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Canada’s Growth through Pain.  Weimar Republic falls  other German parties fail to cooperate  Nazi Party is able to take control in 1933  others parties.

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Presentation on theme: "Canada’s Growth through Pain.  Weimar Republic falls  other German parties fail to cooperate  Nazi Party is able to take control in 1933  others parties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Canada’s Growth through Pain

2  Weimar Republic falls  other German parties fail to cooperate  Nazi Party is able to take control in 1933  others parties are made illegal  Nazi Germany breaks Treaty of Versailles  Allies do nothing about it

3  1938 Germany annexes Austria  1938 Germany invades Czechoslovakia  1939 Germany invades Poland  Finally, Britain and France declare war on Germany (Sept. 3)

4  1935 Nuremberg Laws  Jews were no longer citizens  Could not go to university  Could no longer teach  Could only marry Jews  Could not be doctors or lawyers

5  1938 Kristallnacht—”night of broken glass”  Jewish businesses and synagogues smashed and burned all over Germany  Anyone who opposed the Nazis was rounded up, imprisoned or killed  1942 Nazi Conference at Wannsee Lake near Berlin  Decision on “Final Solution”: all European Jews must be killed

6  Sept. 10, 1939 Canada declares war on Germany  By summer of 1940, Germany invades Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg & France  Germany showers bombs on England  Invasion of Britain does not take place (Operation Sea Lion)

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