history is moved along through class conflict, leading ultimately to a perfectly equal (Communist) society.

11 So, why is Dialectical Materialism a teleological view of history?

12 3. Francis Fukuyama’s End of History View After the fall of Communism in 1990, Fukuyama argues that the progress of mankind had ended. In his mind, there is no greater form of government than Liberal Democracy. Liberal Democracy: Government elected by free and fair elections with universal suffrage; usually with a free market (capitalist) economy.

13 Arguments for Fukuyama Dramatic rise in Democratic nations in the 20 th century. Mature democracies rarely go to war with one another. The end of the Cold War and Communism led to a decrease in global warfare.

14 Arguments Against Fukuyama “Jihad vs McWorld” (Book by Benjamin Barber) George Will on September 11, 2001: “History has returned from its vacation.” Rise in power of China and Russia. Global poverty and inequality. Poverty, inequality, ethnic tensions within liberal democratic countries. Success of the Arab Spring

15 I. Linear Views A. Teleological View B. Evolutionary View -States that society is progressing over time through natural selection and the survival of the fittest. -Social Darwinism

16 C. De-Evolutionary View States that humans and society are de-evolving.

17 I. Linear Views II. Cyclical Views States that history moves in cycles. Reincarnation (transmigration of souls) – Life, death, rebirth, life, death, rebirth…  Hinduism  Buddhism  Daoism (Taoism)

18 III. Great Men of History View States that history is explained by the impact of influential men.

19 IV. Arnold Toynbee’s View -States that history moves via the rise and fall of great civilizations. -Greece -Rome -Byzantine Empire -Islamic Empire -British Empire -USA/USSR -???

20 V. Jared Diamond’s View Author of “Guns, Germs, & Steel” States that history is determined by geography.

21 VI. Existentialist View States that there is no force moving history. All events are random. You must create meaning.

22 VII. Post-Modern View All history is subjective (opinion). History is recorded by the winners. History was recorded primarily by men (white men). You can’t trust history.

23 Assignment Write a 3 paragraph essay answering the following question: Of the views of history discussed in class, with which do you most agree?

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