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GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE WITH TRADE Raise Revenue Protect Jobs Developments Goals Balance of Payments Health & Safety Int’l Political Goals National Security.

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Presentation on theme: "GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE WITH TRADE Raise Revenue Protect Jobs Developments Goals Balance of Payments Health & Safety Int’l Political Goals National Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE WITH TRADE Raise Revenue Protect Jobs Developments Goals Balance of Payments Health & Safety Int’l Political Goals National Security Goals Control Prices Retaliation

2 TARIFFS Export Import Specific Ad Valorem Compound

3 QUOTAS Export Import Absolute Tariff Voluntary Export Restraints Embargo

4 FORMS OF TRADE CONTROL Tariffs Specific Ad Valorem Compound

5 FORMS OF TRADE CONTROL Tariffs Specific Ad Valorem Compound Non-Tariff Subsidies Exchange rate manipulation Customs valuation Special fees Quotas Buy local legislation Standards Licensing arrangements Foreign exchange control Administrative delays Reciprocal requirements Restriction on services

6 PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH TRADE RESTRICTIONS Net National Loss Consumer Loss Administrative Costs Protected Industries become less competitive internationally Exchange Rate Effects Retaliation

7 IMPACT OF THE MNC The sheer size of many MNC’s is cause for concern -The sales of some corporations exceeds the GNP of many countries

8 IMPACT OF THE MNC Domestically it impacts: 1.Stockholders 2.Employees 3.Customers 4.Suppliers 5.Government 6.Society at large (pollution) -The power positions of each change over time

9 IMPACT OF THE MNC Internationally, the constituent groups of each nation seek to influence decisions on: 1.Location of production 2.Location of major decision making 3.Location of significant R&D facilities 4.Method of acquisition 5.Method of operation 6.Which markets to serve 7.What price to charge 8.How profits should be used

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