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EEMAN & PARTNERS BORDER MEASURES: The offensive against IP offences ? AROPI, Genève, 30/11/2010 Marius Schneider Attorney-at-law EEMAN & Partners.

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Presentation on theme: "EEMAN & PARTNERS BORDER MEASURES: The offensive against IP offences ? AROPI, Genève, 30/11/2010 Marius Schneider Attorney-at-law EEMAN & Partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 EEMAN & PARTNERS BORDER MEASURES: The offensive against IP offences ? AROPI, Genève, 30/11/2010 Marius Schneider Attorney-at-law EEMAN & Partners

2 EEMAN & PARTNERS OUTLINE Introduction : factual background Regulation (EC) 1383/2003 on border measures Advantages and disadvantages Conclusion

3 EEMAN & PARTNERS OUTLINE Introduction : factual background Regulation (EC) 1383/2003 on border measures Advantages and disadvantages Conclusion

4 EEMAN & PARTNERS INTRODUCTION 5 - 7 % of International trade : counterfeited or pirated statistics: nterfeit_piracy/index_en.htm nterfeit_piracy/index_en.htm all sectors of the economy threat to consumers’ health and safety nuisance to the society (loss of taxes and jobs, unhealthy economic climate, organized crime)



7 EEMAN & PARTNERS INTRODUCTION not all countries take the threat equally serious…



10 EEMAN & PARTNERS OUTLINE Introduction : factual background Regulation (EC) 1383/2003 on border measures Advantages and disadvantages Conclusion

11 EEMAN & PARTNERS Regulation 1383/2003 on border measures official title…. Regulation (EC) 1383/2003 of 22 July 2003 concerning customs action against goods suspected of infringing certain intellectual property rights and the measures to be taken against goods found to have infringed such rights Outline …

12 EEMAN & PARTNERS BORDER MEASURES Regulation (EC) 1383/2003 applies to : »most IPRs (art 2)  (quasi-identical) trade marks  (copies of) designs and copyright  goods infringing patents and supplementary protection certificates  goods infringing plant variety rights  goods infringing geographical indications »all customs regimes (art 1)  imports, exports, transit, transshipment (CJEU : Class International and Montex v. Diesel v. Rolex question asked for Nokia Philips), smuggling »Exceptions (art 3)  grey market goods  overruns and other violations of a license  travelers personal baggage

13 EEMAN & PARTNERS BORDER MEASURES STEP 1 customs detain good »further to an application for customs action (art 5 – 7) nterfeit_piracy/index_en.htm (application forms and special forms) nterfeit_piracy/index_en.htm  persons entitled to file applications  competent customs department  mandatory information, additional information, declaration accepting liability  national application for action v. Community application for action (CJEU Davidoff) »on their own initiative (ex officio) (art 4) an application for action has to be filed within 3 working days

14 EEMAN & PARTNERS BORDER MEASURES STEP 2 information to be provided to the right- holder once suspect goods are detained by customs »type of goods, quantities, origin and destination  in order to allow the right-holder to identify whether the goods are infringing »inspection of samples or digital pictures  Opinion AG Colomer : Beecham (8/4/2008) » names and addresses of persons involved in the traffic  in view of introducing proceedings to determine whether an intellectual property right has been infringed  CJEU : Adidas

15 EEMAN & PARTNERS BORDER MEASURES STEP 3 right-holder confirms infringement »simplified procedure (art 11)  right-holder informs customs within a term (3/10 working days) that the goods infringe IPR  written agreement of the declarant, owner, or holder of the goods to abandon them for destruction  agreement shall be presumed if no opposition within this term (  - CJEU Schenker )  destruction at the expense and under the responsibility of the right-holder  destruction preceded by the taking of samples that are kept by customs (for potential liability issues)  settlements ? »proceedings to determine whether an IPR has been infringed under national law (art 13) 

16 EEMAN & PARTNERS BORDER MEASURES STEP 3 right-holder confirms infringement »simplified procedure (art 11) »proceedings to determine whether an IPR has been infringed under national law (art 13) right-holder can choose :  civil proceedings (total control of the right-holder, can always be settled, costly)  criminal proceedings (in the hands of public prosecutor, deterrent, less costly)  customs offence procedure  conservatory measures

17 EEMAN & PARTNERS BORDER MEASURES STEP 4 destruction of the goods and effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions of the infringers CJEU: Rolex case and Schenker case

18 EEMAN & PARTNERS OUTLINE Introduction : factual background Regulation (EC) 1383/2003 on border measures Advantages and disadvantages Conclusion

19 EEMAN & PARTNERS ADVANTAGES - DISADVANTAGES Regulation 1383/2003 Advantages Seizure and destruction of large quantities before they come on the market Cost efficient and accessible to all right-holders (also SME’s) Disadvantages Problems with goods in transit Goods excluded (baggage, parallel imports, overruns)  AG Colomer Counterfeiters calculate certain losses in their business model

20 EEMAN & PARTNERS OUTLINE Introduction : factual background Regulation (EC) 1383/2003 on border measures Advantages and disadvantages Conclusion

21 EEMAN & PARTNERS CONCLUSION  Customs enthusiastically accepted new powers  application for Customs action increasingly important  forms readily available  efficiency and success of Customs work will depend on information provided by right-holders  ‘new Member States’ have excellent results


23 EEMAN & PARTNERS Marius Schneider attorney-at-law Bld de la Cambre, 33 bte 8 1000 Bruxelles Tel. : +32 [0]2-672 58 00 Fax : +32 [0]2-672 68 31 Thank you !

24 EEMAN & PARTNERS BORDER MEASURES Regulation 1383/2003 and its relation to national law –relies on national law for its effective functioning »ex: procedure and rules to be applied to the proceedings to determine whether an IPR has been infringed ; scope of protection of a national IPR –compels Member States to adopt certain measures »ex: designate customs department competent to receive application for action ; determine security to be provided to obtain the release of the goods under (art 14) –encourages Member States to enact measures »ex: simplified procedure –allows Members States to legislate in areas not covered »ex: procedure analogous to the Regulation for IPRs not covered (commercial names) or situations not covered (parallel imports); customs offence

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