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A Trip to the Indus Civilization By: Emily Shields, Gabrielle Sweeney & Sinead Merriman.

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Presentation on theme: "A Trip to the Indus Civilization By: Emily Shields, Gabrielle Sweeney & Sinead Merriman."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Trip to the Indus Civilization By: Emily Shields, Gabrielle Sweeney & Sinead Merriman

2 Geography Many scientists refer to the landmass that Indus civilization is located on as a subcontinent. This region is separated from the rest of the Asian continent by a large mountain range. The mountains include the Hindu Kush, Karakorum, and the Himalayans. The weather in the Indus region includes monsoons which keep the weather cool and collected, most of the time it is excellent for a great vacation.

3 Civilizations Scientists know less about the civilizations in the Indus region than they know about the rest of the west. In the whole region of the Indus Valley civilization many of the sites remained unexplored, leaving some of the unknown civilizations left undiscovered. The most known civilization of the Indus Valley region is the Harappan Civilizations.

4 The Harappan Culture The Language that the Harappan civilization is there own written language that they wrote themselves. The Harappan cities shows a great comparasion between religion and culture. Their religion is very important to their Culture. Many archaeologists believe that the Harappan had a theocracy, but there was no sight of temples in their region. The trade that the Harappan culture has included thriving trade with many other civilizations. Some of the goods the region received included gold, silver, stones crafted into jewlery, and brightly colored cloth. The trade routes for the Indus civilization were easily accessible because of the fact that the region they lived on was close to the water.

5 The Indus Valley Culture Ends The Indus Valley culture had many large cities within their civilization. Around 1750 BC the cities and the number of people living in them declined. This caused the cities to decay and with in time the culture was forgotten. The civilization was not again discovered until the 1970s when satellite images picked up evidence of plate tectonics. Scientists believe that the movements of the plates caused landmasses to cover over the Indus river, therefore erasing all left over artifacts and memories of the culture.

6 Pictures

7 Works Cited Cultures textbook: McDougal Littell World History Textbook. Images:

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