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Burger King Franchise project

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1 Burger King Franchise project
By: Evan Johnson

2 Burger king history Burger King Corp was founded in 1954
James McLamore and David Edgerton started the business After 5 years of business the corporation turned into a franchise The fast food restaurant quickly spread through the country In 1963 the very first Burger King opened outside of the United States Pillsbury bought Burger King in 1967 after being privately owned for 13 years Grand Metropolitan eventually bought Pillsbury and expanded even more across Europe

3 What they sell Burger King is known for its different assortments of burgers Their most famous of them all is the Whopper They also sell sandwiches with chicken, fish, steak, and ham on them Breakfast items were even added to the menu in order to compete with other chains Items to promote health, like apples, were even introduced by Burger King

4 How well are they doing? Currently the company is the second largest fast food hamburger chain in the world with over 7,200 chains in the US and 12,300 worldwide They serve more than 11 million guests worldwide On average they make a net income of 200 million dollars per year Because of this they are ranked the number 5 franchise but this number is dropping The franchise is declining mainly because of the success of other franchises like McDonalds and Subway

5 The Future and Giving Back
In order to keep the company alive Burger King plans to unveil new things in the future No one is sure what these things could be but it could possibly help their company Not only do they plan on bringing new things to earn more money the company also gives back to the community The Burger King Mclamore Foundation was started in order to make a difference in the community no matter where that has to be

6 How to start a franchise
If you feel as if your business is worth franchising there are a few step you must go through First, according to the law, you have to fill out a Uniform Franchise Offering Circular that lays out your franchise operations There ae also state by state laws in obtaining a franchise that have to be completed You also are going to have to deal with a lot of fees

7 Fees When starting a franchise you have to keep prices in mind
Things can get expensive and crazy without control To get a franchise you need to pay a startup fee and additional expenses The average franchise costs between 20 to 50 thousand to start You also need to be prepared to pay for you legal expenses, employee expenses, and even inventory expenses There are multiple ways to cover the costs of you franchise One way is to use the company revenue to pay for them You can also you personal funds to cover costs Sometimes banks will even give out loans to people to pay fees

8 Requirements The owner is the most important person in the franchise
Success or failure can come solely from an owner The owner is in charge of fees for the franchise They manage what needs to be paid, when, and how it needs to be paid The owner is also in charge of initial hiring and training of employees The owner is also in charge of making sure that the franchise is running right legally, and financially

9 Contacting companies There are many types of franchises
Private ownership or public ownership Privately owned companies are franchised mainly by the owner themselves Public franchises are owned by an even larger company who oversees the entire process In order to get a public franchise a company either has to offer to buy you out or you must go to them and convince them Either way in the end you will have a fully functioning franchise Some companies that own franchises are Pillsbury and Grand Metropolitan

10 Work Cited

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