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Evaluating the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) ECTA Center National Center for Systemic Improvement DaSy.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) ECTA Center National Center for Systemic Improvement DaSy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP) ECTA Center National Center for Systemic Improvement DaSy

2 Evaluating the Implementation Built into the plan from the beginning Based on your theory of action Based on data that informed the plan development Formative data and summative data Evidence to show progress

3 Evidence of Progress Activities occurred and intended outcomes of each activity accomplished Changes are occurring at the system, practice and individual level

4 For Each Activity… Did the activity occur? – If yes, what evidence exists that it occurred? – If not, why not? – What needs to be done next? Did the activity accomplish the intended outcomes? – If yes, what evidence exists that the intended outcomes were accomplished? – If not, why not? – What needs to be done next?

5 If the Activity is an Output/Product e.g. Training Resources How will we know if the activity occurs? – Evidences: Training materials developed Training materials used as intended How will we know if the activity accomplishes the intended outcomes? – Evidences: Data indicating number frequency of training Data indicating trainer fidelity and competency

6 If the Activity is a Process e.g. Training for Practitioners How will we know if the activity occurs? – Evidences Data indicating number of trainings Participation records How will we know if the activity accomplishes the intended outcomes? – Evidences Data indicating frequency of use by participants Measure of competencies

7 For Each Level of the System of Support… What are the guiding evaluation questions? What are our performance measures to know we’ve been successful? What are the data sources for the performance measures?

8 Measuring Results Results questions(s): – Have student outcomes improved? – Are school climates more collaborative? Performance measure: – % of students proficient and advanced – Improved collaboration among building educators Data sources: – MAP building outcome data – Self assessments and observations

9 Measuring Practices Practice-level questions: – Are more teachers implementing effective practices? – Is the use of effective practices increasing Performance measures: – % of practitioners implementing effective practices – % of buildings with 80% or more practitioners implementing at a high level – Frequency of effective practices use Data sources: – Self-assessments, observations – Teacher evaluation summary data

10 Measuring Local Capacity Local system-level questions: – How has the local infrastructure been improved to support implementation of the effective practices? Performance measure: – Changes to local system (governance, finance, personnel—TA and PD, data systems, expectations, teachers feel supported Data sources: – Collaborative climate, effective practices and data use are part of the educator evaluation process

11 Measuring State Capacity State system-level questions: – How has the infrastructure been improved to support implementation of the SSIP? Performance measure: – Changes to state systems (governance, finance, personnel—TA and PD, data systems, quality improvement, focus Data sources: – Plan process data sources – Plan outcome data sources – Observations related to time and focus

12 CW Data Update March 2015 Year 3

















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