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Kissinger 16 Essential Question: What peace terms ware agreed to during the war?

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Presentation on theme: "Kissinger 16 Essential Question: What peace terms ware agreed to during the war?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kissinger 16 Essential Question: What peace terms ware agreed to during the war?

2  Churchill Reestablish traditional balance of power Counterbalance USSR  Stalin Capitalize on territory gained during war Buffer zone between USSR and Germany  Roosevelt Four Policemen American withdraw from Europe End to Colonial Empires

3  Roosevelt’s “Four Policemen” vs. Holy Alliance Difference in ideology  Roosevelt refused to negotiate post war peace until war was over Total defeat  Colonialism Roosevelt’s Ideas Great Britain’s view  Politics behind a second front Great Britain USSR

4  Early 1941Stalin attempts to negotiate with Great Britain. Boarders of 1941 Problems  Spring 1924 Stalin tires again  May 1942 Molotov visits London Boarders of 1941 Protectorate of Finland and Romania  May 1942 Molotov to Washington Roosevelt offers collective security instead of spheres of influence  Trusteeship Council Molotov again demands 1941 boarders as well as influence in Bulgaria, Romania, and Finland with special rights in the straits  Stalin understands that the longer he waits the better position he will have.

5  Teheran Nov. 28, 1943- Dec. 1, 1943 Second Front in France Demilitarization of Germany and occupation zones Poland Boarders  Yalta Feb. 1945 Accept 1941 boarders Lublin Government USSR rights in Manchuria

6  Stalin breaks Yalta agreements Poland’s Government Territorial grab  China is too weak to be a policeman Could China intervene in Europe?

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