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Lesson Objectives: 1) To know who the 5 main social groups were at the time of Jesus 2) To understand why these groups might have been unhappy with Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Objectives: 1) To know who the 5 main social groups were at the time of Jesus 2) To understand why these groups might have been unhappy with Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Objectives: 1) To know who the 5 main social groups were at the time of Jesus 2) To understand why these groups might have been unhappy with Jesus as the Messiah

2 ADMIRE Look up to someone Want to be like someone Respect someone Want to please them

3 Task one 1) in the back of your books describe in 2 points a person you admire. 2) don’t say who that person is – we’ll have a guess It can be anyone: footballer, actor, musician or even a member of your family.

4 Who do you think Admires Jesus? Who do you think Worships Jesus? What’s the difference between admiring and worshiping someone?

5 Definition you need… Admire - the word admire means you look up to someone, respect them and maybe want to be like them. Worship - if you worship someone you are usually willing to do anything they say without question

6 What’s a Messiah? The Jews at the time of Jesus were waiting and hoping for the Messiah to come and free them from the Romans who had taken over their country. There was some argument between the Jews as to what this Messiah would be like, but they all agreed he would be their leader.

7 The Pharisees These were not priests, but ordinary men. They though that they kept the Jewish law’s better than everyone else and kept themselves separate from other Jews.

8 The Sadducees These were a group of rich and powerful Jews Many of them were priests at the temple which they looked after They collected taxes from Jewish worshippers to pay for the temple and their own living

9 The Essenes This group were even stricter than the Pharisees and believed that the Religion had been spoiled. They lived in small groups away from the city, to keep the laws ‘pure’.

10 The Scribes The scribes were like lawyers They checked the laws and judged situations The Romans allowed them to rule on Religious matters only

11 The Zealots These were a rebel group apposed to the Romans, they were like ancient terrorists They refused to pay taxes and tried to begin wars, riots and revolts

12 Task two: 1) Draw a spidergram in your books 2) add 2 pieces of information about each group to it.. Pharisees not priests Kept the laws strictly

13 What sort of a Messiah do you think each of these groups would have wanted? Write one sentence for each group Include why you think they wanted a Messiah like that Do you think they would have been pleased or disappointed with Jesus as the Messiah? Give reasons for your answer

14 What have we learned? 1) To know who the 5 main social groups were at the time of Jesus 2) To understand why these groups might have been unhappy with Jesus as the Messiah

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