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Aim: What factors/circumstances aided in the unification of Germany ? (continuing with yesterday’s) Title: The Unification of Germany Do Now: (5 minutes)

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: What factors/circumstances aided in the unification of Germany ? (continuing with yesterday’s) Title: The Unification of Germany Do Now: (5 minutes)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What factors/circumstances aided in the unification of Germany ? (continuing with yesterday’s) Title: The Unification of Germany Do Now: (5 minutes) 1.Do Now (Quietly – please!!!): a. Carefully read the Bismarck’s quote at the top of p. 639. In your own words, examine the meaning of the quote. 2. Hand in your HW – any questions &/or comments surrounding last night’s assignment? 24:3

2 Germany’s storied history of unification: In the late 1800s, Otto von Bismarck transformed Germany from a loose confederation of separate states into a powerful empire. THINK ABOUT (relates to the homework): How Italian unification differs from German unification How is Germany unified? What tactics does Bismarck use? MAIN IDEA

3 OBJECTIVE I 1.Explain how Prussia became the leading German state in Europe. a. What events/occurrences took place that propelled it to the top? b. If Germany was to unite as one mighty nation, as opposed to several “states,” what difference did it make for Prussia be the leading German state? [Explain] 24:3



6 Case Study: Germany Prussia Leads German Unification Prussia has advantages that help it to unify Germany mainly German population powerful army creation of liberal constitution Napoleon helped to unify it.

7 SECTION 2 The Unification of Germany Prussia had become strong in the 1700s…

8 Austrian Empire Multinational Empire Major power in Europe Dealing with issues in Italy (Venetia & Lombardy) Wars with France, Italy, and Prussia Primarily German population Powerful army Authoritarian government – strong king Industrialized quickly Austria / Prussia Rivalry Prussia

9 German language 1834: Zollverein created Customs union that removed tariffs on products traded between German states (economic unity) By 1854, majority of German involved Cultural unity Basis for German nationalism?

10 OBJECTIVE II Copy and complete the following chart on the board. Upon completion, address all of the following questions: - What role did Bismarck play in Germany’s unification? - How would you describe his approach to this whole ordeal? - What seems to stand out the most? - Living in 21 st century, do you think an American politician can have some degree of success while practicing Bismarck’s form of politics? Why, or why not? Explain. 24:3

11 King Wilhelm I Prussian Government Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck

12 Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) Prime minister of Prussia 1862-1890 Became chancellor of Northern German Confederation in 1867 “The Iron Chancellor” “ The less people know about how laws and sausages are made, the better they’ll sleep at night”

13 Not liberal like revolutionaries; conservative, supported king of Prussia Believed Prussia destined to lead German people to unification Practiced realpolitik “Politics of reality” Tough power politics, no room for idealism Using “blood and iron” to gain German unification Builds up Prussian army Bismarck’s Philosophy

14 King Wilhelm I unable to pass reforms expanding military through a liberal parliament Junkers (Prussia’s landowning class) support the king Strongly conservative and opposed liberal class Bismarck declares that he will rule without consent of Parliament – violating constitution First actions as Prime Minister

15 1)Bismarck becomes Prime Minister and begins administering a policy based on realpolitik 2)Danish War (1864) 3)Austro-Prussian War (1866) 4)Creation of Northern German Confederation (1867) 5)EMS Dispatch, catalyst for war (1870) 6)Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) Treaty of Frankfurt Coronation of Kaiser Wilhelm I Steps to German Unification

16 Danish War (1864) Holstein population is German, Schleswig mixture of Germans and Danes Denmark constitution in 1863 annexes Schleswig for Denmark Prussia and Austria protest new constitution, demand it be revoked War starts: Prussia and Austria vs. Denmark

17 Brief fight – Three months Denmark gives up Schleswig & Holstein Disagreements over how to split up land Ultimately, Prussia gets Schlewsig and Austria gets Holstein Increases national pride amongst Prussians Support for Prussia as head of new Germany increases Sets the stage for conflict between Prussia and Austria Results of Danish War

18 SECTION 2 The Unification of Germany … a patchwork of independent states ~ each with its own laws, currency, and rulers.

19 Bismarck prepares for conflict with Austria Persuades Napoleon III to remain neutral Forms alliance with Italy (Cavour in Piedmont) Provokes Austria into declaring war on Prussia in 1866; war centered on territorial issues with Schleswig and Holstein Bismarck’s Backroom Dealings

20 Also known as Seven Weeks War Prussian advantages Railroads (better transportation system) Telegraphs (better communication) Modern weaponry (better army) Austro-Prussian War, 1866


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