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ASAS KEUSAHAWANAN MGM3180 Dr Mass Hareeza Ali Department of Marketing & Management Faculty of Economics & Management Universiti Putra Malaysia

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Presentation on theme: "ASAS KEUSAHAWANAN MGM3180 Dr Mass Hareeza Ali Department of Marketing & Management Faculty of Economics & Management Universiti Putra Malaysia"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASAS KEUSAHAWANAN MGM3180 Dr Mass Hareeza Ali Department of Marketing & Management Faculty of Economics & Management Universiti Putra Malaysia

2 Evaluation  Assignment – 80%  Final Exam – 20%

3 Assignment-80%  Entrepreneur’s Profile – 20%  Internship – attached to one particular small/medium organization (4 weeks) *Written activities (report) as entrepreneur (base on internship) – 30%  Business proposal – 30%

4 Profile  Someone (of course entrepreneur) admire most by you in terms of his/her skill as entrepreneur!-please NO MORE… VERY FAMOUS PEOPLE where all info you get from internet. As simple as someone around you who really ‘entrepreneurs’  Write about his/her profile.  interview to get info-experience, capital, how start up the business etc…  Please use sub-heading  Use your creativity to complete this -support with photo, maps, charts etc.

5 Internship  Search and attached yourself to one particular small/medium size organization  Most important things – their willingness to participate and cooperate with you in completing the four weeks  REMEMBER: I DON’T MEAN YOU HAVE TO WORK THERE IN THE COMPANY: ENOUGH BY HAVING FEW VISITS IN ORDER TO GET INFO AND VIEW OF HOW SHE/HE ‘RUNNING’ THE BUSINESS  Come out report (on location, marketing-promotion, price, competitors- may be bit on financial issue etc.)on the activities and at the end with some suggestion for improvements  Use your creativities – photo, map, questionnaire design, etc

6 Business Proposal  Think about any kind of business you wish to develop if its happened you will become entrepreneur one day  Prepare the business proposa l

7 Business Proposal Preliminary part -title page -half title page -letter of transmittal -letter of authorization -table of content -list of figures -executive summary -Appendix

8 Con’t Body of Content Introduction – comp. background, vision & mission Organizational support Who’s who? Strategy 4 p’s Financial plan Gantt chart Limitation

9 Text –Buss. Proposal Introduction Marketing Marketing analysis Promotion Price Location Financial Gantt Chart

10 Mid term Exam  NO MID TERM FOR THIS SUBJECT.  Proposal will be emphasised in second face to face

11 Final Exam  20% (Schaper’s, 2004)  Covered chapter 3,5 and 6 only  Also related issues in entrepreneurs  Chapt 3: Creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship  Chapt 5: Options for going into business  All 5 long questions  Chapt 6:

12 Important  Dateline for submission for assignment  Exam  Kelas maya  No plagiarism  Good Luck!!!

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