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Europe: 1848 Ch. 21.  Everywhere BUT… (see map) Issues same as 1789 – end of Ancien Regime But now irrepressible – 1848 – beginning of new age.

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Presentation on theme: "Europe: 1848 Ch. 21.  Everywhere BUT… (see map) Issues same as 1789 – end of Ancien Regime But now irrepressible – 1848 – beginning of new age."— Presentation transcript:

1 Europe: 1848 Ch. 21




5  Everywhere BUT… (see map) Issues same as 1789 – end of Ancien Regime But now irrepressible – 1848 – beginning of new age  Why? Severe food shortages (e.g. potato blight, poor grain harvests) Financial crises / business failures / unemployment Living conditions deteriorating in cities Nationalism (e.g. Germany / Italy / Eastern Europe)

6  King Louis Philippe and Chief Minister, Guizot refuse to bring electoral reform (bourgeois monarchy) February 22-23 – street riots February 24 – Louis Philippe (like Charles X) abdicates  Provisional Government declares “2 nd Republic”  Louis Blanc: worker rep. pushes for National Workshops  Unemployment relief – women excluded – by June 200,000 non- working men in Paris  April = Constituent Assembly – Lamartine - anti-socialism  Gov’t closes National Workshops  “June Days”: New Revolution, seems class warfare – prefigures Russia Gen. Cavaignac instates dictatorship and crushes revolt (10,000 dead) – victory for conservatives  Constituent Assembly calls universal suffrage vote: Landslide for Louis Napoleon Bonaparte – Napoleon’s nephew


8  Louis Napoleon “The Pretender” – the Legend consolidated support (though with the Assembly)  Middle class: he was a strong authority vs. socialists and workers  Army: he later used it to control assembly  Church: he increased role in education – army defends Rome  Peasants: he promised support, though actually revoked the vote at first  December 1851: Coup d’etat vs. Assembly Louis Napoleon re-“elected” president

9  Modifying the Constitution Louis Napoleon becomes head of the armed forces Dissolves Legislative Assembly – new Legislative Corps with controlled elections every ten years Restores universal suffrage  December 1852 Plebiscite “elects” Emperor Napoleon III l’Empire, c’est la paix “The Empire means peace”


11 Vienna, March 1848 --- begins in Hungary  Louis Kossuth: Speech on liberties 3/3  Vienna riot by workers and students 3/13  Ferdinand I (1835-48) capitulates – offers reforms  Metternich flees in disguise! --- TOTAL CHAOS Berlin, March 15, 1848 riots Hungary, March 15, 1848 – constitutional separatism (led by Kossuth) Bohemia, March 1848 – Prague Conference & Austroslavism (Windishgrätz crushes rebellion) Italy March 23 Charles Albert of Sardinia (Savoy) declares war on Austria  BUT – revolutionary groups fail – b/c Hungary filled with minority Serbs, Croats, Romanians vs. Hungary October: Ferdinand abdicates for nephew Franz Joseph – 18 years old (1848-1916) restored as emperor --- Russia helps subdue Hungary

12  Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872) Young Italy, 1831 = creation of Italian republic Duties of Man “O my Brother! Love your Country. Our Country is our home.” Cristina Belgioioso – published Italian newspaper from Paris  Revolutions Sicily – Lombardy – Venetia King Charles Albert of Piedmont leads war of liberation vs. Austria BUT…defeated March 1849 – abdicates-Victor Emmanuel II now KING Revolutionaryies turn to Pope Pius IX…BUT Count Rossi assassinated, Pius fless and ROMAN REPUBLIC est. under Mazzini and Garibaldi – FRANCE liberates Rome in July 3  Revolutions FAIL– only Piedmont keeps liberal constitution

13 Pre 1848 – liberals pro constitutional monarchy After France – liberals revolt in Berlin Frederick William IV (1840-1861) vacillates  Offers to be part of new German State --- not enough  April 1849 dissolves assembly, proclaims own constitution German States call National Assembly in Frankfurt: revolutionary  Kleindeutsch vs. Grossdeutsch March 1849 National Assembly elects King Fred. Wm of Prussia as emperor of new German State (Austria / Schleswig-Holstein not included)  Fred. Wm. reasserts royal authority – but not as emperor!  Austria demands Prussian allegiance, Prussia caves  “Humiliation of Olmutz” German Confederation re-established UNITY = TOTAL FAILURE

14  Revolutionaries split ranks – liberals vs. radicals No universal male suffrage (except France) Liberals fear social revolution  Ethnic issues not addressed Esp. in Austria: use ethnic tension in Hungary against Hungarian nationalist movement


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