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Teaching measurement Early Stage 1 and Stage 1. Understanding measurement Length When measuring length, area and volume, the units of measure are aligned.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching measurement Early Stage 1 and Stage 1. Understanding measurement Length When measuring length, area and volume, the units of measure are aligned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching measurement Early Stage 1 and Stage 1

2 Understanding measurement Length When measuring length, area and volume, the units of measure are aligned spatially. Most adults can confidently estimate and measure length, distance or height and are familiar with the units used to measure length - centimetres, metres and kilometers.

3 Understanding measurement Area However, fewer adults can confidently estimate area. Many learnt to calculate area by using the L x B formula, without understanding what the formula does. Students often apply the area and perimeter formulae wrongly or invent their own formulae. The use of units cm 2, m 2 and hectares is frequently confused.

4 Calculating area by identifying rows or columns as composite units and adding, skip counting, or multiplying.

5 Understanding measurement Volume And even fewer adults are confident of how to estimate or calculate volume. Students or adults who don’t understand how the area formula works, will have difficulty in understanding how to calculate volume.

6 Understanding measurement Volume Volume can be modelled as repeated layers. An understanding of how one layer is constructed (as in area) is necessary for the confident use of the formula L X B X H. Sometimes the formula is applied with no understanding of what the units of measure will be.

7 12 24 36 Calculating volume by identifying horizontal layers and adding, skip counting, or multiplying.

8 9182736 Calculating volume by identifying vertical layers and adding, skip counting, or multiplying the number of layers

9 Understanding measurement Capacity, Mass In measurement of capacity or mass, the spatial arrangement of the units is not important. Finding the capacity of a container by filling with liquid or sand or rice is different from packing with blocks, which must be arranged spatially. When finding the mass of a quantity by balancing with blocks or weights, the arrangement of the mass does not matter.

10 Understanding measurement Capacity, Mass The measurement framework generally refers to capacity as liquid measure and volume as cubic measure. Within the framework, mass is slightly different from the other sub-strands: –Level 1.3 is an additional sub-level, to introduce the concept of an equal-arm balance –There is no sub-level 3.1, as Structure of repeated units does not apply to mass.

11 Teaching measurement Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 The resource Teaching measurement: Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 contains - the measurement framework lesson ideas lesson plans for the measurement sub-strands of length, area, volume and capacity and mass.

12 Teaching measurement Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 The measurement framework provides the fine detail of how students’ concepts develop. The framework focuses on an understanding of quantities, terminology used to describe measurements, the use of units to measure and the pattern created by repeated, tessellating units.

13 The measurement framework Levels 1and 2 Level 1 Identification of the attribute 1.1 Make direct comparisons of quantities 1.2 Order two or more quantities by direct comparison Level 2 Informal measurement 2.1 Choose and using appropriate units for measuring a quantity 2.2 Compare and order quantities by using identical units

14 The measurement framework Level 3 Level 3 Structure of repeated units 3.1 Use one unit to work out how many will be needed altogether when making indirect comparisons. 3.2 Explain the relationship between unit size and the number of units used to measure a quantity.

15 The measurement framework Level 1

16 The measurement framework Level 2

17 The measurement framework Level 3

18 The measurement framework Levels 4-6 Level 4 Measuring using conventional units Level 5 Relationships between formal units Level 6 Knowing and representing large units

19 Teaching measurement Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 The knowledge and strategies are listed for each level, in each substrand. These are the skills, understandings, and mathematical terminology which students use in demonstrating achievement of that level.

20 Teaching measurement Early Stage 1 and Stage 1

21 Group activity Read, summarise, share and discuss Work in your table group. Each teacher chooses and reads an introductory page from length, area, volume and capacity or mass. Highlight the important points. Share your readings. Discuss: –What issues have been raised? –What are the implications for teaching measurement, K-6?

22 Lesson ideas Five lesson ideas have been listed for each sub-level. Each lesson idea includes: syllabus references materials knowledge and strategies. The lesson ideas in each sub-level are in approximate order.

23 Lesson ideas (Area 3.1)

24 Lesson plans One lesson idea in each sub-level has been expanded to a full lesson plan. All of the lessons have the same basic structure of: introduction, followed by practical activity and then whole-class discussion. The suggested questions provide samples of open-ended questioning. Teachers are strongly encouraged to modify or adapt the lessons to suit their students.

25 Lesson plans


27 Teaching measurement Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 The introductory section of the book contains important information about: Fundamental measurement ideas –Identification of the attribute being measured –Knowledge of units is fundamental to the process of measuring –The principle of conservation is fundamental to understanding measurement –Knowledge of unit iteration is fundamental to the process of measuring spatially organised quantities.

28 Teaching measurement Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 The introductory section of the book contains important information about: Components of teaching measurement –Estimation –Recording –Questioning The measurement framework Before you begin Glossary

29 Where should I start? Refer to the lists of knowledge and strategies Check the references to syllabus Stages on lessons Try a lesson, observe students’ knowledge, and then plan further lessons. You may need to go forwards or backwards in the framework.

30 Where should I start? It is not necessary to teach all of the lessons in each sub-level. Teach a block of 4 or 5 lessons before moving on to another substrand. Remember the sequence of concept development: length, then area, then volume and capacity.

31 Teaching measurement Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 - a summary An emphasis on: developing an understanding of the attributes of length, area, volume and capacity, mass using mathematical terminology to discuss and record measurements using knowledge of the structure of repeated units to measure developing and practising measurement skills.

32 * Systematically hefting 3 bags to compare mass – each bag had 4 objects eg 4 beads, 4 blocks, 4 cotton reels, 4 feathers


34 Collection of everyday objects to compare mass Systematic hefting

35 Using identical units to balance a given mass

36 Work Samples

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